[-] tallricefarmer@sopuli.xyz 6 points 2 days ago


[-] tallricefarmer@sopuli.xyz 13 points 4 days ago

I'd earthbend the dopest rock house. Also farming just got a lot cheaper for me.

[-] tallricefarmer@sopuli.xyz 5 points 6 days ago

blackberry jam is actually the best for pbj

[-] tallricefarmer@sopuli.xyz 4 points 6 days ago

whaaa? really? so slap pb on one slice and sriracha on another and go to town?

[-] tallricefarmer@sopuli.xyz 1 points 1 week ago

and it's all come back to me. thanks!

[-] tallricefarmer@sopuli.xyz 4 points 1 week ago

wtf lol. i don't remember this. what is the context?

[-] tallricefarmer@sopuli.xyz 3 points 1 week ago

Did Miles and Kira have any memorable interactions?

[-] tallricefarmer@sopuli.xyz 4 points 2 weeks ago


[-] tallricefarmer@sopuli.xyz 14 points 2 weeks ago

Good tea. Nice House.

[-] tallricefarmer@sopuli.xyz 13 points 3 weeks ago

Ok but Spinosaurus and Tryannosaurus lived in different time periods in the late Cretaceous and different continents.

[-] tallricefarmer@sopuli.xyz 5 points 3 weeks ago

Is it possible that Russians are GPS jamming to protect targets in their territory, and the Baltics are feeling the disruption as well because of how close they are to Russia?


Each camera has its own analog connection wire. I am looking for a dvr box that I can connect to a home server and run something like Shinobi. I currently have this dvr box https://ellipsesecurity.com/product/hdtvi08b-tru-view-hd-tvi-8-channel-hd-security-dvr/ , but i don't think it can automatically forward video to a home server


My views on things often differ from those in my social circle. I am often bombarded with article links and videos from people with no words of their own attached. It is very easy to send a link. It takes a bit of effort to form a coherent paragraph expressing a single thought.

I would describe this kind of communication as lazy and not very good. I am sure others experience this often as well. I am wondering if there is a proper term for it, or if it is worth trying to coin a term for it.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by tallricefarmer@sopuli.xyz to c/baldurs_gate_3@lemmy.world

It has been a couple weeks since i played, so I am not sure if patch 4 has anything to do with it. I have not found any posts about it not working on linux, so i was wondering if anyone else on linux or debian having trouble?

edit: I switched to proton experimental and it works

submitted 11 months ago by tallricefarmer@sopuli.xyz to c/hiking@lemmy.ml

I have a ~22 inch torso. I bought the osprey poco plus child carrier which says it supports 22 inch torsos. I went a couple three hour hikes this weekend and my shoulders were done at the end of each. this isn't normal, right? I am thinking of trying another carrier, but i am worried there are no child carriers for tall people.

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