The "not hiding it" is a flex.
It's the "hey, look what I can do" playground mentality expressed by a hyper-rich hyper-powerful person. It's "grab the legal system by the pussy."
I've been listening to Jann Arden recently. My goodness this woman can write some brilliant music. Absolutely a masterclass in emotion.
In other news my band released a Noir-styled cover of Black Velvet.
Render The Rich.
I bet they call the cat "Lypse" for short.
The article is great. The top comment under the article caught my eye:
but at least I'm real…last I checked.
That's very suspicious since that is exactly what I would expect a bot to write.
Point of order: in order for a bot to write that text, it would need to have been already written by someone else. So if a bot didn't write it before, it might the next time.
was that the one with the St Andrew's cross in the middle? I did chin-ups on it one time and holy shit you never saw people stop dancing so fast.
I'm glad that Skinny Puppy's Worlock was #6. I would have been shocked if it didn't make the list.
I still say his hard-on for defunding the CBC goes all the way back to The Mercer Report.
I had people challenge me on that belief awhile back, saying that nobody could hold a grudge that long. And yet we find out today that one producer stopped Babylon 5 in its tracks for 20 fucking years. So yes, Internet, people in power can hold a grudge as long as they goddamn please.
honestly he looks like Milhouse with or without glasses.
Cory's been "kind of a big deal" for decades. Boing Boing was as relevant as you could get back in the early 2000's. It had consistently good and interesting stuff on it.
I'm glad the enshittification article became widely read: it's remarkably astute.
"How much can Brown squeeze out of You?"
Beg pardon: Reddit is preventing other text-based communities... how?