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[-] iiGxC 1 points 4 hours ago

Ohhh wow. I haven't done cocaine but coke + psychedelics sounds like it's not a good combo ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

yeah, sounds like he got dealt a real shit hand, hopefully he's doing better or if not, gets to a better spot eventually

[-] iiGxC 1 points 5 hours ago

Better non-animal pre trial tests (this is a broad category of things), full health care such that any side effects will be cared for and they'll be compensated for accordingly, better information sharing so people can give fully informed consent.

those are the main things that come to mind off the top of my head, I'm sure there are other things that could go into it too

[-] iiGxC 1 points 7 hours ago

We should make it easier for cancer patients to opt-in to trials.

I do consider that more ethical, however it's still far from ideal. We can do our best to make medical trials safer too, not sure why it would be different

[-] iiGxC 1 points 7 hours ago

"This being your only option would be poverty, not an alternative to it."

it shouldn't be anyones only option. Extremely dangerous jobs are already lots of peoples only option, and it's a bad thing. That doesn't mean "turn around and torture animals instead"

the problem is, right now there's not much incentive to find cruelty free filters (i.e. making sure a novel compound is "safe enough" for human trials), in fact finding them is disincentivized because animal tests are mandatory. So we should incentivize finding better ways to test and screen new drugs. Not torture animals.

[-] iiGxC 1 points 7 hours ago

No, I'm saying let's find a cure without torturing innocent animals

[-] iiGxC 1 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

I'm not saying discard all present knowledge. I'm saying stop testing on animals and find other ways to test treatments going forwards

[-] iiGxC 1 points 8 hours ago

But I would prefer, if I had a fatal disease, to be told "we don't know how to cure this because we can't test a cure without torturing animals" than for there to be a cure at the cost of all those innocent animals being tortured.

[-] iiGxC 1 points 8 hours ago

That's already basically what we do, lots of homeless folks do drug trials for money. And there are tons of super risky jobs people do because they pay well. But it's not good, it should be that people do all those things for reasons other than their only options being that or poverty

[-] iiGxC 14 points 9 hours ago

We got a gobby lover over here

[-] iiGxC 1 points 9 hours ago

holy shit that's a lot ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ did he end up getting charged for possesion of drugs tho? Was it worth it?

[-] iiGxC 1 points 9 hours ago

I think the numbers in the name are there to order them despite having the same strength

[-] iiGxC 2 points 9 hours ago

Yeah... you can definitely take enough to forget that what you're experiencing is caused by a drug you took lol

submitted 2 days ago by iiGxC to c/
submitted 1 month ago by iiGxC to c/vegan

Is there anything you can bring kayaking, swimming, or really anywhere people are fishing that will scare the fish away from the fishers? Ideally something not very obvious, and for kayaking something you can easily turn on near fishers and off when you're not near them?

submitted 3 months ago by iiGxC to c/vegan
submitted 3 months ago by iiGxC to c/
submitted 3 months ago by iiGxC to c/

I'm sure there are other groups that do it too, but I've noticed it most often from christian apologists, probably in part case I like listening to debates/discussions with them from atheist youtubers, but I've also noticed it talking to christians myself.

It always feels super weird to me, but that's also coming from someone who feels weird with eye contact and saying other peoples names, so maybe it's just me. Has anybody else noticed it, or are there other people you've noticed that do that? Does it seem weird to you?

Vegan gym shirts? (self.vegan)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by iiGxC to c/vegan

Anybody know any good vegan themed gym shirts? I'm thinking something similar to dom mazzetis bro science shirts (yeah he's a shitty person but his shirts can be pretty creative), but obviously centered around lifting as a vegan. And sustainably and ethically sourced. Bonus if they have tall sizes

submitted 4 months ago by iiGxC to c/documentaries

Not sure this counts as a documentary since it's only 10 minutes, but I thought it was well done and communicated the points clearly and concisely

submitted 4 months ago by iiGxC to c/vegan
On speciesism (
submitted 4 months ago by iiGxC to c/animal_husbandry

Just saw this community pop up on the local feed. I think liberation of all sentient beings is very important, and any exploitation of human or non-human animals is antithetical to creating a more just world

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