
joined 2 years ago
[–] perestroika 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Also, costing €623,000 over three years sounds rather expensive for just 100m

It's hugely expensive, but I expect most of the cost to be in the wagon that lays panels down and picks them up - and could hopefully service a big stretch of railway (if it works). That kind of systems will cost a pretty big penny.

I doubt if this project will "fly", however. A totally horizontal solar panel at ground level is a far cry from producing energy efficiently.

[–] perestroika 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)
  1. How does it look under snow? :)

It is my personal opinion that a crossing is better emphasized with light from above. Snow cannot cover light.

As for bumps... there are bumps that work right (harm the suspension at speeds above the limit), and then there are bumps that harm the suspension at any speed. Road builders over here cannot seem to get them consistently right.

[–] perestroika 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Also relevant: "Always shoot the messenger first." :)

If news unsettles a person, and there's a cognitive dissonance upon processing their world model ("everything OK with climate") and sensory input ("another big freaking hurricane") then if the person isn't a model of rational thought and already has a fad for conspiracies... might find it easier to add another conspiracy theory to one's collection, as opposed to harder steps like refreshing one's model of how the world functions. :o

[–] perestroika 10 points 1 month ago

Guy seems to be a walking disaster.

No matter whether he intends what he says or not, that's definitely not how a presidential candidate should behave. If one wants to govern a country (as opposed to running it into ground), at the minimum one should not be ridiculous.

Last time, I recall, it took him a fairly long weaseling to use the border guard a bit, here and there. I don't think the US military is eager to do his bidding, or cheerful about being drawn into his campaign.

Over here, in a different country on a whole different continent, the previous (now retired) commander of the defense forces had a habit of providing fact corrections when politicians lied, spinned or bluffed about defense. For a reason which didn't need a detective to figure out, only conservative populists ended up on his shit list. :)

One of the conservative populists took being corrected so personally that he got into a social media confrontation with the general right before elections. Politologists later estimated that it was not beneficial at all to the politician involved. :)

[–] perestroika 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

That's quite understandable.

On related notes, my first disassembly of an EV battery pack was very slow and careful, and the surface, boots, gloves and tools really carefully considered. Of course, EV batteries have those safety jumpers which split the pack in two, but even the halves are dangerous enough to worry.

[–] perestroika 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Indeed, I have nothing here that would draw 35 kilowatts. :) If I weld, the maximum is 4 kW, if I charge my car, the maximum is about 3.6 kW. By the way, I've observed that most of time, the MIEV cruises at around 10 kW - accelerating is a whole different matter of course. :) If I get a bit more, I'll be happy, but I don't expect a lot more.

I have no power grid here. Maybe next autumn, but I only asked them to build a laughably small connection of 3 x 6 A, to act as a backup in case my systems are catastrophically broken) so no grid tie. Since it's a really curious location (no official road either) I wonder if the grid operator actually manages to build it in one year. :)

As for inverters, my setup isn't new or shiny - there's a legacy DC-AC (poor choice of brand name from some Taiwanese maker, even I can't find their website because their name is so generic) 24 V 5 KW inverter. It produces modified sine wave, was too expensive, and the first one that I got developed a fault and was replaced. The replacement has been running my house for the past 5 years. It will retire when I manage to move over to a 48V system voltage.

...and its replacement is a somewhat newer Maximum Solar PIP-4048MS (no longer produced, but they make similar ones). It's actually less powerful (only 4 kW) but produces a pure sine wave and I bought it used for a really good price.

Although the new(er) inverter can act as a charger (drawing power either from solar or a generator or a power grid) and likely it soon will, I have 3 separate chargers, each for a different panel array. All of them are Maximum Solar PCM60X. I mostly chose them because they have passive cooling and they've been working for several years.

[–] perestroika 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

They are supposed to have a capacity of 37.5 amp-hours left and I'll have four stacks in parallel, so I'll have around 150 amp-hours.

If I multiply that by the average voltage under load (16 cells per stack x 3.85 volts per cell = 60 V, but I might have to compromise and go for 15 cells per stack), I get 150 x 60 = 9000 Wh = 9 kWh. A factory-fresh battery of this sort has a dozen more cells and is supposed to hold 16 kilowatt-hours. Since I drive one of those cars, I know from experience that 9 kWh is a realistic estimate, but I'll find out the true capacity later.

[–] perestroika 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Seems like a useful monitoring and accountability tool. :) Especially if its quantity estimates can be made accurate.

[–] perestroika 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I think the study analyzed the footprint of the person, not the vehicle:

In this new study, the research team investigated whether consumers who purchase and drive such vehicles have a smaller carbon footprint than other consumers

The merits of electric vehicles are irrelevant to their study - and their study is irrelevant to the merits of electric vehicles.

So maybe they're not lying (or maybe they are, if they made a direct claim about the power mix of the Finnish grid), but they're definitely far from barking under the correct tree. They're barking in a different forest, not of transport economy, but of wealth and consumption. :)

[–] perestroika -1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The proliferation of a new technology typically doesn't start from poor people.

It starts from fanatics first. I built my first EV. It was crap, I cut it apart and sold the metal (environmental footprint: awful). Then I built my second EV. It drove around 10 000 km, but had to be retired due to metal fatigue (enviromental footprint: neutral at best, lesson learned: big).

I bought my third EV on a crashed vehicle auction. New front axle, stretching the frame back to correct dimensions... I drive it every day, but it's a crap car that I'd not recommend to my worst enemy. :) Environmental footprint: positive, I can produce fuel for myself from April to October. But if the same vehicle would be used by someone who doesn't produce (or buy) renewable power, the footprint would be less positive.

Anticipating the demise of my factory-made electric microcar, I am however building another EV. Again the footprint is negative, but I need information about how to easily manufacture one, and obtaining information has a cost in resources. :(

Meanwhile, of course, truly rich folks buy fancy and electronics-laden self-driving EVs which some then proceed to crash or mishandle due to lack of clue. People are like that and it will stick out in statistics.

IMHO: if they hadn't bought an EV, they'd have bought another kind of status symbol and would have used it even more wastefully. What matters more is what the average person can and will do. And how do we influence the auto makers to produce less resource-intensive vehicles?

[–] perestroika 9 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Here in Estonia (pretty much across the globe from New Zealand), around 00:40, I was walking home with a wheelbarrow across the field.

And behold, somewhere above my house, there is a red-green cloud, while north along the horizon, I see green pieces of ribbon.

So of course I got a tripod and camera, dialed 2 seconds of delay (pressing the button makes the tripod wobble) and 2 seconds of exposure and got this. It wan't as fancy with bare eyes, but was fancy enough to hurry. :)

[–] perestroika 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I have a solar panel that died. A piece or plywood flung by a storm went right through it, leaving a 30 cm "wound".

Well, to be honest, it's alive, just weaker - the panel remains suitable for pumping water on the field during muddy season. I wouldn't take a good panel to such a bad place, but this panel, I have no worries about.

As for what happens when they really, really die - they get disassembled. The aluminum frame gets taken off and goes into metal recycling. Junction boxes go to where plastic goes - not a nice place. The glass and doped silicon go into a crushing mill, after which they get separated. The glass is easy to recycle, but the doped silicon is difficult to refine again to such a purity, so it likely won't become a solar panel. But it's a very small fraction of the panel's mass.


To my knowledge, this is the second time a sample is returned from an asteroid to Earth - only preceded by Hayabusa-2 fetching a sample from asteroid Ryugu. The capsule has been found and the sample stabilized with nitrogen. Fetching the sample required 7 years, studying it will require a bit of time too.

It is too early to speculate whether interesting discoveries will follow, but Bennu is considered to be an interesting asteroid - likely not a break-up product, but something that represents the original composition of the solar system.

Bennu is also considered a hazardous space object, ranked high on the Palermo scale of impact risk and kinetic yield, so knowing what it's made of can be practically worthwhile.

More information here:


The inverse vaccine, described in Nature Biomedical Engineering, takes advantage of how the liver naturally marks molecules from broken-down cells with “do not attack” flags to prevent autoimmune reactions to cells that die by natural processes.

PME researchers coupled an antigen — a molecule being attacked by the immune system— with a molecule resembling a fragment of an aged cell that the liver would recognize as friend, rather than foe. The team showed how the vaccine could successfully stop the autoimmune reaction associated with a multiple-sclerosis-like disease.


Alustaks kommentaari tsitaadiga tüübilt nimega Aristoteles: "Peetakse demokraatlikuks, et avalikud ametid antakse liisku heites ning oligarhiliseks, kui neid täidetakse valimiste abil."

Lugesin enda jaoks põnevat uudist, kuna olen sortitsiooni kui meetodi pooldaja. Tundub, et see demokraatia meetod on kohalike poliitikute jaoks horisondil nähtavale tulnud. Nad on käinud asju lugemas, lasknud omale kärbseid pähe ajada ning nüüd tegelevad mingi uutmisega. Minu arust täitsa positiivne. :)

Valdkond on esialgu lahja - ainult haljastus. Kui läheb kapitaalselt nässu, siis haljastusega ühiskonda tuksi ei keera. Luuakse rahvakogu. Tundub, et see püütakse luua juhuvalimi abil, aga mitte kompromissitu juhuvalimiga, kus valituks osutunule pakutakse kõva palka ja eeldatakse kobisemata otsustama tulemist, vaid kaalutud valimiga. Kaalumine on ilmselt vajalik, kuna palka ei saa.

Rahvakogu liikmetelt oodatakse 5 päeva tööd. Kuna see on vabatahtlik, võib karta, et saadikute osas toimub kõigile märkamatult selektsioon jõukuse järgi. Turu nähtamatu käsi eemaldab otsustajate ringist need, kes ei saa lubada omale viit vaba päeva. Sellest on kahju. Õnneks on need siiski nädalavahetuse päevad, mistõttu võib loota, et varaline selektsioon ei tule väga karm. Haljastuse küsimuses ei tarvitse see protsessi nurjata, küll aga võiks valimi kaldu lüüa raha-asjade arutamisel.

Rahvakogu kahjuks ei ole volitatud tegema siduvat otsust, üksnes võimalikult häid ettepanekuid. Kõige lihtsam seletus on Kohaliku Omavalitsuse Korralduse Seadus: riik on sätestanud nii, et tema osad peavad töötama nagu väikesed riigid. Õigust volitada otsused juhuvalimile pole riik omavalitsusele andnud.

Kõigist vajaka jäämistest hoolimata: kui osutute loosituks, olge tubli ja tehke head soovitused. :) Oletan, et linn võtab neid arvesse, kuna protsessi on investeeritud palju tööd ning vaeva. Siiski, garantiid ei anta.

Rahvakogu koostamiseks saadab või on juba saatnud Tallinn 30 000 kutset juhuslikult valitud pealinlasele. Lõplik rahvakogu liikmete arv on märksa väiksem – 60 – ning need valitakse välja inimeste hulgast, kes kutsele on vastanud nõusolekuga. Nii kutse saajad kui 60 rahvakogu liiget valib arvuti algoritm, ütles ERR-ile Tallinna strateegiakeskus rohepöörde büroo analüütik Tuuli Veersalu.

Tallinna abilinnapea Vladimir Svet ütles eelmisel nädalal, et kokku soovitakse panna väga kirjut seltskonda. "Tahame Tallinna elanikkonna läbilõiget, tahame saada väga erinevaid inimesi," lausus ta.

Veersalu ütles, et koosseis peab juba metoodikast tulenevalt olema läbilõige elanikkonnast ja et juhuvalimiga luuakse nii-öelda mini-Tallinn.

"Igal Tallinna elanikul on võrdne võimalus sattuda rahvakogusse valituks. Rahvakogu koosseisust välistatakse mõned erandid, näiteks linnavalitsuses ja linnavolikogus töötavad inimesed, et säilitada protsessi usaldusväärsus ja apoliitilisus," lausus ta.

Rahvakogu projektijuht, Maiu Lauring DD Demokraatiakeskusest, ütles, et rahvakogus osalemine peab olema inimese teadlik otsus, kuna rahvakogus osalemiseks annab inimene ära viis nädalavahetuse päeva.


Rubriigist "anarhist annab aru"

Hiljuti sai ette võetud üks strateegiline hagi, eesmärgiga et kohus:

  • tuvastaks ABIS põhimääruse ja ITD andmekogu põhimääruse teatud punktide (mis sätestavad andmete, muuseas nüüd kohustuslikult kogutavate sõrmejälgede, hoiu aastakümneteks) vastuolu EL parlamendi ja nõukogu määrusega "(EL) 2019/1157" (mis sätestab andmete kustutamise koheselt, igal juhul hiljemalt 90 päeva jooksul)

  • tuvastaks ITDS-i vastuolu põhiseadusega (kuna see volitab valitsusele otsused, mida Riigikogu on suuteline reguleerima ja on ka reguleerinud)

Kahjuks tagastas kohus kaebuse, selgitades, et pole võimalust asja enne käsitlema asuda, kui kaebaja õigusi rikutud on. Kuna kaebaja oli ettenägelik ja uuendas oma ID-kaardi ilma sõrmejälgi esitamata viieks aastaks aastal 2021, tekib kaebuse esitamiseks võimalus alles aastal 2026.

Senikaua - kui ei leidu teist kaebajat, kes oleks pidanud riigile äsja sõrmejäljed loovutama, ning kelle andmed PPA oleks euromääruse järgse kustutamise asemel Eesti määruste järgi andmebaasi lükanud - ei saa midagi ette võtta.

Kodanik ei sa kohtusse pöörduda õigusaktide vastu, ainult haldusaktide või haldustoimingute vastu. Meie õiguskord on kurvastuseks natuke tobe, aga see pole uudis.

Anonüümne anarhist plaanib vahepealsed 3 aastat aega veeta molutades. Molutamise vahelt kirjutab ta ühe korra veel õiguskantslerile ja ühe korra EL andmekaitse volinikule.

Kui keegi soovib anarhistilt kaebuse blanketti (ca. 8 lk), et ise võidelda - küsige ja saab. Eesmärk pole ise see olla, kes lolluse ära lõpetab, vaid et lollus lõppeks.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by perestroika to c/science

Most people would typically think than smelling a scent (unless it's a powerful poison or medicament) won't change much in a person's health... but apparently, a variation in the scent environment has effect on the human brain, especially if the person is already old and their senses are degrading. It has also been observed that viral infections damaging a person's olfactory nerves result in changes to the brain - with less input, the neural networks involved with scent tend to atrophy. Coinidentally, some neural networks involved with scent recognition are also involved with memory.

Prios studies already support the idea that training one's sense of smell helps older people avoid cognitive deterioration. This study brings highly significant statistical results and adds one bit - wakefulness is not required to benefit. Apparently, the stimulation a person receives from feeling different scents bypasses sleep (or maybe, even improves the quality of sleep).


Long story made short: apparently, the previous administration didn't really try (since it was Bolsonaro's, I am not surprised). EU import controls and financial interventions have also helped:

He believes the slowdown is due to a combination of factors: the resumption of embargoes and other protection activities by the government, improved technical analysis that reveal where problems are occurring more quickly and in more detail, greater involvement by banks to deny credit to landowners involved in clearing trees, and also wariness among farmers generated by the European Union’s new laws on deforestation-free trade. It may be no coincidence that deforestation has not fallen as impressively in the cerrado savanna, which is not yet covered by the EU’s controls.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by perestroika to c/science

Superconductivity is a condition of matter where resistance to electrical current disappears.

The first superconductors needed cooling to near the absolute zero. The next generation worked at temperatures of liquid nitrogen. A room-temperature atmospheric-pressure superconductor is a highly sought after material (e.g. it would expand possibilities to hande plasma for fusion research and make MRI machines easier to build).

A substance named LK-99 has recently caused interest in the research community. Its a copper-enriched lead apatite, typically made by reacting lead sulphate with copper phosphide. It is speculated to be superconductive at room temperature.

It is also thought that interesting properties are not inherent to the substance, but a particular kind of crystal lattice which this subtance obtains - if produced in certain ways.

The name LK-99 refers to Sukbae Lee and Ji-Hoon Kim, and the number refers to 1999, when these Korean researchers first stumbled upon it.

Studies back then were interrupted. They weren't certain of its properties and it was hard to make repeatably. When a researcher named Tong-Shik Choi died in 2017, he requested in his will that research into LK-99 be continued. The resources were found and his request was granted.

Then, other factors intervened, among them COVID. The first article was rejected by Nature because an extraordinary claim requires extraordinary proof. An article in Arxiv (not peer reviewed) at the end of July 2023 drew international attention, however.

Many persons and teams started attempting to replicate the experimental results. The process is still half way through, but considerable progress has been made.

  • Beijing University, school of material science + Beihang university: the experiment was made, but the effect could not be reproduced (they obtained a paramagnetic semiconductor of little interest)

  • Huazhong University, center for crystalline materials and micro/nanodevices: they obtained a diamagnetic crystal with interesting properties (repelled by a ferromagnet regardless of orientation, a property which a superconductor must have, but which is also shared by non-superconductive diamagnets)

  • National Physics Laboratory of India: failed to replicate the effect

  • Professor Sun Yue, South-Eastern University of China: got a weak diamagnetic crystal

  • Iris Alexandra (from Russia, plant physiologist): with an alternative production method, obtained a tiny but strongly diamagnetic crystal

  • Sinéad Griffin (Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, from the US): published an article, attempting to theoretically explain how superconductivity might arise in the substance, explanatory tweet here

  • Junwen Lai (Shenyang National Material Science Laboratory, China): published an article about the electron structure of the substance, without opinion regarding superconductivity, with the opinion that gold doping would be better than copper doping

So, strong evidence is absent until now - we may have much merriness about nothing. There is a bunch of hypothesis and enough material to fit on a fingertip. :)


submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by perestroika to c/science

I noticed that we have a community for talking about applied science and engineering in the form of c/technology, about climate science in the form of c/climate, but there didn't seem to be a field-neutral place to discuss any sort of science.

To fill the absence and introduce a few articles which caught my interest, I created it. I think I should make this thread stick to the top of the community, so meta-discussion could be easily located here.


People at MIT made a capacitor of cement and carbon black (not to be confused with soot). It worked and they are planning to test bigger samples. The construction of such capacitors is easy and they can be structural elements in architecture.


Siseministeerium saadab peagi kooskõlastusringile eelnõu, millega keelataks isikustamata kõnekaartide kasutamine.

Jälle üritavad sama hiilivat autoritaarsust, põhiliselt et saaks kanepimüüjaid kiusata, kuna need sõltuvad klientidega suhtlemisest.

Ega muud, tuleb jälle hakata poliitikaga tegelema. Tüütu, nürimeelne töö - aga vältimatu, kui riik õue peale ülbama tuleb.


Lühikokkuvõte: retsilt kuum, Sardiinias kuni 48 kraadi. Sellise kuumusega on nõrga tervisega inimese elu ohus, ning ka tugeva tervisega inimene peab end hoidma ja kaitsma. Kardetakse, et Lõuna-Euroopa tulevikus suvel turismi ei ole.

Kas järgneb ka hullemat sorti metsapõlengute hooaeg, veel ei tea.


YLE raporteerib maikuus Vahemerel uppunud kalalaeva kohta, mille ümberminekul sattus Vahemerre kuni 750 inimest (täpset arvu ei teata). Pääsesid 104.

Mõned asjad on kindlad: inimkaubitsejad koormasid laeva üle. Mootor tõrkus. Lõppes joogivesi. Saadeti abikutse. Edasine on segane. See, et laev uppus ja sajad hukkusid on kindel.

Frontexi lennuk avastas laeva 13. mail lõuna paiku. Märgati, et alusel on selgelt liiga palju rahvast. Pärastlõunal avastas laeva Kreeka rannavalve kopter, mis raporteeris et "laev on teel Itaalia poole". Ometigi palus rannavalve kahte lähedal olevat suuremat laeva, et nad annaksid hädas olijatele kütust ja joogivett. Logiraamatud näitavad, et nad kutsuti kohale mitmeid tunde hiljem.

Päästeoperatsiooni mitte käivitamise põhjenduseks ongi saanud lause "laev on teel Itaalia poole". Ööseks saabus pagulaste laeva juurde Kreeka patrull-laev, kuid ei alustanud päästeoperatsiooni, vaid asus laeva pukseerima.

Päästeoperatsioon käivitati, kui pukseeritav Adriana stabiilsuse kaotas, kummuli läks ja uppus. Mõned pääsednud on öeldnud, et "nad vedasid meid liiga kiiresti".

Süüdistuse on saanud 9 inimkaubitsemises kahtlustatavat meest. Usun, et nad ka väärivad süüdistust. Kreeka rannavalve käitumises on aga täheldada tõsiseid kinnimätsimise märke. Võib arvata, et ka seal on keegi, kes väärib süüdistust, kuna ignoreeris sadade inimeste elu ohusviibimist kuni nende surmatunnini. Kas ta saab süüdistuse või sumbub asi ringkaitsesse - ei tea.

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