Well, where's the fork?
This is kinda off topic but this post was very well written like I love your writing style, do you have a blog by any chance?
The lamp on top is kind of referring to the Reddit mascot still, which has a weird feel for me.
Oh shit! I didn't even notice the similarities!! I was inspired by the anglerfish actually but yeah I can see that now !
But thats just me and my opinion, don't let that discourage you, thanks for submitting this!
No worries!! Thank you for sharing! This probably won't be my last entry so this is great feedback nonetheless :) I will welcome all sorts of comments and yours was very kind
You're hired!
Have you ever considered writing for the Saw films?
Thank you for taking time out of your day to link the story!!
Oh my god, isn't Christianity kinda a pyramid scheme?
Be careful, Disney might like that idea