[-] deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz 1 points 16 minutes ago

... but only one word at a time. So you end up with:

  • Bread
  • Cheese
  • Cow eggs
  • Chicken milk
[-] deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz 17 points 9 hours ago

"It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times"? You stupid monkey!

[-] deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz 29 points 9 hours ago

They won't reject him for the crimes he's convicted of, they'll reject they legal system that convicted him of those crimes.

[-] deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz 7 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 20 minutes ago)

... Or calling your aunt and having her yell things at you that she thinks might be on your Mum's shopping list.

[-] deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz -1 points 1 day ago

Check if your ISP uses CGNAT for IPv4. If so, then you're out of luck and IPv4 pretty forwarding will never work.

See if your router has an external IP in the CGNAT range.

If you have IPv6 you can add a firewall rule to your router to allow the forwarding port through and at least have other IPv6 peers connect.

[-] deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Doesn't matter because team-blue voters will keep voting team blue because otherwise they might have to change their mind... and that means they might have been wrong before: can't have that.

[-] deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz 4 points 1 day ago

"Celebrate our most successful" was the newspeak bullshit they were peddling last time.

[-] deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz 4 points 2 days ago

It's not precluding a subsequent trial that includes women.

Having said that, it is a little odd that it's a men only trial.

[-] deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz 3 points 3 days ago

Bye! Thanks for the materialistic consumerism I guess.

[-] deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz 22 points 3 days ago

"We're sorry, tax cuts for our buddies means your children have to go hungry."

"We're sorry, tax cuts for our buddies means disabled people don't get the support they need".

"We're sorry, tax cuts for our buddies means people who can't work can't get slightly more assistance than last year."

"We're sorry, tax cuts for our buddies means redressing Treaty violations have to wait another few decades."

I wouldn't piss on this government if they were on fire.

[-] deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz 2 points 3 days ago

The American dream.

[-] deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz 40 points 3 days ago

Curing diabetes is not in the shareholders' best interests.

submitted 2 months ago by deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz to c/newzealand@lemmy.nz

This is exactly why I made sure when buying my house/section that it was more than 5m higher than sea level and inland from the coast. Not that that will mitigate the societal collapse following the glaciers'.

The world might be able to geoengineer saving one maybe two glaciers. But not all of them, not Greenland's icesheet and not the entire Antarctic icesheet.

submitted 2 months ago by deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz to c/newzealand@lemmy.nz

So, our government's "crack down on beneficiaries" also includes disabled children.

Apparently disabled people are, what? Leaches sucking the life out of the economy or something?

How long until disabled people have to "work" for their support? Or perhaps we should just put them on a train and take them to a "work camp"?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz to c/newzealand@lemmy.nz

A quarter of a century ago TVNZ knew that "digital", or rather the Internet, was the way of the future. I know, I was there.

It created nzoom.com for those that remember it.

A decade ago, it was still a "broadcaster" with an adjunct "digital" presence with TVNZ Ondemand.

Only on the last few years has it started to truly operate "digital" (internet) first, I'm afraid that it might be too late and we see another newshub-scale catastrophe in the next few years.

submitted 3 months ago by deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz to c/politics@lemmy.nz

Councils in cyclone-hit regions staring down a decade-long roading recovery say they simply cannot afford it.

Emphasis mine.

The duration of the remedial works is the problem more than the cost.

If it takes a decade to recover from an event that is likely to reoccurr more frequently then it's a losing game.

It's a shame that local and central government in NZ just can't/won't maintain infrastructure.

submitted 8 months ago by deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz to c/newzealand@lemmy.nz

Alternative headline: National to spend $30m to sacrifice some of your lives so our trip is slightly faster.

The changes have been endorsed by transport researchers and street safety advocates as effective measures to help reduce the number of Kiwis killed and injured on the roads.

That's all there is to it.

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