
joined 1 year ago
[–] 20 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Zero Hedge? Really? Gotta get your daily dose of conspiracy theories and far-right bullshit, hu? That is bottom of the barrel sourcing, even for this community.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

It would explain the poor memory I get when I smoke. You can't remember something that hasn't happened yet, so it naturally increases your ability to remember more. (Taps forehead...)

[–] 9 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I drink lots of water now. It's basically the same thing as cheap domestic beer without alcohol and I still get to pee every 30 mins.


[–] 7 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

It's a markup language(ish) but it's not a programming language. XML would be closer to programming, IMHO, since you could have simple things like recursion. That example is even pushing what I would consider "programming", but anyone can feel free to disagree.

SQL is in the same category for me. It's a query language and can get super complex, perform some basic logic, but you can't exactly write "snake" in it. Sure, you could use cmdshell or something else to do something more complex, but that would no longer be SQL.

My simplistic expectation of an actual programming language would be that you can automate an entire platform at the OS level (or lower) instead of automating functions contained within a service or application. (JVMs and other languages that are "containerized" are weird outliers, by my definition.)

I am not trying to step on anyone's toes here. I just never have really thought about what I personally consider a programming language to be.

[–] 10 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Did some quick reading and the Mi-8t can have a few goodies. Either front or side mounted guns as well as rocket pods. There are about a dozen or more variants of the Mi-8 but I would speculate that the underlying frame is what matters.

From my experience with other military helicopters (not Russian ones), helicopters are fairly "modular". The mounting points for guns may still be on the frame, but windows can be easily swapped out (or simply opened) when needed.

A good visual on that "modularity" is the difference between a Blackhawk and a Seahawk and the position of the rear strut. Same frame, completely different positions of the wheels. (Having been inside the tails of a few Seahawks, I can tell you the framing is still there, it's just lacking everything else.)

Edit: "modular" is in quotes because even if there is a common frame, it can still take quite a bit of work to make some types of changes. If I am not mistaken, and using my previous example, the Seahawks still have an access port with a blank panel instead of the full rear strut of a Blackhawk. You would still need to modify the tail significantly to change the strut position but it could be done during a maintenance rotation. (A D-phase service, if I remember correctly. The bird would be stripped down to the frame anyway.)

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

You know what? Instead of getting into the weeds here, you keep telling people that nationalism is a good thing. Go right ahead.

You the missed the point entirely, but whatever. My client is out of room to continue this thread properly anyway.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

If anything, I am grouping nationalism together. Stop with that trite "moving goalposts" bullshit. There is nothing I am avoiding here. From the start, your flavor of nationalism is how I quoted Gaulle which encompasses your particular flavor of American nationalism.

Nationalism has nothing to do with patriotism and you are conflating the two. American nationalism is just as toxic as any other form of nationalism and it aligns perfectly with the examples of rhetoric I called out. You gave a perfect example of "if you don't agree with this thing, the you are anti-patriotic or anti-american".

Like it or hate it, Christian Nationalism has infected what was once american conservatism and the Republican party. The only thing "conservative" politicians do these days is complain about everyone else that isn't "conservative" or "christian". If you claim to be Republican and disagree with Trumpisim, you then become a RINO.

Fuck that "thank you for your service" bullshit. It's borderline insulting and not a single service member I know would ever say that to another.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (5 children)

This is what you are describing as good:

Here is a national conservative group that aligns with that:

By describing nationalism as a good thing, you are ignoring a massive amount of context. Jingoism only refers to hostile foreign policy and war mongering. As a veteran of the second Iraq and Afghanistan wars, I clearly saw the "jingoistic" nature of the Republican party as a whole. Hell, not only am a US veteran, I have nice firearms collection and enough ammunition components to survive two or three apocalypses. That doesn't mean I have to tolerate the nationalist behavior of people that think they are "conservative".

The abhorrent anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric from the GOP should be just one single example of how Christian Nationalism is not "good for all people". The repealing of Roe vs. Wade was not "good for all people". Politicians publicly embracing Q-Anon conspiracy theories is not "good for all people". Supporting and justifying the actions of the Proud Boys is not "good for all people". Creating plans like "Project 2025" to convert the US into a dictatorship is not "good for all people".

Are you calling me unpatriotic because I refuse to accept that Republican politicians are doing all of the above? You, by accepting, tolerating and even supporting any of this is bizarre and is not patriotic. It's disgusting, to be honest.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (7 children)

"Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first." - Charles de Gaulle

Charles was a nationalist, so much so that Gaullism was actually a thing. However, it's more important to use his definitions rather than his words, for or against, any specific action or justification. This article explains that very well:

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (21 children)

Desperate for a mean response, hu? How you managed to pull that out of my comment is bizarre. It's a generic response when someone has nothing else to say.

I am saying that you are openly engaging in nationalist behavior. There are hardly any posts of yours that actually promote Republicans as a valid party with any agenda. Nearly every post is designed to cast Democrats in a bad light. That last bit is actually fine, if you also posted similar news about the GOP.

What you are doing is just telling people what you hate and how you want other people to hate, about things you were told to hate. That isn't patriotic and is the exact playbook of Nazi Germany. It doesn't matter what your party does that makes the country better, it's about blaming others for random shit to get them pissed off.

Conservatism is dead. All that is left of them are blowhards, con artists and very gullible people. If you actually read Project 2025, you will see that it was a collaboration between quite a few conservative interest groups and not just one man or one group. It outlines the plans for a dictatorship in the United States. That is about as anti-Democacy as you can get, and those are your people.

[–] 11 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (25 children)

In the context of your post on a conservative community, yes.

When the leader of the Republican party is a convicted felon and self-proclaimed nationalist, its not a far stretch to say that anyone who is supporting that, is also a nationalist.

Nearly all the posts here are not so much pro-Republican as they are anti-Democrat. Hardly any of these posts are supporting an agenda to make the country better, it's to stir hate and divisiveness.

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