I think you have a typo in the image link you posted on reddit explaining the fediverse. The one you posted in your comment above works, but not the reddit comment. I think you have an extra \ after the Hoc5dXU on the reddit link. Awesome explanation image, though. Did you make it?
Are you trying to tell me that's not a trash can?
And if we can't trust Weird AL for advice, then who can we trust?
I recommend eating a lot of cheese and absolutely NO fiber. Not sure if it will make you sweat less, but I'm pretty sure if I ate only cheese for 3 days, it wouldn't be too hard to wait till the end of it to poop. In fact, I may need some help at that point... maybe you should eat some fiber like a couple hours before you do plan on trying to poop, and also drink lots of water at that point, too. I personally find cheese very "helpful" in getting myself constipated, and fiber + water to be a great way to smoothen the pooping process.
Is the bus purple now or something?
Nah, I'm just pointing out dumb things you're saying. You're right that it's pointless, though, as no one else is going to read this far down the comment chain and it'd also be obvious enough to them. And we sure know at this point that you're incapable of doing anything but doubling down, so trying to point out the ridiculousness of the things you're saying will just fly over your head.
Lol that you think the majority of conservatives don't think trans people should live. I mean, the ultra-right fascist conservatives, sure, but most conservatives just don't agree with people doing certain things. They aren't about to taking a flamethrower to every member of the LGBT community they come across. Have you ever even had a face-to-face conversation with someone you disagree with in real life?
Was trying to show one of my students some code on Stack Overflow a little while back to help them figure something out, and they caught hung up looking over the code in the question, and I was like "No, don't look at the code from the question! It's wrong, that's why they're asking about it! Just look at the top answer!"
You know, my favorite thing about Lemmy showing both upvotes and downvotes is that not only do we see that a lot of people disagree with you, but more specifically that, since you're the only one upvoting yourself, literally everyone else can tell that you're wrong.
You know it's not that hard to just admit that you were wrong. It was an easy mistake to make, so just admit it and move on. Realize that you can learn and improve. Doubling down just to make yourself seem more like an idiot is never the answer. Everyone is capable of being stupid and making mistakes, but it's the real idiots who are incapable of learning from them.
Ah, so I see English isn't your first language?
Nah, I get up at like 5 am just so I can waste even more time on my computer doing nothing.
As a teacher, I can confirm this. I always move the cursor out of the way, though. I don't get why other teachers don't do the same and how so many of them are so tech illiterate. Although I'm more amazed at the tech illiteracy of the students who use their phones 24/7.