Pretty damn sure they've always been the American Nazi/Klan party.
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They are fascists. They are not nazis. Nazis ate WWII era German fascists that attempted to create the ubermensch and create a 1000 year reich.
Nazis are a different flavor of fascism
I guess MAGANazis could lead to some confusion.
No, there are more than one type of fascist.
Do they have a specific salute to indicate what kind they are?
They all do the fascist salute. The Nazis took it from the Italian fascists. If the fascist isn't German, trying to create a master race (the nazis were not the master race they were supposed to create it), or attempting to institute a 1000 year reich then they are not Nazis.
Most fascists are not Nazis, that doesn't make them better.
Right, I get what you're saying. But words and affiliations change over time and can get appropriated by other parties. Neonazis for example. They're all fascists and I'm positive Elon Musk emulated Hitler, for whatever reason.
All Nazis are fascists but not all fascists are nazis much like communists are leftists but not all leftists are communists.
Fine nuance good sir
Always has been.
I think you're forgetting the Southern Strategy.
The minds behind the Southern Strategy are the same who helped move conservative Democrat voters over to the Republicans during the 60s and solidified the voters into one of two camps: fascists and the rest. The fascists then used "law and order" and "prosperity over liberty" policy proposals to focus the party. Once Reagan took over and gave the overt cause of "make money at all costs", it was the carcinogen that fueled antidemocratic ideologues. Imagine there are only a handful of media outlets and Rush Limbaugh is on half of them. It's been a nightmare plunging into chaos since the early 90s.
Then add to it the expansion of the internet and the expectation of everything being free, making advertising revenue become the primary motivator for news companies rather than providing accurate information. Bias has always existed, and headlines have always included hyperbole, but the transition to internet advertising revenue meant insanity is what brought revenue, not reality.
Also we put the money guys in charge of companies when previously you kept the finance side away from the journalists so ypu gave the best news.
I just miss when all Limbauh would manage is an eyeroll film legitimate media.
That's simply institutional racism which isn't fascist per se and can be found in many nations.
Not new.
Thank you for documenting the downfall.
OK slow poke. You finally got there.
“Are we the baddies?”
- The USA
“Aww cute. Who taught them to ask that?”
- Me.
Nicely proved.
You know how hard it is to deal with your parents being nazis? Most your family? Can't blame some americans for being too ashamed to admit they're disgusting. Don't worry, your going to get that special inheritance and be another version of nasty until we put you in the ground too.