[-] mark@programming.dev 1 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

Does anyone know how this could affect Brave? I've suggested it for non-tech Google Chrome refugees who find Firefox difficult to use.

[-] mark@programming.dev 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Interesting take I can appreciate, but hold on there...

This community here seems to have largely sided with ScarJo. Which means that they want famous people to receive a rent for lending out their voices

I dont think that's what they mean at all. I doubt people care about ScarJo growing her bank account. I think most people who side with ScarJo just dont want Open AI stealing stuff it doesnt own, including people's voices. Especially if they're profiting off it.

[-] mark@programming.dev 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

This is an interesting perspective, and I very much see how people can have it. Totally agree that the internet just isn't like it used to be, arguably for the worst, depending on who you ask.

As much as I hate these big tech platforms, the issue isn't that they're doing what they're doing. After all, capitalistic societies (especially the US) don't just ignore it, they actually encourage this sort of "money above all else" mentally that a lot of these CEOs and shareholders have. So what platforms are doing shouldn't surprise anyone. Maybe some of it should be made illegal, but I'd argue making new laws still won't really address the problem.

The real problem is that we (everyday people) need to take more responsibility over the mental health of ourselves and our children and just stop using this brain-rotting software. We can complain about what they're doing to humanity all we want, but if we continue to use these platforms, we're just making it easier for them to do the bad things they do.

[-] mark@programming.dev 5 points 2 weeks ago

Genuine question: how do we actually "kill the big fish" though? Majority are going to continue to use big tech out of convenience and because they dont care much.

[-] mark@programming.dev 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

If you use RSS feeds, there is. There are services that provide RSS feeds for Lemmy posts. You can subscribe to those and get an update whenever any comment is made on the post.

[-] mark@programming.dev 35 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

As an engineer who's worked on very large codebases over two decades, I've realized that this is so much easier said then done.

If people want to fork Mastodon, great. But they'll quickly realize that what they may think are straight-forward "improvements" will lead to them having to address bigger architectural issues.

Many design decisions that were made when building Mastodon may not be perfect, but they address a lot of very complex decentralization and federation issues.

There's no such thing as perfect software. What some may think is an improvement, others will think is a terrible choice. Each decision is a trade-off and will have downsides. We just have to decide which of them we're comfortable with living with.

[-] mark@programming.dev 41 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

Not condoning it, but all I can think is how terrible Facebook is for "coordinating" stuff like this. I mean, if FB or the feds wanted to find out who these people are, track them down or something, they can do that pretty easily. People who do stuff like this aren't too bright, though. So not surprised, I guess.

[-] mark@programming.dev 1 points 4 weeks ago

Why isn't Rumble an option? Genuinely curious. Is it because it's not open source? or federated or something?

[-] mark@programming.dev 48 points 1 month ago

These were great in their day, but it’s time to move on to something better and safer.

How is it "safer" when contributing to the codebase or filing and discussing issues will now require creating an account and giving up personal information to one of the most privacy-invasive tech companies in the world? 😳

[-] mark@programming.dev 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Yeah I'd personally like to see more regulation and cases fighting for privacy rights instead, especially here in the US.

[-] mark@programming.dev 150 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Google says pause ads on YouTube are getting a very positive reaction from advertisers

Bc screw the users and their reactions 😄.

We really need a good YouTube competitor. This is beyond ridiculous at this point.

[-] mark@programming.dev 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I get the sense that most people on this platform get it. It's the people that would never even be on Lemmy to see this advice that I worry about. Those are the ones that need to keep seeing these posts and comments like yours.

Say Goodbye to Contact Form Spam (omrilotan.medium.com)

Came across this interesting article. But what do you all think?


HUGE win for EU and for Developers with apps in Apple's App store! 🚀

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by mark@programming.dev to c/technology@lemmy.world

This makes me 😭

UPDATE: Thanks @nekusoul@lemmy.nekusoul.de for this update: The issue has now been commented on and was closed by the maintainer, where they explained why those blocks would be nonsense. But it appears the OP wants to still talk with maintainer privately about it.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by mark@programming.dev to c/linux@programming.dev

I personally wouldn't touch Discord with a 10 foot pole but figured any privacy-focused people who use it may want to know this.

submitted 10 months ago by mark@programming.dev to c/meta@programming.dev

I noticed that every time I visit the site, I have to log in. I remember not having to do this a few days ago. I was assuming a cookie was being set for a timeframe until I explicitly log out. I can't remember if there was a "remember me" button. I'm using Firefox and tried disabling my extensions, but that didn't seem to help.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by mark@programming.dev to c/reddit@lemmy.ml

Anyone know why sh.reddit.com exists? Is it something they plan to use in future? ATM, it just looks justlike reddit.com with a few small style differences.

submitted 10 months ago by mark@programming.dev to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I'm a dev and I was browsing Mozilla's careers page and came across this. I find a privacy respecting company being interested in building an AI powered recommendation engine a little odd. Wouldn't they need to sift through the very data we want private in order for a recommendation engine to be good? Curious of what others think.

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