Surprised it didn't end up as "Gunny McGunFace"
Forgotten Weapons
This is a community dedicated to discussion around historical arms, mechanically unique arms, and Ian McCollum's Forgotten Weapons content. Posts requesting an identification of a particular gun (or other arm) are welcome.
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Lol I came to say the same joke. But also that I would absolutely buy it.
Never forget that one time the internet voted for where Justin Beiber’s concert should be and the top vote was North Korea
We will always go for silly shit
The internet also voted to send Pitbull to an Alaskan Walmart, which props to him, he actually went and did a concert for the folks up there!
I can't believe nobody's mentioned the poll that tried to send Taylor Swift to perform a concert for the Horace Mann School for the Deaf
He is mr.worldwide after all
The attempt to send Justin Bieber to North Korea failed though
Why you shouldn't? No, this is why you SHOULD let consumers name the product.
The joke being that the gun is so cheap that after one would use it they could just throw it and buy a new one.
Specifically that instead of reloading you could throw it at your target and pull out another loaded yeet cannon
I have a hipoint, they're fun to shoot and reliable, but heavy as hell
Is this really forgotten? Friends still make jokes about eventually buying one, and I remember the occasional comment about this back on Reddit
I figured I'd mix it up a bit. Typically firearms made for the civilian market get much less appreciation than say military arms, because movies and games don't feature them.
Depending on the circles you are in, you might not have heard of it. Plus the story behind it's name is funny.
I swear to fucking god, when I'm ready for another handgun, I'm going into the local gun store and spect asking for the yeet cannon.
The guy that owns it isn't your stereotypical gun store owner, but he's a bit of a dick in other ways, and I dearly want to see his face when I do it and then tell him I'm serious.
I've actually shot one of these a few times and it handles very well. Accuracy isn't perfect, but at typical handgun ranges, you aren't going to be disgusted at the grouping. It's just a tad heavy in a less than ideal balance (imo, some folks like that). If I wanted another tack driver, I'd get a target pistol, not a relatively disposable and easily concealable piece.
Yeet Cannon? That's an odd name. I'd have called it Chazzwozzers
I'd call it Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo
Please tell me Gunny McGunface was on the list somewhere?
This isn't a comprehensive list but these were the early front runners. I don't know if anywhere has all the contestants.
The second and third are named after YouTube channels.
Honestly, that saddens me. Boaty deserves to be honored everywhere that does this stupid shit.
I had a High-Point .380 a long time ago, bought it new at a gun show for $92 because I was curious. It was actually pretty accurate and I don't remember it jamming any more than any other firearm. I do remember it was a pain in the ass to disassemble, you had to knock a roll pin out with a punch to get the slide off.
Remote hurter
Wait, Hi-Points are reliable? Since when?
Si ce forever, and backed by a lifetime warranty. They are not nice, or pretty, or ergonomic, or lots of other things. But they are reliable and affordable. See this video
Anecdotal, but my father in law has one that has had tens of thousands of rounds of varying quality ammo put through it without being cleaned or lubed once without a single issue. On the other hand his Beretta will jam with tul or mag tech ammo damn near every time.
I've got a 20ish year old C9 that's plenty reliable. I've cleaned it exactly once ever and it sends rounds down range just fine. It's accurate enough, and unless you limp wrist it, it doesn't have any problems cycling.
Is it my EDC? No. But for taking to the range and screwing around it can put holes in paper where I want them.
Not sure how long but I've heard the C9 / YC9 do much better than you would expect.
It may not be one of the finer things in life like French wines or Swiss watches, but it does seem like a good utilitarian design.
Fred Durst Society of the Humanities and Arts