Does this then also work for the media buttons? Then maybe I should try to rebase...
I know about those "workarounds", but it's ridiculous that the regular UI (including media buttons!) is more or less useless 🙂
Did you get your audio volume fixed? My ThinkPad is so quiet on Linux (Silverblue) that it's hard to use it for anything with media.
The results seem not to be very helpful: Sure I'm also for a negotiated peace in Ukraine as long as the pre 2014 borders are restored and reparations are paid. But how would you differentiate that from a Putin apologist?
Zumindest die immer Artikel benannten Pflanzen sind jetzt nicht dafür bekannt als Tierfutter verwendet zu werden....
Ich versteh es ja echt nicht. Alle paar Wochen haben Landwirte wieder Existenzangst vor Problemen die entweder durch den Klimawandel verursacht werden oder zumindest verschlimmert werden - was ja auch Sinn ergibt weil sie halt für ihre Arbeit direkt auf die Natur angewiesen sind - und trotzdem gibt es gefühlt keine Gruppe in der Gesellschaft die sich stärker wehrt Maßnahmen gegen den Klimawandel zu ergreifen...🙄
Hm it's probably "bundle with the hardware, make sure the hardware really works and there's a price incentive vs Windows".
As long as you have to actively migrate (including backing up, losing access to several commercial apps) and could end up in the situation that your hardware isn't 100% working or you're workflow isn't really supported?
From an outsiders view this seems like a really strange affairs. So immigrants living there for 25 years aren't allowed to vote in regional (?) elections so that the natives can easier secede which they didn't partly because they didn't participate in the vote? Or would this create the same backlash when tourned around and immigrants in France couldn't vote?
Valuable background information, although it seems kind of pedantic as "channels" is just used for the legacy way as there doesn't seem to be a better term for it.
So the second Boeing whistleblower dead in such a short time?
While licensing is definitely harder in Germany you also do not have to retest or do anything else to keep your license. It's actually a problem that it's pretty hard to take away the license from old unfit people (and the German government actually blocked EU legislation improving that).
I've been waiting for something like that for quite a while. Let's hope it really drives forward adoption in safety critical software 🙂