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[-] perestroika 2 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

Yuri is formal, Yura is a diminutive/familiar form of the same name - for friends and family. They're interchangeable.

It's sad that they got caught. Never plan delicate things over the phone, especially in a repressive country on war footing (I think that in Russia they record absolutely every phone call, down to the last consonant). Apps aren't safe if the device isn't safe, so apps aren't for planning either - they're for chat and establishing initial contact before switching to a more secure method, or following the activity of publicly known folks who presumably take great care.

I've never lived in such a country, but regardless, when I still was a bad anarchist (TM), I left my phone home when going to meetings, and a friendly organizer went around with a bucket before any talk occurred - to gather the phones of those who carried them, and take them to another room.

[-] perestroika 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

It sure is possible.

A typical "obscenely bright" LED chip might be Cree XML, but many similar chips exist. You'd need a plano-convex or equivalent Fresnel lens - shorter focal lengths favour compact design. Then you need a driver. Some are fixed while some adjustable with a tiny potentiometer. You'd need an 18650 cell holder (it can be made too, an 18650 will go into a leftover piece of 20 mm electrical cabling pipe with a spring-loaded metal cap engineered of something).

Myself, I bought a nice head lamp, but it broke after one year. The driver board failed. Being of the lazy variety, I replaced the board with a resistor to limit current and now it's been working 3 years already. Not at peak luminosity, the resistor wasn't optimal of course. :)

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by perestroika to c/diy

Don't let people sell you flashlights unless they're super cheap and super reliable. :) Especially avoid buying rescue or air defense searchlights - if a product contains the word "rescue" or "defense", its price will cause a jumpscare. Optics isn't a secret art, Wikipedia has all the relevant information - and if you happen to have a solar concentrator with a reasonable focal length, you have a searchlight waiting to happen. :)

Photo taken from 968 meters.

P.S. Just remember: LEDs need to be current-limited and cooled. :)

[-] perestroika 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I think the EU Commission has done a fairly good job of listing the pros and contras of small modular reactors:

They have some advantages over conventional (large) reactors in the following areas:

  • if they are serially manufactured without design chances, manufacturing is more efficient than big unique projects
  • you can choose a site with less cooling water
  • you can choose a site where a fossil-burning plant used to be (grid elements for a power plant are present) but a renewable power plant may not be feasible
  • some of them can be safer, due to a higher ratio of coolant per fuel, and a lower need for active cooling*

Explanation: even a shut down NPP needs cooling, but bigger ones need non-trivial amounts of energy, for example the 5700 MW plant in Zaporizhya in the middle of a war zone needs about 50 MW of power just to safely stay offline, which is why people have been fairly concerned about it. For comparison, a 300 MW micro-reactor brought to its lowest possible power level might be safe without external energy, or a minimal amount of external energy (which could be supplied by an off-the-shelf diesel generator available to every rescue department).

The overview of the Commission mentions:

SMRs have passive (inherent) safety systems, with a simpler design, a reactor core with lower core power and larger fractions of coolant. These altogether increase significantly the time allowed for operators to react in case of incidents or accidents.

I don't think they will offer economical advantages over renewable power. Some amont of SMRs might however be called for to have a long-term steerable component in the power grid.

[-] perestroika 3 points 3 days ago

Wow, that's a nice one. :)

Also, both of your links to solar-powered tool projects were educational. I knew this could be done, but I had never read about peope doing that. :)

[-] perestroika 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I noticed a journalist mention (hopefully based on good sources) that this months's storm was estimated to be 4-5 times weaker than the 1859 storm.

NASA, in their article mentions the recent storm as a G5 level geomagnetic storm caused by an X8.7 level solar flare.

X is the strongest class of solar flares and G is the strongest class of geomagnetic storms, but this was definitely not a record - an X20 flare has been observed once, but as I understand, the ejected particles didn't hit Earth.

Where I live (latitude 59), a short electrical grid event occurred during the display of auroras. Something tripped and something immediately switched over to replace it, most people didn't notice anything, but some had to restart various heat pumps and similar devices. Then again, in Europe, the power grid has relatively short lines and many transformers between them, which makes it comparatively less vulnerable.

[-] perestroika 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Regarding transformers: it's easier to let a power grid trip offline (and transformers are designed to behave so instead of being overpowered) rather than to keep operating despite a Carrington level solar storm and suffer failure on all longer east-west connections.

Also, I don't think they used capacitors to protect their high voltage lines back in 1921, because the article Overvoltage Protection of Series Capacitor Banks notes:

"Their first application dates back to 1928 when GE installed such a bank – rated 1.2 MVar – at the Ballston Spa Substation on the 33 kV grid of New York Power and Light. Since then, series capacitor banks have been installed on systems across the globe."

Also, failure on north-south connections isn't nearly as likely, so a considerable part of the transformer "population" would be spared from impact.

Thus, while a single strong solar storm within the limit charted out in 1859 would be an extreme inconvenience and strong economic setback, it seems unlikely to end civilization.

A long period of severe solar storms could also result in ozone depletion in the atmosphere and become another extreme inconvenience - through increased UV exposure. However, most forms of life have seen such things in their evolutionary past, and humans have the ability to wear glasses, clothes and apply sun screen.

[-] perestroika 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

The author does not seem to have read Azarov or at least his references to sources leave this impression. If he was doing his research right now, I would recommend him to browse one book for hints about how the RIAU called themselves, and for additional sources of literature. But in general, I think he has the right conclusion. :)

Kontrrazvedka: The story of the Makhnovist intelligence service - Vyacheslav Azarov

The PDF sadly isn't searchable (it's image, so it's a black hole for most search engines).

My understanding: they called themselves the "Insurgent Army", sometimes the "Insurgent Division" and did not declare a state or claim a territory. When they were popular and widespread, they were more formally known as the "Revolutionary People's Army of Ukraine" and "Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine" (kontrrazvedka was the counterintelligence branch which did dirty deeds like assassinations, espionage, counter-espionage, sabotage, expropriation / grand theft, etc)

A related story:

The first known anarchist state, and perhaps the only one, was to my understanding a republic declared by rebelling sailors and fortress-builders of the Russian fleet on the tiny North Estonian island of Naissaar (Nargen). (source) The "state" was laughably tiny and the population too - but the name was backed by possession of two battleships (Sevastopol and Petropavlovsk), with the ironic twist that the crew far outnumbered island dwellers. The only body to ever recognize the "state" was the Soviet of Tallinn, which existed during a double rule (togehter with the prototype Republic of Estonia) in the power vacuum between the Czarist retreat and the advance of imperial German troops. Evacuating before the German advance, the battleships sailed first to Finland and then Kronstadt, and the anarchists of the short-lived republic became core organizers among the sailors who later rose up in the Kronstadt Rebellion.

[-] perestroika 1 points 3 days ago

Thanks, that looks like something I might have to try. :) Myself, over the network, I still don't do filesystem level incremental backups, sticking to either directories or virtual machine snapshots (both of which have their shortcomings).

[-] perestroika 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I've been hearing about ZFS and its beneficial features for years now, but mainstream Linux installers don't seem to support it, and I can't be bothered to switch filesystems after installing.

Out of curiosity - can anyone tell, what might be blocking them?

Edit: answering my own question: legal issues. Licenses "potentially aren't compatible".

Due to potential legal incompatibilities between the CDDL and GPL, despite both being OSI-approved free software licenses which comply with DFSG, ZFS development is not supported by the Linux kernel. ZoL is a project funded by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to develop a native Linux kernel module for its massive storage requirements and super computers.


[-] perestroika 6 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

“The City is evaluating the chemical compounds in the spray to determine if they are a hazard either inhaled in aerosol form by humans and animals, or landing on the ground or in the bay.”

If it comes from the bay, I think it's safe to assume it can go into the bay. :)

As for the rest, I think it's OK for them to evaluate - and they are likely to reach the concusion that spraying seawater into the air is what the sea does on its own, and humans are pretty well adapted to reasonable amounts, so the instruction will be:

  • "spray it from the leeward side, it's polite that way"
  • "don't put your face in front of the working sprayer"
  • "don't use the sprayer during algal blooms"
[-] perestroika 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Being informed that "from now on, we'll use Microsoft development tools" because our branch in $other_country decided to.

Soon after that, I informed the boss that I'd wrap my projects up (using development tools of my choosing) during the subsequent year, and then leave, and support the projects in future as a subcontractor.

So I went and started my one-person-company. It was hard, but so far it has worked.

[-] perestroika 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

There's a pretty high chance that when it does come together, it will be presented somehow on c/offgrid on this very server. :)

submitted 2 weeks ago by perestroika to c/perestroika_pw

For English speakers: boring but scandalous tax news from Estonia. If the proposed changes are passed into law, it will no longer be possible to pay a progressive income tax in Estonia even voluntarily (by having an automatically taxed "entrepreneur's private account"). It's surreal. The state budget is tearing apart after the COVID expenses, military expenses due to our dear eastern neighbour [both unavoidable, I would say] and meanwhile politicians find ways to ease the tax burden on the well-earning (I am one of them and have paid the higher tax tier on some years). And of course - the really wealthy folks who own actual companies - they never had to pay it. Me, I'm going to wait until the dust settles and publish something about this farce, as I think the progressive tax system should be expanded, not ended.

Lühikokkuvõte: Eestis ei saa astmelist tulumaksu enam isegi vabatahtlikult maksta. Päris rikkad pole seda kunagi maksma pidanud, aga nüüd ei saa seda maksta ka üksi tegutsevad väikeettevõtjad. Riigieelarve käriseb pärast pandeemiat ja sõda Ukrainas sunnib peale vältimatud kõrged kaitsekulutused, aga meil plaanitakse jõukamate klasside maksukoormust langetada. Sürreaalne. :o Ootan, kuni tolm langeb ja pilt selgineb, siis tuleb selle kohta artikkel.

submitted 1 month ago by perestroika to c/perestroika_pw

For English speakers: I've previously written about the Helsinki thermal store. Now I'm happy to mention the planned Vantaa thermal store, which is going to be built for 200 million euros and will store nearly enough heat to keep Vantaa warm through the winter (specifically 90 GWh). It's going to be charged with waste heat and direct electrical heating during periods of renewable energy overproduction.

Olen varem kirjutanud Helsingi soojushoidlast, nüüd saan mainida Vantaa oma - see rajatakse ca. 200 miljoni euro eest ja suudab valmides salvestada põhimõtteliselt kogu Vantaa talvise vajaduse jagu küttesoojust. Soojushoidlat kavatsetakse täita jääksoojusega solgiveest, andmekeskustest ja 2 x 60 MW otsese elektriküttega taastuvenergia ületoodangu perioodidel. Väga huvitav projekt, millele õnnestumist sooviks.

submitted 1 month ago by perestroika to c/perestroika_pw

For English speakers: an article from the Estonian public broadcaster about the Slovakian public broadcaster (and government). Unfortunately, there's some sad news - the new government of Slovakia is intending to tear down and rebuild from scratch their public broadcasting company. And everyone knows what that means: convenient people will be installed in the offices that count, so that news could be more favourable for the government in future. Stage 1 of authoritarian takeover. There is opposition to it, of course, and hopefully it won't get anywhere.

Slovakkia kandist on nukrad uudised: uus valitsus juba sirutab kätt avalik-õigusliku meedia järele, eesmärgiga et suure ümber struktureerimise kattevarjus "omad joped" ametisse panna ja tulevikus omale meelepärasemaid uudiseid toota. Riigi autoritaarse ülevõtmise retseptis on selline liigutus tähtsal kohal. Loodetavasti ebaõnnestub.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by perestroika to c/perestroika_pw

For English speakers: adopting a progressive income tax would be currently supported by 60% of Estonia's voters and opposed by 30% (support has previously been as high as 75%). The measure would be supported by 5 parties out of 6 and narrowly opposed by 1 party (which is split in the question). This has been the situation for 20 years. And the result? We have no progressive income tax, because politicians (who are nearly without exception high-income persons) aren't that keen on listening to the population in certain questions, and the population - easily distracted and clumsy at demanding stuff. :o

Nagu näha, toetaks meedet (jätkuvalt, juba ca. 20 aastat) nii elanikkonna enamus kui parteide enamus. Kõik peale praeguse peaministri erakonna toetaks astmelist tulumaksu, ja peaministri erakonnast kah pooled. Paraku ei ole seda juhtunud. Kurvastusega tuleb tõdeda, et poliitikuid (kes on pea eranditult kõrge sissetulekuga isikud) teatud küsimustes valijate soovid eriti ei huvita - valijad aga on hajameelsed ja oskamatud asjade nõudmisel. :o

submitted 3 months ago by perestroika to c/abolition

I feared he would be martyred, when he returned to Russia after getting poisoned by the FSB and helping Bellingcat track down the agents who poisoned him (nobody in power did anything about them). Back then, his life was saved by a pilot deciding to make an emergency landing and a doctor suspecting a neurotoxin.

What finally took his life will be difficult to ascertain due to lack of transparency - a remote location, an extremely authoritarian system, war, politically controlled law enforcement and courts. Still, a day before death, Navalny appeared in court for another potential addition to his already 19-year sentence - in good spirits.

During Navalny's imprisonment, the regime made a sustained effort to break that spirit, issuing a constant stream of disciplinary punishments (a total of 27 times): for not placing his hands behind his back, for incorrectly introducing himself, for uttering a profanity, for failing to clear leaves in the yard, for citing the European Court of Human Rights’ demand for his release, for addressing the guard without using a patronym, and for declining to wash the fence.

They also transfered him to the far north and previously used sleep deprivement against him. I tend to assume that they also killed him, either directly or indirectly.

He was definitely not the perfect politician, but did things which a common politician never dares to do, which suggests having some principles. When they came for anarchists, he didn't forget them, but also spoke for anarchists.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by perestroika to c/perestroika_pw

Eesti Ekspress on pühendanud artikli Progressiivse Liikumise tegemistele. Kahjuks on nad selle toppinud maksumüüri taha. Kui ma maksumüürist tee ümber leian, kommenteerin all.

The paper Eesti Eksrpress has dedicated an article to the doings of the Progressive Movement. Unfortunately they have paywalled it. If I find a way past the paywall, I will comment below.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by perestroika to c/perestroika_pw

Summary for the English-speakers: last year Estonia, a country traditionally running on oil shale, has finally produced most of its electrical power from renewable sources. Renewables produced 2.6 TWh while fossils only 2.3 TWh - but the report is needlessly optimistic as 1.2 TWh out of the renewables still involved burning stuff (waste, wood chip and other biomass).

Verstapostist on mööda saadud, aga tegelikkus ilusate arvude taga on, et pool meie "taastuvenergiast" emiteerib süsihappegaasi. Siiski on ka see parem kui mitte midagi. :)

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by perestroika to c/meta

Background: yesterday, there was heated discussion in the thread "military-industrial complex is a supervillain of causing the climate crisis" (link).

Among others, the thread creator posted a comment to the Guardian article "The climate costs of war and militaries can no longer be ignored", commenting it thusly:

If you want more context or won’t take my word on how militarism will kill is all, you can read this article.

I replied, a copy of my reply is below for your judgement. My reply got moderated by someone with the reason "Comment does not address intent of original post and promotes weapons industry / war in Ukraine."

I think my comment both addressed the topic, did not promote the weapons industry but helping Ukraine defend itself (ironically, tools for military self-defense come from the weapons industry) and did not promote the war (in fact, I noted that war is expensive, resource-intensive and stupid), but did explain the dynamics of war and revolutions.

I consider this moderator misconduct, likely motivated by their political views - and have asked a server administrator to talk with the moderator involved, to ascertain if they can refrain from using moderator powers as a political club to hit people, or to secure their demotion from a moderating role.

The removed post, for your judgement:

The article is fine, and I second the recommendation to read it, but from the article to the slogan you present, things do not follow a logical path.

Yes, war is both an incredibly expensive activity (diverting money that could be used) and a resource-intensive activity (the money goes into actual materials that almost surely destroy something or get destroyed) and an incredibly stupid activity (and it can snowball)...

...but the problem is that successful unilateral disarmament during a war tends to result in a situation called "defeat". If the defeat is not an attack being defeated, but defense being defeated, that is called a "conquest". Now, letting a conquest succeed has a historical tendency of the conqueror having more experience at conquest, and more resources to conquer with... which has, several times in history, lead to another conquest or a whole series of conquests. A regional war in Ukraine resulting in Ukraine being taken over by Russia has a high probability of producing:

  1. a bigger regional war later, in which Russia, using its own resources and those of Ukraine, proceeds to another country, gets into a direct conflict with NATO and then indeed there is a risk of a global war
  1. an encouraging effect after which China, noting that international cooperation against the agressor was ultimately insufficient, and deeming itself better prepared than Russia, decides that it can take Taiwan with military force

However, a war ending with inability to show victory tends to produce a revolution in the invading country. For example, World War I produced a revolution in Russia and subsequently a revolution in Germany, with several smaller revolutions in between, empires collapsing and a brief bloom of democracy in Europe, before the Great Depression and the rise of fascism ate all the fruits. The Falklands War produced a revolution in Argentina. The Russo-Japanese war produced the 1905 near-revolution in Russia.

It is better for Ukraine to not get conquered. It is better for Russia to be unable to conquer Ukraine. That result is also better for everyone around them. It's even better globally because it sets a precedent of large-scale cooperation defeating an agressive superpower, discouraging agressive superpowers from undertaking similar wars until memory starts fading again.

Unfortunately, until we see indications that Russian society is getting ready to stop the war (this could involve starting negotiations on terms palatable to Ukraine, a change of leadership, a withdrawal, a revolution, etc)... the path to achieving that outcome remains wearing out the agressor: producing enough weapons and delivering them to Ukraine.

Ultimately, both sides in a war wear each other down. The soldiers most eager to fight are killed soonest. The people most unwilling to get mobilized or recruited, and soldiers most unwilling to fight - they remain alive. If they are pressed forever, some day they will make the calculation: there are less troops blocking the way home than in the trenches of the opposing side. After that realization, they eventually tend to mutiny. Invading troops tend to do that a bit easier than defending troops, because they sense less purpose in their activity. In the long run, if nothing else happens, that will happen. There is just (probably, regrettably) no particularly quick shortcut to getting there.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by perestroika to c/perestroika_pw

Läti anarhistid korraldavad raamatulaada. Sellest kirjutab Soome anarhistide portaal "". / Latvian anarchists are holding a bookfair in spring. The Finnish anarchist portal "" reports about it.

We announce the 1st Anarchist Bookfair in Riga 24-26 May 2024

We are going to continue the tradition of Anarchist bookfairs which have been held in Tallinn, Stockholm and London. We invite all the Anarchist and Antiauthoritarian publishers to present and sell their books, magazines, newspapers, cartoons, etc and everybody interseted to spend the weekend with us, take part in discussions and seminars. The event is open to everybody and no prior registration is required. The details of the programme will come later.

If you want to sell/present your printed matter, please, write to We have a limited number of tables/stalls, order them in advance. The deadline for booking is May, 1 2024. We are going to hold a special round table discussion for Anarchist publishers, bloggers, writers, artists and translators. Let us know if you want to take part.

If you want to make a presentation/lecture/workshop/concert you are most welcome. Please write to The deadline is 23.04.2024

When: 24-26 May 2024

Where: Riga, Latvia

Riga, the capital city of Latvia, is situated at the Baltic sea and it is an ideal meeting place for all those interested from the East and the West. Latvia has a glorious anarchist history dating from 19 century and of anarchist and libertarian socialist print in various languages, including Latvian, Russian, Yeddish. Latvia has beautiful nature and May is the best time to come, when there are not so many tourists and it is already warm. Latvia has very rich history of brewery and one of the best beers in Europe.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by perestroika to c/perestroika_pw

For English speakers: electricity consumers in Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are having "interesting times" at the moment. A sudden intrusion of arctic air has resulted in very low temperatures (down to -40 C in northern Finland) and resultingly, electricity prices are super high. In addition, one energy block in the Forsmark NPP is down in Sweden. The Finnish grid administrator has thus advised people to use electricity sparingly.

The unavoidable blame game of "why" will unavoidably follow. To state the most obvious, an excess of weather is excessive. :) But the pricing algorithm of Nord Pool (the common electricity exchange of Northern Europe) is such that the highest asker whose services are needed "makes the price" for everyone during that hour. Whether that is reasonable, is not obvious (and not trivial to prove or disprove).

However, the region also has a definite lack of energy storage. Lack of storage means that when a bad day comes, instead of graceful rise, some operators are warming up big power stations which use inefficient fuels from a stone-cold status, only to let them cool down tomorrow. Such activity costs the consumer a big penny.

ERR kirjutab sellest, mis parasjagu turul toimub. Eestis saab nautida enamuse reedest elektrit hinnaga 0.8 € / KWh, tipptundidel aga 1.8 € / KWh. Soomes on võimalik itkeda hinnataseme juures 2.3 € / KWh. Kuidas sellist nalja ära hoida saaks? Või ei saagi?

Minu hinnangul - ikka saab. Olemas peab lihtsalt olema mingeid vähegi normaalse kütusega töötavaid varuvõimsusi, mille liinile toomine on natuke kergema klassi ülesanne kui mäe soojaks ajamine. :)

Olemas peab olema ka salvestavaid võimsusi. Siis hakkab hind kerkima sujuvalt, sedamööda kuidas ilmaennustust lugenud salvestajad päikeselisel päeval oma energiasalvi täidavad ja odavamad varus seisnud jaamad mitu päeva kuumana käivad (samuti selleks, et pahal päeval kõik energiasalved täis oleks)... selle asemel et ühe meeletu lõpuspurdi käigus üheks meeletuks päevaks ka kõige raiskavam tootmisseade üles kütta... ja taas jahtuda lasta. Selline tegevus lihtsalt peabki olema väga ebaefektiivne.

Hind tõuseks ikka, aga salvestusvõimsuste leidumisel sujuvamalt. Tervislikuma tootmisvõimsuste segu korral mitte nii järsult. Tegemist on lahendatava probleemiga. Lahendus võib olla kas tehniline (jättes Nordpooli veidi kummaline algoritm samaks) aga võib ka peituda turu reeglite muutmises. Kas viimane turule mahtunud pakkuja ikka peab "tegema hinna kõigi jaoks"?

Minu jaoks teoreetiline küsimus, kuna eilne päikesepaiste täitis kõik omad kõik varud üle ootuste.

Häid külmapühasid.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by perestroika to c/perestroika_pw

A topic about some pointless reddit, please ignore. / Teema mingi mõttetu redditi kohta, palun eirake.

Hiljuti oli jälle võimalik näha Eesti redditit selle uues hiilguses. Kuna see oli mitmes kord, siis kannatus katkes - saatsin olukorra põhjustajad ning probleemi eirajad iga ilmakaare suunas ja tulin ära.


  • arvestatav kogus totalitaarsuse ihalejaid
  • kogunevad nagu kärbsed teatud teemadesse
  • seal teemades on neil lokaalne enamus
  • teevad üleskutseid vägivallale ja totalitaarsete ideede toeks
  • üldine populatsioon ei viitsi nendega tegeleda, kuna on meelt lahutamas
  • lisaks on provokaator reeglina "omade poolel", keskmise redditori aju tõrgub siinkohal
  • reeglid ütlevad, et "meil on selleks moderaatorid"
  • kuna mind võidakse bännida, järgin reegleid ja ei pea nendega kodusõda
  • paraku, moderaatorid ei tegele
  • ja Redditi adminid ei loe eesti keelt

Kui eelnevad tingimused on täidetud, siis ongi valmis kasvulava, kus liberaalid toidavad metsast leitud haiget fašismi - ja kui anarhist ütleb, et viige fašism metsa tagasi, siis anarhist on liiga radikaalne ja liberaalid ei vii - hoiavad ja toidavad edasi, küllap kuni hammustama hakkab.

Omaette fenomen on silmakirjalikkus ja musta valgeks rääkimine. See on seal kah kõrgelt arenenud.

Toda keskkonda ühelegi anarhistile poliitiliseks aruteluks ei soovita. Mudaaugus, kus pooltel on juba mudaplönn peos, ei saa arutleda, vaid muda loopida.

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