[-] growsomethinggood@reddthat.com 23 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Anyone thinking that lemmy is a welcoming space to women should read through that thread first.

Edit: the current state of Lemmy and the fediverse reminds me heavily of early reddit, for better and for worse. You can curate some pretty supportive communities if you are careful picking them out, they remain well moderated, etc. But there are plenty of places where you'll get scummy content if you wander or if posts attract too much attention.

They've actually slightly improved this lately, they ask about what they determine are risky sexual behaviors (ie hookups) with no gender attached now. The one thing is that you can't be actively taking PrEP and donate because it would obscure the HIV testing results (that they ought to be doing every time, multiple times!).

Source: https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/how-to-donate/eligibility-requirements/lgbtq-donors.html

[-] growsomethinggood@reddthat.com 134 points 1 week ago

In case anyone read the headline and was worried it would pop up on your computer overnight, it does appear to need some hefty and recent processors and between 6-25GBs free in order to run at all, so I don't think it'll sneak up on folks any time soon.

On the bad news front, I thought this was standard AI bad until I got to the part where it won't obscure passwords. But, surprise, it will obscure DRM content (and private browsing, but just if you're using Microsoft Edge).

Terrible for privacy aware consumers but I really anticipate the worst of this will be in a corporate setting. Plenty of employers already spy on employees but this would be pretty next level.

[-] growsomethinggood@reddthat.com 16 points 2 weeks ago

Transmission over long distances is much harder with power since you have to send it through cables that have some resistance; fiber optic cables are reflecting light that doesn't degrade as quick.

I think this is doable, the only question is, at what cost? Losing a lot of energy is inefficient, but that's only if you care about the efficiency more than the result (getting cleaner energy to a place that wouldn't have it otherwise). There may be better solutions, but I appreciate the desire to get this going here.

[-] growsomethinggood@reddthat.com 64 points 2 weeks ago

Not to discourage usage of OSM at all, but you can absolutely download offline maps on mobile with Google Maps, they've just hidden it a bit. If you tap your account icon in the upper right, a menu pops up that includes offline maps, and it'll let you select boundaries to download.

[-] growsomethinggood@reddthat.com 13 points 3 weeks ago

It also normalizes the practice, the more people do it for just that shiny checkmark. Unless you are legit a public figure who could be impersonated, it's actively detrimental to everyone else's privacy to get verified.

[-] growsomethinggood@reddthat.com 7 points 3 weeks ago

I think you are touching on something important in your edit, which is that diversity of energy source is important for long term grid stability. Solar+battery storage is looking really good right now and I completely agree we need to get on that asap. But there's no magic bullet, no one technology that negates the need for any other. Headlines inherently reduce complex issues into bite sized information, but it's important for science literacy to remember that things are complex and nuanced! We need wind and solar and hydroelectric and energy storage and nuclear and more.

[-] growsomethinggood@reddthat.com 10 points 3 weeks ago

Bro are you doing these things to actually make women comfortable and safe around you, or are you doing them so that women treat you nicely? The former is feminist, and the latter is disguised chivalry where women still owe you things for treating them like people. Withholding your support of women unless they tell you what a ~~big strong man~~ good ally you are is not a way to a more equal future, and you can apply this to virtually any minority rights movement.

And if you think women being wary of unknown men is a personal critique, I don't know what to tell you except that it doesn't reflect well on you. But it seems like there's a lot of folks here who missed the point hard and are stepping in it, so you're in company at least.

[-] growsomethinggood@reddthat.com 3 points 4 weeks ago

Good news! Artists have already covered this one, please enjoy The Bone Game by Drawfee

[-] growsomethinggood@reddthat.com 4 points 1 month ago

Add SmartTube for androidTV and you're set!

[-] growsomethinggood@reddthat.com 4 points 1 month ago

I use Blockada 5 and haven't noticed any heating issues, it might be worth a go! I did have to enable most of the lists to get good coverage (and then a couple custom selected on/off over time) but I mostly don't think about it after a little setup. The only thing I do have to worry about is swapping which VPN is on when I want a real VPN- but fortunately the VPN I like (Mullvad) has adblock built in too.


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