submitted 1 month ago by poVoq to c/meta

As some of you might remember, we experimented with hosting the alpha version of Hedgedocs2 over here: https://docs.slrpnk.net/

It never worked out very well and was originally intended as an alternative for our Wiki, which wasn't working well back then either.

Now with the Wiki issues mostly resolved and Hedgedocs2 not developing as expected, we decided to sunset it by the end of this month. I don't think anyone was really using it, but if you were, please ensure all the documents are saved somewhere else.

However since working together on texts in real-time can be a useful tool for drafting documents, we decided to add an Etherpad installation instead: https://pads.slrpnk.net

It's still being tested and we will likely add an automatic expiration to pads, but overall it seems to be working fine. You can even export the text as Markdown for easy cut&paste into Lemmy posts.

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[-] toaster 2 points 1 month ago

Thank you for your work on this! Wikis are a really handy addition to communities, so it'll be nice having the etherpad to let us all collaborate together.

[-] poVoq 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

In theory there is a Dokuwiki integration plugin for Etherpad: https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:etherpadlite

I used that some years ago and it was kinda neat, but it seems abandoned and might not work any more. But I might try it out sometime now that we run both.

Edit: Etherpad switched to a new Oauth based API access methode that the (unmaintained) Dokuwiki plugin does not support, so for now this will not be possible unless someone updates the plugin.

this post was submitted on 16 Apr 2024
12 points (100.0% liked)

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