Bei anderen Themen stört es die Legislative doch auch nicht, bereits als verfassungswidrig erklärte Gesetze nochmal zu verabschieden, hier wär das endlich mal was positives
I believe it should still work, as alarms trigger for me even if my phone updated overnight or I put it on the charger dead before going to sleep, but I'll have to test it
As the linked screenshot shows, you have the option to choose between shutting down and rebooting. There is no need to explain the difference to me, I demonstrated that the thing you want to do is possible.
Ja, ich versuche mich zurzeit auch an jedem kleinsten bisschen Hoffnung festzuhalten. Wenigstens etwas, wo es gerade nicht maximal schlimm läuft...
That's not what I mean, I'm talking about the Shortcuts app:
Oooh yeah good point. I didn't make that connection
There is a shortcut action to shut down the phone which you could trigger with an automation, I suppose.
Huh? What context is this list set up in? I don't really see how it relates to the medication issue.
... sie wird sich doch sicher davon distanzieren, oder?
... oder?