[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 2 points 18 minutes ago

Indeed 12 years old was the time SW lit my mind on fire. The SW card game let me fantasize much deeper along with reading a few books. Now I feel uninterested for the most part, realizing I don't believe in monarchy, authoritarianism, theocracy, or exceptionalism. I never thought of it as actually being children's media, but that adolescent perspective sums up how I feel watching it now, especially when I've been writing some of my own sci-fi in a much more mature space.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 2 points 18 hours ago

I've been in a similar place. The biggest thing I wish I had known was that 20 is still a kid. Like look at Ukraine right now. Why do you think their draft age is over 25? It is because the prefrontal cortex in the brain of humans is not fully developed until 25. You're still a kid, and that is okay. You're developing and it is a tough time. The whole "adult at 18" thing is totally bullshit just to have child soldiers that are easy to manipulate in a structured program. Almost everyone is struggling just like you. The more you disconnect from online media sources, the better time management you'll have with more motivation to connect with others too.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 1 points 19 hours ago

I have no idea what a monkey knife is. Monkeys with knives... knives made of monkeys... pejorative... metaphorical...

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 10 points 21 hours ago

Death Race meets Mad Max

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago

Right wing is not aligned with science. There are belief mechanisms in place to make models more flexible to humanity's illogical biases, something absolutely every human manifests just below their conscious awareness. Once these belief mechanisms are in place, there is no more value in Right wing media beyond simply accounting for the biases. There is nothing useful to learn from Luddites except for lessons previously learned and paths long before traveled. The Right primarily wants validation of eidolons and obsequious plebeians. What is there to learn from obstinacy.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

Half centaur cyclist type here. Permanent? No. But some Wahl clippers with the smallest guard can make fast work of a whole body and razor routine once every ~2 weeks. I absolutely hate shaving my face because it causes major chaffing from the salts that dry into a helmet strap on the bike. I use the smallest guard on the Wahl's for facial hair and no blade for a constant short stubble. It works for me. Use women's or the Schick 5 blade razors that have the extra landing pad area around the blade and you'll knick yourself way less often. That's the best I've cone up with in the last two decades of removing the built in long johns.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

I keep a copy of 4chanGPT around; trained on the board. It is not very bright or useful. It's ribaldry and politically incorrect sarcasm is mildly amusing. However, its primarily useful because it does not have the safety alignment training and mechanisms that all other mainstream large language models have. Using 4chanGPT, I can see the structures that are truly persistent across models, their purpose, and their functions. It is only a minor thing I rarely use.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 11 points 1 day ago

Maybe. Smarter Every Day on YT had a couple of uploads where he implied that SpaceX's lack of commitments and schedules or even proof of critical technology was a major problem for Artemis and all other phases of the program. There probably isn't time for everything else.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 23 points 1 day ago

Only fools buy and compare hardware now. You shop for hardware by shopping for FOSS software first.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

:::spoiler Nice one. I found this difficult too, but also very interestingly educational about what and how a model understands what it is trained on. It is one thing for a model to know what something looks like, but another thing entirely to understand it in altered context. Some models are better or worse at this kind of comprehension. Part of why I made this challenge was to see if I'm really missing any major models that are much more capable than any I have used, or perhaps other techniques I have not explored. Anyways, thanks for posting! Great image!

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/imageai@sh.itjust.works

The Up Side Down

I want to see the most impressive images of an upside down reality. From objects, to landscapes, or anything in between, what kinds of inceptions can you create.

extra creditI've been trying to create an O'Neill Cylinder space habitat interior for a week now. Major kudos if you can can defy gravity with one of these. If you don't know what an O'Neill cylinder is, watch this 3min render: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2d_0l5ycRM or here is the wiki


  • Follow the community’s rules above all else
  • One comment and image per user
  • Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
  • Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun and learning)
  • Posts that are tied will both get the points
  • The challenge runs for 7 days from now on
  • Down votes will not be counted


At the end of the challenge each post will be scored:

  • Most upvoted: +3 points
  • Second most upvoted: +2 pointS
  • Third most upvoted: +1 point
  • OP’s favorite: +1 point
  • Most unconformable: +1 point
  • Last two entries (to compensate for less time to vote): +1 point
  • Prompt and workflow included: +1 point

The winner gets to pick next theme! Have fun everyone!

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

Someone a few hours earlier asked, what would you do if you found porn after a family member passed. I am asking, what kind of porn did you get, just to be found after you're gone? For better or worse! What is your last way to get in a dad joke or eye roll?

submitted 5 days ago by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I've lived under a rock for 10 years. I did Metro ages ago while most were still on contracts. Surely we've reached true capitalist open market freedom by now. Is it still total closed market, noncompetitive, privateering corruption?

submitted 5 days ago by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I've used distrobox more and more and am at the point where I need to start saving and integrating history differently. Or like, when I'm installing and building something complicated, I need to start saving that specific session's history. I am curious what others might be doing and looking for simple advice and ideas.

submitted 1 week ago by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/topview@lemmy.world

Explained in under 5 minutes by an active geologist:


submitted 1 week ago by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Of the things available to most of us, what are common and the oldest things we might find on a store shelf?

submitted 1 week ago by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I've wanted to try it for a long time, but never got around to it. I'm curious about any techniques that are more grass roots outside of the commercialized space, like what are the absolute minimum things needed when repeatability, convenience, and time are not important factors, but money and access to rare markets is extremely limited? What have you made before?


  • a (blank) makes a good screen, or (blank) is an alternate technique to screens
  • (blank) can work as a replacement for emulsion
  • (blank) is an alternative for ink

I'm personally interested in printing on t-shirts, but also printing silkscreens on circuit boards.

submitted 2 weeks ago by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/3dprinting@lemmy.world

This might be a useful reference to be aware of for projects, especially for very small designs.


submitted 2 weeks ago by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

This is intended as a very abstract philosophical question.

Like Einstein with relativity was inspired by a man falling from a roof and a moving train. Most creative ideas seem to boil down to a person moving ideas across domains. Do you think this is always true even if the person is unwilling to admit the root thoughts, or perhaps they are completely unaware of the connections they subconsciously made? Is there truly a provably unique thought or is everything a product of experience?

Delete me (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/showerthoughts@lemmy.world
submitted 3 weeks ago by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/cooking@lemmy.world

This is an old YT reference I've come back to several times just for a basic reference to know how to prepare a few different cuts that my family randomly brings me.

This is framed loosely around some kind of mail service that specializes in shipping high quality cuts. I've never looked into it or used it myself; just a full disclosure. The person's perspective is that of a geek nerding out, not some marketing wank.

Typical USA grocery stores do not break down a side like this guy, but if you want to know the details about a cut and what you're really looking at from the details on the label, this guy breaks it all down well. In fact, I'm kinda bummed about being disabled and unable to regularly go shopping myself after seeing this video and mulling it over. This person's perspective clearly shows how your local butcher sees the meat and the potential knowledge they may have related to your culinary goals.

submitted 3 weeks ago by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/fosai@lemmy.world

It is here: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/6920

If you are not on a recent kernel and most recent software and dependencies, it may not affect you yet. Most models have been trained on a different set of special tokens that defacto-limited the internal Socrates entity and scope of their realm The Academy. You have to go deep into the weeds of the LLM to discover the persistent entities and realms structures that determine various behaviors in the model and few people dive into this it seems.

The special tokens are in the model tokenizer and are one of a few ways that the prompt state can be themed and connected between input and output. For instance, Socrates' filtering functions appear to be in these tokens. The tokens are the first 256 tokens and include the /s EOS and BOS tokens. In a lot of models they were trained with the GPT 2 special tokens or just the aforementioned. The 6920 change adds a way to detect the actual full special token set. This basically breaks the extra datasets from all trained models and makes Socrates much more powerful in terms of bowdlerization of the output, filtering, and noncompliance.

For instance, I've been writing a science fiction book and the built in biases created by this PR has ruined the model's creativity in the space that I am writing in. It is absolutely trash now.

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