I had Someday by Sugar Ray on Hit Clip and it actually sounded pretty good on the all-treble mini speaker.
Don't forget to deduct your home office if you work from home.
Militant atheists... I don't think that's actually an issue that exists but if it did, it would only be as a reaction to militant theists who actually rule many parts of the world.
Fantastic documentary though, I highly recommend it.
So Biden is trying to block the import of BYD cars, and now Tesla isn't making an affordable car, where are we supposed to get affordable electric cars from now?
Harold Hamm, not Howard. We did curls next to each other at the company gym once lol.
I think 'mid' means middle or mid-grade weed, which means a similar thing as 'mediocre' like the chart says.
Here is his photo gallery. On his home page you can book a swamp adventure with him!
My ADHD brain waiting for the ADHD meds shortage to end.
I can't believe Barbie edited all blue screens out of 45 minutes of behind the scenes!
I just finished all 3 parts, it really was like a documentary. Looking forward to part 4 when it drops!
This is an excellent series, thanks for sharing!
The difference is the profits used to return to the US, now they stay overseas.