Are there any other good mushroom bible books to check out?
What do you call a guy on the wall? Art. What do you call two guys on a wall? Curt and Rod.
Technically transgenders are the transgenders of Nazi Germany according to the Museum of Jewish Heritage . He targeted all the LGBT+ community. That said you're completely right about flow of events and need for scape goats.
Lovely seats too!
I believe it stands for Linus Tech Tips and Linus Media Group
It's not laziness per se. It about the barrier for entry being too high. If they wanted to enter (as you did) they would find a way (as you have). However most people have other higher priorities and don't really know if they want to enter so they do nothing. If the entry barrier is lowered (maybe by adding helpful pic/vid explaining how it works/where to go, a platform walk-through, people/celebs/influencers talking about their experiences, simple sign up requirements, easy searching, etc.) many more people would easily come in as it's wouldn't be as confusing to join.
Yes it's a thing in the US and has been around for many years. That said, culturally teacher respect has gone down during that time while gun usage/accessability has only gone up. So while you can ask/demand the student to participate or hand over their phone, there is no incentive nor authority to have them comply. And good luck getting their parent to care or even bother to listen to you or show up to a meeting. The US press has labeled teachers as indoctrinators, pedos, and lazy overpayed child care. The administration will throw you under the bus immediately to not deal with bad press regardless of what happened. Additionally you're paid worse than some much easier entry level jobs that pay more with much shorter hours. So it's not really that it's new or strange, but rather that the situation has changed and the current "just take the device" doesn't work as effectively as it once did.
The way of the house husband (anime)
My US city put one in in downtown. It would be fine should they have their own lane that bypassed traffic, but no thoughts were given to it's actual implementation. They picked a loop path that goes from two lanes to one frequently. They simply placed the track on the road and kept car street parking on the other side. So you get the pleasure of waiting in traffic on the tram and the tram getting stuck because someone poorly parked their monster truck. Top that off with it was open 10am til 6pm when it first started, but downtown doesn't have much going on during the day. They've changed times now but it barely scratches the surface of use issues. As someone fully for public transportation, this has been so poorly done it's very frustrating. I do hope they have more fixes in the future.
What does the dry milk do for the mixture? Do you add extra water to account for the dry milk or does it mix fine without extra liquid? Never seen that addition before.
(Un)surprisingly, the US had lots of public pools, but they got removed because of racism. Definitely affects everyone especially the poor with little means of travel.