truck nuts
Yes, I'm a man in my 40s. Why do you ask?
truck nuts
Yes, I'm a man in my 40s. Why do you ask?
Hey, it' me, your doctor, and not a total stranger in the Internet!
Americans must be all holding hands when they drop anchor
Recently I got alot of videos about reindeer on ice, and how to remove ticks. I have no idea why YT suddenly recommended me these types of videos
No, no, no, this was from 2008 and the "release" of the new LC model:
They actually went with this photo (and others), but have since moderated themselves
It was a beautiful Norwegian summer. The sun was out, the rain had stopped and the midges was not out (yet).
I was around 8 or 9 and only wearing a pair of shorts feeling the sun kiss my shockingly white skin, while I carried our cat outside. She was laying over my shoulder. She purred and purred. It was bliss.
Then my mother pulled the cord and fired up the lawn mover. The cat used me as a ramp as it took off and ran inside to hide under the couch.
As a man in my 40s, I have both physical and psychological scars from that day.
This follows classic maritime law: You don't have to pay taxes if you live in the air. That is what my lawyer Chareth Cutestory said. I have the best lawyers
It was Pol Pot
You'll miss the climate change transition period when the sea rises, the food and fresh water is almost non existent, and the mass migrations begin 😀
Ethiopian Vehicles