submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by sunbrothersco@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com



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submitted 2 months ago by mambabasa to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Most people have extremely weird ideas of what's considered piracy and what isn't. Downloading a video game rom is piracy, but if you pay money to some Chinese retailer for an SD card containing the roms, that's somehow not piracy. Exploiting the free trial on a streaming site by using prepaid visa cards is somehow not piracy either. Torrenting an album is piracy, but listening to a bootleg on YouTube isn't.

YouTube noticed this at some point and is now happy to let everyone know how much pirated music is available on their site. One of their main points for shilling YouTube premium is how their music catalogue is way better than Spotify. Of course the piracy site has more. That's always how it works. Spotify actually has to license the music on their platform and is subject to copyright law. They can't just get the Neil Young discography from soulseek one day and wait until his estate notices, facing no repercussions whatsoever aside from agreeing to a takedown request. Imagine if Pirate Bay or Napster were considered completely above-board businesses just because they took down torrents if explicitly requested by the copyright holders.

Not that I'm complaining especially when a lot of the music on youtube isn't publicly accessible anywhere else. It's just been extremely strange to see this go from an "open secret" to something they're shouting from the rooftops and face no repercussions for. In the future I want everything to be like that and I'd rather keep youtube how it is than see them get the punishment that by all rights they should be getting. It's just so strange that this is the position things have ended up in.

Note: The following text is intentional abuse of the tagginator bot. Fuck you.

#ADHD #BOSTON #NYC #OpenSource #FOSS #SelfHosted #Soccer #3dprinting #Memes #GodotEngine #Unity #UnrealEngine

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by kratoz29@lemm.ee to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

This is the app called Franco Kernel Manager, one of the best kernel managers that are out there... Even when it was outdated (which I think that's the cause it got booted from the PlayStore?).

I used it to check the process of my phone and monitor the active and idle drain mostly, I paid for it a long time ago, but now it just fails to check the licence and it doesn't let me use it fully... I think there must be a cracked APK over there...


Fortunately the app is back in the store and hopefully that update version comes soon enough!

submitted 5 months ago by Yoz@lemmy.world to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Credit: u/No-Refrigerator9154

Opening Notes (important stuff, please read)

This configuration of the Stremio app will allow you to stream movies/TV from most devices, with the exception being IOS devices such as the iPhone and iPad. If you want to stream from those devices, this guide is not for you.

You can use this Stremio configuration to stream movies/TV on most other platforms, including Windows, Mac, Android, FireOS (includes Fire Stick and Fire TV), Linux, AndroidTV, and even the Steam Deck.

However, the Stremio setup guide will require that you use a Windows, Mac, Linux, or Android device. Please don't attempt the setup steps on another device.

Additional information for FireOS (includes Fire Stick and Fire TV) and Linux devices is located below the Stremio setup guide, but you need to go through the Stremio setup guide beforehand with a required device (Refer to previous bullet point).

Stremio Setup Guide

Part 1: Stremio

For Windows/Mac users - Go to https://www.stremio.com/ and download the relevant client for your platform

For Android users - Install Stremio through the Google Play Store: Stremio - Apps on Google Play

Open Stremio and sign up with email or Facebook

Part 2: Real Debrid

Go to https://real-debrid.com/

Sign up

Go to Premium Offers

Choose a package and subscribe. I found that using Amazon Pay as the payment method is the most convenient (if you have an Amazon account)

Part 3: Torrentio

Go to Torrentio Lite - Stremio Addon

Towards the bottom of the page, select the "Debrid Provider" option and select "Real Debrid" from the drop-down menu. This will cause a new text box to appear underneath.

Copy the API key from this link https://real-debrid.com/apitoken and paste it into the "RealDebrid API Key**"** box

In the Debrid Options menu: Check the box "Don't show download to debrid links" and leave the other boxes unchecked.

Click "Install" at the bottom. It should open the Stremio app and prompt you with an "Install Addon" window. Click the green install button at the bottom.

Optional but highly Recommended - In Stremio, click the puzzle piece in the top right to view your addons. Click "My Addons" and uninstall the "WatchHub" addon. It's an eyesore and it clutters your streams list.

Now that you have completed the setup, you may install Stremio on any device of your choice (excluding IOS) and log in to your account to start streaming Movies/TV. Refer to the section below for Stremio installation on FireOS devices (Fire Stick, FireTV).

FireOS devices (Fire Stick, FireTV)

After you have gone through the setup on another device, watch this video on how to install Stremio on your FireOS device https://youtu.be/U1o-scADuIg and then log into your account in the Stremio app. At this point you're good to stream. It will download everything that you just set up and sync your shows across all devices. However, some FireOS devices may not be capable of 4k streaming.

Edit 10/16/2023 - if you are on firestick, make sure to download the Android TV apk from the Stremio downloads section. The youtube video linked above was created before Stremio had an Android TV version. The UI is much improved over the base android UI for use on a smart tv.


At the time of making this guide, I had issues in the setup process on Linux but I'm pretty sure that was my fault for having weird defaults on my Arch install. You should be able to complete the setup process on Linux without issues and streaming is guaranteed to work. In the case that you run into issues, Just complete the setup steps on a recommended device first, then install and log into the Stremio app on your Linux device.

Additional information


Account sharing: You should only share your Stremio account with people who are connected to the same WiFi network as you. If you do not follow this rule, your Real Debrid account may be suspended.


Sometimes, an episode of a show or a movie will display "No streams found" even though it should be available. This has only happened to me a handful of times, but the problem will resolve itself eventually.

If the picture is black but the audio is still playing, you should go back and select a stream with a different resolution.

Issue: No streams are appearing at all, or none of them work. Here are the possible explanations:

Your Real Debrid Subscription has expired. Go to Real-Debrid and check your account status.

Real Debrid servers are down/undergoing maintenance. Wait an hour or so, and then try again.

You made a mistake while following the guide. My DMs are open if you can't figure it out. I'll probably try to help.

Credit to u/OnlyTheCruxes for most of this stuff because I kinda just copied their guide and added more detail based on my own personal experience with the setup process (Original guide: Installing Stremino + Torrentio + Real Debird )

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by mr_right@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Edit : i was ignorant when i posted this however i think it is still safe to say that internet in most 3rd countries is bad or expensive in comparison to their income

preach (lemmy.world)

What is your EDC (Every Day Carry) for pirating? You can be as specific or as general as you want.

For me, a newb, it is my GP6a.mostly have YMusic (download music/vids) and Tachiyomi(download manga/comics).

What is your EDC for pirating and teach us your ways!

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk...


I believe we're approaching the final 3-5 years of prevalent piracy for several reasons:

  • Software: The difficulty of cracking and modifying software has significantly increased.

  • Movies and TV Shows: Numerous streaming sites have been shut down or faced legal penalties.

  • Adult Content: New releases are often removed within 1-5 weeks, and many older titles are no longer available on piracy platforms.

Given these trends, what might a post-piracy world entail?

Torrent client rankings (lemmy.basedcount.com)
A better Revanced (grayjay.app)

Watched Louis Rossman today, and he's part of the team behind a new app for watching online video content - not just youtube, but nebula, peertube, twitch and more.

adblock already integrated, works amazingly with a quick test on my end - it's an app in the Lemmy spirit

(it's got a paid model similar to winrar, you don't have to pay - but they do want you to - opensource and all)


Seriously this was very surprising. I've been experimenting with GrayJay since it was announced and I largely think it's a pretty sweet app. I know there are concerns over how it isn't "true open source" but it's a hell of a lot more open than ReVanced. Plus, I like the general design and philosophy of the app.

I updated the YouTube backend recently and to my surprise and delight they had added support for SponsorBlock. However, when I went to enable it, it warned me "turning this on harms creators" and made me click a box before I could continue.

Bruh, you're literally an ad-blocking YouTube frontend. What kind of mental gymnastics does it take to be facilitating ad-blocking and then at the same time shame the end-user for using an extension which simply automates seeking ahead in videos. Are you seriously gonna tell me that even without Sponsorblock, if I skip ahead past the sponsored ad read in a video, that I'm "harming the creator"?


My good ol 2+ year Plex server host has been banned again. I have given up on this, I do not have access to an obscure server with few customers that will avoid future bans.

What's the platform of choice moving forward? Need wife-approval factor. Emby and Jellyfin? Where can I source servers? Reddit has made these hard to find and I haven't found a good community here.


In the world of file sharing, BitTorrent has long been hailed as the go-to protocol for its efficient initial distribution capabilities. However, when it comes to maintaining availability and ensuring the longevity of shared files, BitTorrent falls short. There are several alternative platforms that make it much easier to share files, allowing the seeder to reorganize the files to their hearts' content without losing the ability to keep seeding to a torrent. Fopnu, eMule, DC++, and Nicotine+ are some of the better alternatives that make sharing a breeze.



You can use kaspersky beta versions for free by downloading and installing it from their forum.

As a side note, after you install it you need to disable the debugging options once to get the optimal performance.


It used to be that simple: r/plexshares, click any link, join the server, watch all you want.

Well, they really cracked down on that. Plex purged the servers en masse, my server switched to some obscure emby, r/plexshares is closed for good.

I'm in a need of a new server. Where do I even go? What platform is best to sail the seas now? Jellyfin?

P.S. my torrent days are over, thanks. I'm not interested in self-hosting anything either, again, thanks. 10$/month is a reasonable subscription fee for an all-you-can-eat streaming service

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