
joined 3 years ago
[–] helix@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 years ago

Funny to see that they got banned after a few hours for being an alt-right memelord. I guess this platform wasn't what they were looking for after all…


I'd love to add more resources; the German version is fleshed out a bit more. Feel free to link resources for starting here and I'll add them :)

[–] helix@lemmy.ml 0 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) (1 children)

We can crowdfund actual advertisements/partnerships. I'd much rather see a Lemmy commercial than a NørdVPN or RAIÐ $hadovv Legendş commercial.

It is worth noting that some important features are still missing in Lemmy, particularly mod tools (we are going to implement them in the next ~12 months). There also aren’t many different instances yet.

Do that first, though. We don't want a flood of spammers and disappointed users because the mods/admins can't do jack shit about it.

[–] helix@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago)

that doesn't hide metadata, the postal service can track it and you can trace back both the handwriting and reverse engineer the code. Someone can intercept the mail from many stations on the way, including your own post box.

I'd say that many messaging services offer more protection than that method.

You could, however, use PGP with elliptic curve cryptography, and send that via packet radio or something similar on a frequency only you know. To an uninvited person this only looks like garbage data or noise.

[–] helix@lemmy.ml 0 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) (2 children)

nutomic banned a guy who said there’s a genocide and someone else posted said video.

seriously? can you link the thread?


other than that, idk to what extent I agree. on one hand I like certain aspects of Lemmy’s culture, linux, foss, programming, anti-capitalism, anti-corporate, privacy awareness, decentalisation, veganism, libre culture, progressive social values etc, on the other hand I don’t really like some stuff, like leftists defending putin (why? T_T ) ,being so anti-imperialism that they would call any mainstream source propaganda, turning a blind eye when it comes to China’s flaws as if it can’t possibly be wrong in any case, stuff like that.

I couldn't agree more.

three admins are marxist-leninists, one is an anarchist and I don’t know about the other one.

Well, it's okay if they are like this, they just should be open about it and not do arbitrary bans for haphazard reasons while at the same time pretending to be morally superior, allowing other viewpoints and following a code of conduct. Or, if they do, they should just admit it. Which would actually be fine with me. Saying "I don't like you being in that community, so I banned you" is better than to pretend there's a universal truth that the banned person is a baddie.

[–] helix@lemmy.ml 0 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) (4 children)

I just spent two hours or so watching a debunk video on the alleged Uyghur cultural genocide full of Chinese propaganda and researching the 'sources' they claimed because nutomic banned a guy who said there's a genocide and someone else posted said video.

The Lemmy.ml main instance slowly becomes acidic and people like me will be driven away, slowly leaving the instance to extremist views. I do not see much of the Code of Conduct actually applied.

I really hoped this would be an alternative to Reddit when it turned out voat became a Nazi cesspool and other alternatives were shit technically.

I don't know if the developers hosting any instance which is naturally seen as the 'main' or 'official' one is actually a good idea since they need to moderate it instead of making the software better. Not to say they shouldn't, but...

Internet forums seem to be a doomed concept. The fediverse is usually so inclusive but it's getting so large that it gets the drama and issues of other platforms.

I'm leaning veeeeeery left and I agree that you don't talk to/with Nazis, but Lemmy.ml has fallen to the age old leftists calling other leftists not left enough. If they were as united as the world conglomerate of Nazis there would be no fascists. But they hang themselves by the nooses they threaded.

Leftists can't agree on anything. Fascists can. That's their superpower.

I don't know what the solution could be. Banning all users who don't agree with others seems excessive. Hosting the development somewhere else than a subdomain of the dev-run main instance may mitigate this a little. Not having a flagship instance may mitigate it, too. Maybe separating moderation from administration? Appointing more moderators?

I guess there's no ideal way to do this. For me as individual the solution might be to leave Lemmy.ml and not participate. But I believe in its ideas and I don't want to maintain yet another self hosted service.

Someone suggested self hosting lemmy, but what's the point? I like lemmy.ml, I just don't like that it's becoming more radical every day and that it's so closely affiliated with Lemmy, the software.

It hinders the software's popularity/adoption. New instances should be created to have another cool instance, not out of spite that you don't like the main instance.

I don't know if it was that radical before. I thought most of the really really leftist stuff wandered to lemmygrad.ml.

Maybe having a community called 'worldnews' is a bit too broad. Most of the posts I see as problematic were there. On reddit they use r/anime_titties for properly moderated world news.

Sadly I believe that no moderation of a community called world news could be unbiased enough to not let it escalate.