This is a topic people get really defensive about and I've never understood why. If you look at a discussion thread about the oil industry, everyone is in agreement that the world needs to reduce its dependency on oil and people seem open to changing their own habits to help with that (to an extent and where possible). Same with energy generation, most people are happy that solar and wind power generation is becoming more widely used, and even opinions on nuclear energy plants seem to be shifting to a more positive light.
And then there's the meat industry, awful from a moral standpoint and detrimental from an environmental sustainability standpoint, and this is the topic where people are suddenly "wElL tOO bAd I'M sTiLL EaTiNg sTEak EveRY dAY."
I do not get it. Like I'm not vegan, but I've still cut out almost all meat from my diet and will happily try out or switch to totally vegan options when possible. Vegans are right about this, even if some of them are assholes about it. I'm not going to defend my non-vegan choices in my diet, sometimes I'm just lazy, but I still try to be better because it's the right thing to do.
Genuinely curious why this topic riles people up so much if anyone has an answer.