This is not great advice. Using random crap for planters can leech chemicals into your fruits and veggies. Also, you need seed-potatoes to grow potatoes you can eat. You cannot grow edible potatoes from what you buy in a grocery store.
Yeah I've had gardens all the way up until covid when prices went bananas because it wasn't feasible anymore. I can buy from a farmers market for less than the materials/time/water. I need to build a gray water capture system.
Now I just grow herbs and tomatoes.
This but unironically.
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Joined Cake day: January 21st, 2024
the current fundamental model of AI is not and cannot be made deterministic.
I have to constantly remind people about this very simple fact of AI modeling right now. Keep up the good work!
Only the fringe lunatics think it's even possible to disarm a population. Far lefties like myself realize the power that small arms represent in the fight against fascism. Marx said to arm up.
They were also made by people with actual industry experience. They sucked at making a product people wanted but they didn't such at actually making a product.
Freedom is a call-sign at best and most likely a constructed illusion.
Other countries have actual middle-class structures, so I can only assume so.
Japanese has a very elaborate cursive system that is part chinese caligraphy and part native. If you're familiar with hiragana and katakana then think of each character as normal chinese caligraphy BUT the chinese characters that were adapted for japanese grammar in the 700-800 ADs get written VERY quickly and lots of strokes are taken out so you need to learn to identify the writers intention and understanding in context is absolutely essential. It takes a ton of practice and memorizing all the different permutations and their changes over time.