[-] nitefox@lemmy.world 0 points 8 months ago

I guess, but it sounds like a very dumb word so I would use it to describe anything good or serious

To each their own I guess

[-] nitefox@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago

DuckDuckGo has been giving me poor results lately - especially when I look for news, everything is a redirect to Bing now - so I instead use Brave Search. It’s kind of disappointing since DDG had always worked great for me

[-] nitefox@lemmy.world 3 points 8 months ago

Yea they are so weird and annoying

[-] nitefox@lemmy.world 0 points 8 months ago

So, why is electron a bad idea?

[-] nitefox@lemmy.world 0 points 8 months ago

I wasn’t talking about that, but the weird history shame/cancellation movement

[-] nitefox@lemmy.world -3 points 8 months ago

for me, for example, it means “people who are all over their head with cancel culture”; it also means people [who use the word] are probably a bunch of far right crazies.

So overall I guess it’s a way to describe the two far ends of the same thing

[-] nitefox@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago

People don’t become like this,

[-] nitefox@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago

Is this page listed as well?

[-] nitefox@lemmy.world 3 points 8 months ago
[-] nitefox@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago

I hope I will duck off before we go full dystopian

[-] nitefox@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Stormtroopers are robots!

Jokes aside, you don’t have to have everything explained to understand something. Yes, they didn’t show the bodies but you with a little use from logic you can see that Leia complaining about her pacific, weaponless planet being blown means it’s not desert. Same goes for the Death Star on which you see there are people until a few seconds later where it blows up. Same goes for everything.

Sure, maybe a kid won’t pick it up but that doesn’t mean Star Wars was light hearted in the OT


The title itself is a recipe for disaster. Also this is a semi rant.

Yesterday I was informed that I will have the honour to implement the core functionality - which is an interface layer to use the driver of a very expensive hardware shit - of the software I’ve been working on as a frontend dev.

There are two possibilities for the language: C++ or C#. The one that was proposed/imposed is C#, which I know nothing of, while at least I have some hobbyist experience with C++; when asked if I could take some time to familiarise myself with C# I was basically laughed in the face, saying I will learn on the field and at least some of them have some experience with it.

Should I insist to go with C++, or is that an even worse idea in an already fucked up situation?


The other day I asked for an analysis or at least an UML diagram since we are having quite some troubles and my boss looked disgusted at me for asking such a question. I’m not a professional backend developer, so I don’t know how it works professionally

submitted 10 months ago by nitefox@lemmy.world to c/aww@lemmy.world

I wonder if we will be able to save the web app to the dock, and we will receive the notifications etc just like a normal app


Is Musk competing with Zuck for the worst branding ever?

confused catto (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago by nitefox@lemmy.world to c/aww@lemmy.world

My feed is filled with dumb “advices”, so called “professionals” that post the most entry level stuff and all sorts of shit that if I were a recruiter I would stay away from these people

submitted 10 months ago by nitefox@lemmy.world to c/steamdeck@sopuli.xyz
submitted 10 months ago by nitefox@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

Even a setting that just redirects to m.lemmy.world would be good

submitted 10 months ago by nitefox@lemmy.world to c/cpp@programming.dev
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by nitefox@lemmy.world to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.world

Hi everyone! Yesterday I bought Hearts of Iron 4 on Steam but it didn't run at all on wayland. I tried using Proton Experimental, Proton GE latest, Proton 8.0.2 but none worked (even though on ProtonDB people say it works with proton 8.0.2). Then I switched to Xorg (which I never use and I would like not to), and it suddenly worked... is there a way to play it on Wayland or is it just Xorg?


  • archlinux (everything updated)
  • mesa latest from the stable repository
  • wine-staging
  • RX 6900XT
  • Gnome 44
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joined 11 months ago