
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 5 minutes ago* (last edited 4 minutes ago)

Shutdowns always piss people off, and the GOP is always rightfully blamed, no matter their spin.

A shutdown would probably shift things to Harris a solid amount, and lose the GOP the house and keep them in the minority in the Senate.

You can tell most in the GOP know this because every GOP senator is telling the house to cut their shit out, but they ain't gonna.

[–] 50 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago) (15 children)

They verified that all of the devices were in the possession of Hezbollah before they detonated them?

Is what why their pager terrorism killed a child and caused 2000+ injuries, including dismemberment of other children?

Now they just repeated it, I'm sure with the same disregard for living people they have already shown.

[–] 3 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

Alien desolation. Something very human in his bent forward trudge through a strange land. A gun in his hand, maybe a sword in stone in the distance? One never knows what lies ahead, but onward we all go.

[–] 15 points 18 hours ago

parks and rec has got you:

To paraphrase Donna:

"She can get it. Everyone on that show can get it."

[–] 28 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago) (6 children)

Still no "I'm sorry."

Sobbing about how she "is biracial and wasn't raised with hate" and how "I live next to Haitians and have no issues with them" and how she now "hates herself for making that post."

All me, me, me. No actual "I'm sorry for what I did. It was wrong, and I won't do it again."

I don't buy the "I have no problems with Haitians" statement either. The post is full of vile racism and lies specifically about Haitians. It doesn't just talk about cats. She also claims shes verified other animals were killed, things we know are a lie.

No one posts that kind of garbage without wanting to vilify a group of people. You don't post this:

Without hate in your heart.

[–] 24 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

100% helpful. The satanic temple is a recognized organized religion in the US. It's why they are so effective at shutting down "we will just have preachers in schools" initiatives. The Satanists can then send their preachers in, and the school cannot stop them legally. The programs always fold instead.

Religious rights having outsided power in the US is 100% a goal of the conservative supreme court and the GOP. Any power they give to Christians can be claimed by Satanists too. By opening up a church which offers the sacred right of abortions, Satanists fight the weakening of the separation of church and state, or at a minimum, can undermine abortion bans

Its a win win.

[–] 9 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

The initial racist Facebook post had a cat in it. That was "my neighbors, daughter, friend" level of made up, but not even that. When the neighbor was contacted by the press, it was actually "a friends aquantance."

Its cats because a racist 3 times removed from the racist poster of the viral story decided to make it cats. Just racism brain filtered through more racist brains.

[–] 15 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

In no way is this clickbait. It's a truly ugly thing that was done to these people.

None of these people volunteered their bodies to science.

The college made a deal with 2 Texas counties to take homeless peoples bodies, "try" to find their relatives, and if they couldnt, then sell their bodies to companies, hospitals and the US army. The college made $2 million+ selling these peoples bodies without consent, to the point where they were expanding their cadavers storage facilities.

Can you see the issue with an organization that is responsible for finding the loved ones of these dead people, but is paid millions of dollars if they don't? Turns out, after filing a foia request, the reporters were able to find dozens of these homeless people families, sometimes within minutes of trying. Many times there were active missing persons reports, or in one case the next of kin lived in the same city and had the same name as his deceased father. In one case, the family found out about their deceased father after he was already sold. To get him back, they were made to sign a waver allowing the donations. They sold the body again, and did not return it for 1.5 years. When they did, his ashes came in a box with a generic thank you letter and a bill of $56 for shipping.

On publishing their results, the multimillion dollar corpse factory shut itself down and fired its directors. The two Texas counties working with them are opening investigations. When the reporters contacted the companies and the army about the bodies, they all confirmed that they thought the bodies came from intentional and purposeful donations. None of them knew the actual source.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

We'll its a private key, so just a few kb of data. You can likely put it on all sorts of devices. Most services that use it will require some of the above, so I doubt the usefulness, but the same goes for most passwords.

Im curious how you access your passwords with the above criteria. Are you using a notepad with dozens/hundreds of unique passwords, some kind of dice based randomizer, or just a few passwords for many sites?

[–] 64 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (4 children)

This lines up with people being stunned but largely unsympathetic after the first attempt. It was a suprise, although not an unprecedented one, but also it was totally understandable.

You don't use violent and hateful rhetoric everyday for a decade to a national audience and expect nothing to ever happen to you, especially in a country with non existent gun laws.

The fact that so far it's been two nutty Republicans lines up because these are the people he's been preaching political violence to for 10 years. Of course some of them are going to sour on him, but still believe the violence he preached was the right answer.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago

Nope. The private key can be backed up, stored in an online password vault, copied automatically to other devices, whatever.

There are good and simple answers to this issue.

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