
joined 1 year ago

same as it ever was — this is not to criticize the article, as it's entertaining, but anyone with a history in san francisco remembers the seagull mafia at the 'stick as well. it seems to have taken them a little while to figure out the move, but theyyy're heeere.

what i haven't seen return are the hot dog wrapper twisters, where a section's worth of paper and foil would assemble into an impromptu tornado in the outfield come the 8th inning.

if giants brass really wanted to be rid of the scavengers, they'd need to change how we package and how easy it is to dispose of it properly. we don't have a culture of everyone bringing their cups and wrappers upstairs, and if everyone decided to do that one day, there's nowhere near enough waste receptacle space.

[–] pootriarch@poptalk.scrubbles.tech 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

we've normalised the idea that we own celebrities, that they owe us continuous intrusion into their private lives as a condition of fame. there's always a line, a fuzzy one, currently drawn somewhere near paparazzi (they're evil vs they're a necessary evil, how else would we get our pics).

society is built on these lines separating the acceptable from the unacceptable. they change, more quickly than we remember. we don't smoke in restaurants. we do wear seat belts. but the people who fought those battles, not that long ago, were pariahs.

ellen degeneres (before she became 😡 ellen 😡 for different reasons) was blackballed for coming out. chappell roan is kissing women in her videos. if she wants to try to move the privacy line, and risk being a pariah for it, good for her. she's either proven right or wrong over time. she'll either pay or she won't. but she's using her capital for something that's important to her, and that she sees as important to her industry. everyone's entitled to try.

i'm no expert — consensus sounds like putting disused only on the main tag, and when i've encountered this, i haven't marked anything disused at all. i've only looked at the stop/platform to make sure they weren't in any relation (transit line relations may include the passing way but shouldn't include the disused stop/platform). and i make sure route_ref isn't set on the stop/platform. were the stop to be used again, i figure it would have the same ref/stop id and operator, so i don't remove them. listening for better ideas though


I've tried Magic Earth a handful of times, but each time I dumped it because it marked a street as closed or wrong-way, creating a circuitous detour. There's no such issue in OSM; it simply hallucinated something.

I was testing it so I knew where I was going, but I'm reluctant to rely on it when I really need nav. Have I been supremely unlucky?

I'm torn, because on the one hand, yes! — the hour I spent figuring out which PGP XEP was the right one is an hour I won't get back. But, "only the XEPs you need to implement for a modern messaging application, ignoring historical cruft and excessive backwards-compatibility" sounds so much like the beginning of an extend-and-extinguish cycle.

thank you… more of a thought experiment now than a true need, but it seems like if it became a need, i'd be better off building a matrix account. i suspected this but had hoped for more :/


My primary home is in XMPP for Reasons, but it would occasionally be useful to DM someone in Matrix.

I know there are bridges, through aria-net if I remember correctly, and I know encryption is impossible through a bridge. Aside from encryption, is connection seamless or is it glitchy, and if the latter, are we talking occasional nuisance or Cone of Silence?

since you have another jabber id, just pop into xmpp channel discuss@conference.soprani.ca


i sent out a plea for spanish pop music and this came back. it's exactly what i wanted

Dino and GNOME 44 EOL (poptalk.scrubbles.tech)

I have Dino 0.4 on Ubuntu. Whenever I upgrade anything in flatpak, it tells me that Dino is using a GNOME 44 runtime and that it’s out of support.

Is Dino under active development, and I should just hold tight? Or should I be looking for a different XMPP client?

i had drifted away from sabrina over the years but she just cut me off and slid back into my lane

i am the only person you know who's seen her live. any 'you' 😛

[–] pootriarch@poptalk.scrubbles.tech 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

aye, sailors, i see. are the bonus tracks purchasable loose, or do they try to make you buy the whole album?


whole lotta history 4k remaster just came out. i don't know how soon i'll be able to watch it again, since it ends with sarah walking wistfully along the seine. i hope the girls are able to remember her somehow on the tour.

[–] pootriarch@poptalk.scrubbles.tech 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

wth 'taylor's version'? like there was an o.g. eras tour that made money for scooter?


Organic Maps is available on Linux! It's on flatpak and several package repos (but not apt). I don't know how long it's been there — I just discovered it.

The splash screen cautions that this Linux beta doesn't have parity with the mobile apps yet, but it's still a huge leap over Gnome Maps. Vector rendering, so you can zoom in as far as you want, and free / open source / not shitty (notwithstanding the big scary EULA, which just contains all the OSS licenses for all the pieces).

[–] pootriarch@poptalk.scrubbles.tech 28 points 6 months ago (4 children)

OSM has a lot more data inside than the website shows - in dense shopping areas you can't zoom in far enough to see all the POIs, much less business names.

I've read before that using cached previews was done to stay accessible to less-powerful mobile devices, which would have smaller CPUs that would be taxed by rendering the native vector data. I view it as a branding disadvantage that OSM appears, from desktops, to have less info than alternatives. But that's a battle that's been had many times before, one might as well argue over paper vs plastic.

[–] pootriarch@poptalk.scrubbles.tech 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

i hadn't realized that the ist's were separate


"Americans wondering how on earth all the Taylor Swift fans got to last week’s concert at the Melbourne Cricket Ground when there’s no sea of car parking next to the stadium"

screenshotted by @ThermiteBeGiants@aus.social, which is quite a clever handle



stolen from @MikeElgan@mastodon.social, who asked: who made this?


[–] pootriarch@poptalk.scrubbles.tech 4 points 7 months ago (1 children)



As a Truly Casual Taylor Fan Honest™, I've been amused at just how many news categories she's dominating by not even quite being there. Every macho man in the U.S. is wound up about her either for politics (or rather, the fear that she'll say something about politics) or for football (or rather, the idea that she'll be a distraction from Real Football).

I wish I could find some way to twist all this attention and use it for good evil. I will spare you all the Macho Man GIF, which you know I was thinking about.

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