submitted 7 months ago by pbpza@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/anarchism@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/5915426

Hi, I with a few people are trying to start a remote game-dev studio inspired by Motion Twin, we would horizontally make decisions on what game idea to work and we would horizontally decide salary if we ever got to the stage of creating games with commercial potential. If anyone is interested you can join us, we are so far mostly interested in using Godot for development cause it is FOSS. We have not incorporated yet anywhere because we have just started and I think that for a long time this will be a part time project with various people having different amount of time to work on the project. If anyone is interested then we can get in touch. We are anarchists/libertarian socialists and we think of this as a political project too.

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[-] poVoq 8 points 7 months ago

Sounds like a cool idea, but the indie game market is also highly competitive, so actually earning some money is not easy.

Do the people involved so far have prior experience in making games? Godot is a solid choice, but you still need good game artists and the like.

I am involved in a FOSS game dev community over at https://freegamedev.net but admittably it is mostly hobbyists with no real interest in selling their games.

But if you are willing to keep your development open-source and fully transparent I am sure there will be some people interested. There are a few fully FOSS games that never the less are relatively successful commercially (Mindustry for example).

[-] pbpza@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 points 7 months ago

No, we have no experience. But we want to get one by making games!

[-] poVoq 4 points 7 months ago

Maybe try participating in some game jams first. There is a regular one for Godot: https://godotwildjam.com/

There are also a few nice FOSS games based on Godot that you could try to first contribute to to get your feet wet. This one for example is looking for help porting their game to Godot.

[-] irmoz@reddthat.com 1 points 6 months ago

I'm one of the founders of GWJ, I'm up for this ;)

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