Parks nachts schließen finde ich Mist.
Why does the thought of being outlived by ones air fryer feel worse than being outlived by ones cast iron pan?
I'm following this recipe. Unfortunately, it's German, but translate should save you.
It's quite simple, as I also never did kimchi before. Just be care full with the amount of chillies. It says 40 g but for what I can get in a German supermarket that's a bit too spicy. I found amounts between 15-20 g ideal.
Don't know if it's traditional, but for sure it's tasty.
Interesting. Sounds like a fun family even!
I also don't know if my kimchi has any chance of competing with real Korean kimchi. (Probably not, but it's still fun to do)
Edit: Danger Dan - Das ist alles von der Kunstfreiheit gedeckt
I open it every now and then to release the pressure and put it into the fridge after a week or so. That said, the jars are maybe not ideal, but it works good enough for me.
shhh - ist mir nach dem Lesen von einem Newsartikel so in den Sinn gekommen. Ich werden an meinem Timing noch arbeiten, versprochen.
Praktisch Staatsterrorismus
Ein wunderschönes Maimai in 4 spannenden Akten.
Was findet ihr denn gut? Ich finde die Idee Vögel abzubilden gar nicht verkehrt. Da sollte es (genügend) einfach sein sich auf Arten zu einigen und schöne Illustrationen geben die auch her.