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[–] 5 points 4 hours ago

Instead of "Murderer catch phrase", this is actually the title of a book calling the insurance industry assholes. After being denied coverage, it is a completely appropriate insult to their process.

[–] 3 points 5 hours ago

I played the game of Clue a couple of times. That too is a murder simulator and "how to cover your tracks" game.

[–] 1 points 5 hours ago

Universal housing can look like the government acquiring existing apartments from disinterested landlords that are out of compliance and then granting them on a $1 lease in perpetuity to local neighborhood coops so long as they maintain it well.

Not a complete fan, except that fines so large as the remedy is confiscation can be appropriate. No need to give away the confiscated property, though UBI would allow for tenant managed coops offering a fair bid. I'd rather see soviet style housing meant to provide a return for the builder, but affordable. UBI means there are no projects with "exclusive access" being for the troubled.

Universal food can look like mandates for grocery stores to provide non-profit collectives unfettered access to discarded items that are still perfectly edible instead of locking up dumpsters full of food that can feed people.

UBI is better. Nothing stopping grocery stores from taking advantage of non-profit collectives, compared to usual for profit alternatives. It's in their interest to provide food quality/value.

Free public transit is another great example. Do you want to have to include bus fare in the UBI? Or would it just make sense to make the buses and trains fare-free.

Free public transit offers denser transit schedules, traffic reduction, better value for work and "touristy" outings. UBI solving homelessness helps avoid turning a "cheap shelter" into a "free shelter" for "undesirables" that may make transit uncomfortable to others.

Why give people a voucher instead of just reimbursing all accredited schools directly and let folks enroll anywhere without having to manage a budget?

Before university grades, you don't need accredited schools as much as accredited testing. Internet/multimedia (30 years old revolution) has expanded education alternatives. Cash instead of vouchers. Spend as much as you want on education.

Just make them tuition free.

For University grades, it is rationed, and there is a minimum aptitude level required to gain from the experience. Would Harvard be allowed to exist alongside a public tuition free abundant system? I support subsidizing post secondary education similar to Canada (maybe outdated) where a summer job could pay for tuition and books. UBI, though, is plenty to afford university dorm + tuition lifestyle, but perhaps, if you can get into Harvard, you might prefer additional student loans if you consider the education worth the tuition price. The magic of UBI, is that you get to consider the overall value of education instead of "student program" scams on the young and foolish.

[–] 4 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

The biggest problem in America is the largest most profitable companies pay 21% instead of 15% corporate income tax, apparently. Meanwhile all peeps of no taxes on tips or SS have disappeared.

[–] 6 points 13 hours ago

Is it conspiracy that US hates Maduro/Venezuela???

[–] 6 points 14 hours ago

Disturbing. Biden certainly kept the election interference operations going, and narco gang support. It's hard to imagine a more overt operation than the bay of piglets. Would need to move air carrier battle group away from Israel. Bombing all the things would send immigrant caravans north.

It's same playbook as Ukraine. To destabilize enough to buy everything cheap. With Israel not directly benefitting, it would be a hard media/public sale for such obvious demonic imperialism.

[–] 1 points 16 hours ago

Not American. Ghandi's mission was to give "untouchables" caste some human equality. Technically, women's/lgbtq movements were peaceful. Unlike US/Israel first oligarchy, there is complete/absolute media loyalty for it, in a way that the British Empire is harder to defend as benevolent to Indians. The support for oligarchy's wars and supremacy is unconditional. If we don't give them everything we have then China, Russia and Iran will win, and you all nod along.

[–] 0 points 1 day ago

Not clear how Russia didn't abide by Minsk. Ukraine/west are the ones who didn't abide. You're saying running out of patience is "not abiding"?

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

most of the West would’ve preferred neutrality for Ukraine.

While true, just makes a war only for Ukraine's NATO aspiration that much stupider, or more likely dishonest.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

The US was very open that they liked Putin because it seemed he would be liberalising Russia for a while

They liked Gorbachoev and especially Yeltsin for being a CIA stooge privatsing Russia with western capital. Putin turned away from that pretty early on.

[–] -2 points 1 day ago

Anyone supporting war to the last Ukrainian because they want the opportunity to colonize them under NATO are the ones who want Ukrainians to die.

[–] -2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

So many US empire simps here mistake opposition to their evil, and counterproductive diminishment of Americans and Europeans who simp for the empire, as supporting the Russian non-empire who needs to defend itself, and understands fully, despite any absurd propaganda to the contrary, that it needs to defend itself from US empire attempting to demonically diminish it.

Your propaganda bubble means you cannot and will never have nice things, including any climate supporting human sustainability. Heads are so far empire ass, that advising you it stinks up there, only makes you understand it as an order to move to Russia.


Headline is a bit inaccurate. "If they use anything other than dollar" is the quote.

While neocon colonial handlers have been making the west puppets fall over themselves over offering more war, there was already a strong division in the world.

Trade prevents wars. The world becoming more divided will make the US more isolated, and anger the low hanging fruit of dealing with decline. Investment outside of the US and its influence have already taken off. This posturing is not significantly different than the path the Biden administration set on, but there is a matter of style that will cause the US colonies to choose between dignity and extreme ever subjugated diminishment to US control and profits, even as the US itself causes its own decline.


NATO and other US colonies submitted harder to US under Biden. In part, it made political sense to boost US in order to prevent Trump again. The CIA loyal colonial institutions that made that happen though, are pushing for total capitulation instead of the escape hatch that China/world provides.

Fentanyl, FYI is used in hospitals extensively because it is a cheaper opiate on a per dose basis. It is not a cause of opiate addiction, but instead has a high risk of overdose death as a result of typically accidental use instead of heroin. Anti-immigration positions in Canada are gaining strength mostly because of the systemic collapse of the last 4 years of subjugation creates pessimism over sustainability that is required for policies like education or immigration to eventually pay off.

Instead of banning fentanyl, and growing opium in Canadian greenhouses for traditional opiate industry, and limiting immigration even more, including visa requirements from countries Trump hates, Canada is begging for the privilege of funding perpetual Ukraine war, and acting as force multiplier on war with China.

OTOH, this latest call is a ploy to get US-Canada to jointly isolate from the world. Mexico has already been cooperative with China, and has a massive opportunity to become Central and South American manufacturing hub in addition to significant cost of living comparative advantage.

Even if US accepts Canada as part of its island, it will continue escalation of demands.


The main explanation for continuous underforcasts by IEA, is that their rolodex includes only oil companies, and that's who they ask.


A large project with cost data.

At $1.6B project cost for 3gw, that is a little over 50c/watt, and would typically produce energy costs excluding financing of 1c/kwh.


ahead of Germany and Japan. Using PPP GDP measure.

a more detailed, but biased, article

There is more likely to be a collapse on the west from supporting a Ukraine war. There is zero resonance of "NATO is a purely defensive alliance" propaganda meant to be a friend to the world or to Russia inside of Russia. It is fully understood as an existential threat in Russia, while it is a casual inconvenience to those who trust western media in the west. A deep concern for the world/west is that Russia's extreme growth in military production means that we will soon be asked to boost competing military production and compromise our own sustainability and leisure.


Under Biden, the EU has adopted all CIA propaganda as a theoretical antidote to Trump. They are so proud of the lies. All reality is Russian propaganda seems like the perfect comeback to all complaints about their subjugation.


Good summary of some of the issues with US military.

Unmentioned programs, Navy has been scrapping 5 year old littoral ships, and its new fuel supply fleet can't get out of maintenance.

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