My cat always drinks water in her dreams, really gets going sometimes. Maybe she's drinking the blood of her enemies though.
When I got my first glass back phone it was amazing how much it wanted to not stay in my hand. Couldn't set it down on any surface in my house without it moving by itself, it was that slippery. It's not a level house and I was rocked awake by it falling off something onto my glass table. That was it, I put it into a goddamn sock until my case arrived.
So basically just a screen and a keyboard for a thousand dollars.
Man if you're hexadecimal years old then go right ahead, use it now.
That boy ain't right.
I pay $20cad a month to be uncapped, the pain is real.
Went to school with Denver, guy was smart as hell back then too.
Awesome, I can see four of my pixels!
Oh shit it was supposed to be sudo rm -rf ./ ! Woopsie doodle.
I never understood Minecraft until I saw what ppl built in there. Place is (was?) a wonderful display of organized, chaotic and artistic choices and behaviors. Participation is awfully slow but that seems to add to the amazing effects the occur. I always found the anarchistic behaviors interesting, like the void. I helped with rainbow road a bit just to be a part of it, nothing serious though just a couple pixels here and there.
We need the bonus frame showing a funeral occurring, let's make this dark.
ChromeCacheView is a step in the right direction, but nothing fully automatic. I'm also searching for a less manual solution.