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Wasn't sure if I should share this or not, but I wrestled with it in my head for like five minutes and here we are.

My buddy has been in so many lopsided relationships. Like dating moms who are still married and he's just the side piece. Or dating a foreign girl who visits him in the US, but refuses to leave her marriage in Spain.

We went on vacation together. My wife, kids, and my buddy. And after a lot of consideration, explored the red light district and fooled around with the sex workers.

I don't know what happened fully. But after our trip, he had this fire in his eyes.. He shared how he opened up the workers and how my wife & I's normal vacation squabble made him realize his prior relationships weren't healthy. And he's committing himself to finding a real relationship.

Shame. The game looked great. But the beta state and bugs kept me from committing.

Not certain how the company plans to fix all of that with a smaller staff.


If it does work, that's pretty cool!

I'd love to know if like, the lemmy instance catering towards Americans upvotes me, but the lemmy instance catering towards Europeans downvote me.

I sometimes replace my butter on toast with eggs with applesauce on toast with applesauce. I call it a pile of sadness.

Late-90s, early-2000s McDonald's was peak.

Dollar menu. Pokemon toys. Some has N64 play areas.


I was shocked to see this post. I honestly thought it was dead after 2015.

I work in tech so at least 80% of people play video games. Either hardcore or casually, on their phones, PCs or Steam deck. The other 20% don't play video games because they're busy with life, like they just had kids.

I feel like if a boomer-minded take like, "Vidja games are for kids yuk yuk", literally everyone would rip into them.

I once watched a woman walk into a supermarket just openly being pregnant. Fortunately she behaved, because some of the other folks were concealed pregnant.

By responding, regardless of what you say... you've given them information that you exist as a human.

[-] 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

It's one real news piece, followed by 20 people's response to that news piece, followed by manufactured drama about those opinions, over and over again.

I never upgraded software-wise. Moreso my tech got so outdated that new hardware I'd get (I only use Windows for gaming) would have the latest Windows installed - exactly what Microsoft wants.

I think Proton/Linux in the past year is going to really disrupt that strategy.

My wife's parents went crazy lead brained. They went pure antivaxxer and said if we don't want our kids to have grandparents, then get vaccinated. We lolled and said, "Bye".

It's been four years now.

They now pretend like they didn't say that every few months by sending us gifts and cards, that we promptly give away to charity.


More than half a million UniSuper fund members went a week with no access to their superannuation accounts after a “one-of-a-kind” Google Cloud “misconfiguration” led to the financial services provider’s private cloud account being deleted, Google and UniSuper have revealed.


The spreadsheet used terms such as "wifeys" and "cuties" to describe female students and also used the term "unrapeable".

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