Aber da "hat es doch niemand kommen sehen". Ist das jetzt gerade die Phase in der wir es "nicht kommen sehen"?
Wenn Putin an der Front stirbt würde ich auch davon absehen ihn ins Gefängnis zu stecken. Deal?
Einen Fehler einzugestehen würde eine Größe erfordern die Merz einfach nicht hat. Er muss immer Recht haben und Fehler machen auch nur die anderen.
Not sure if you're mixing things up or if your just sticking to the joke really good 😅
Just craft one yourself, it's not that hard. Chop a few trees for the wood, craft the workbench, dig down a bit for the diamonds and there you go!
Can't discuss with these people. Anyway, you're right. Feddit is definitely a leftist community which is one of the reasons I'm there. Germany surely has a lot more extreme right wing people which is just sad to see. The media is responsible for big parts of that.
If people keep buying that crap, what's going to stop the companies doing that? I'm at a point where I don't care anymore to be honest. I have so many games on my library that I haven't played yet olus all the emulated stuff, that's going to be sufficient for the rest of my life. There will be really good AAA games by nice companies once in a while, like Baldur's Gate 3 right now. Then there are really good indie games like Stardew Valley, Minecraft (in the early days), and so on.
Diablo 3. Not the one Blizzard released.
That's because the opposition of the drug legalization is having world's biggest drug festival in Munich right now.
Could you name one?
Secret of Evermore (SNES). The atmosphere, the gameplay, the characters.. It's an absolutely awesome game.
I really want to enjoy games like Fallout or GTA on the Deck but compared to mouse/keyboard it's just really bad. I cannot understand how so many people like to play games like CoD or Battlefield on consoles.