
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

"Bee-HAWWWWW! BEE-hawww" If you don't click the link/open your app while imitating a donkey, then what are you even doing? <3

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I’m one of those writers that has to really be in the mood to write or else it feels forced. So, to limit my distractions or case of “Ugh, okay I’ll just look for 5 more minutes…” which turns into a hour.

I found those really neat program called Ommwriter. Its literally just text. There’s no UI or anything. I think you can customize the background, but I haven’t felt the need to change anything.



cross-posted from:

We've been investigating some recurring issues with the user experience on the instance, and have traced it back to the way Lemmy handles language settings.

Here's the TL;DR on how to ensure you see all of the content on this instance:

In your user settings, make sure "Language" is set to both "English" and "Undetermined". You can select additional languages as well, but they aren't currently allowed on this server.

On desktop, you can use CTRL+click to select both options.

This will allow you to see content for which the author has not set a language, and content which has been set to "English".

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'm glad we are 100% on the same wavelength on that, RiddleMeWhy.

Honestly, same here up in Canada; the expectation is "they" came to "us" and need to adjust to "our" ways. Scarcely do we take the time to put the effort into doing the same; whether that be in the form of actively trying to understand that culture, gender, or sexuality, etc.

The act of genuinely just acknowledging that there are other people in the room with different and valid viewpoints that, like or unlike, your own do in fact exist! Especially to try to consciously do this before you type your response, and be kind, speaks volumes to the room. It goes unspoken, though, the effort it takes to be civil, even when something upsets you. It just takes a moment to be kind.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

I'm white and I understood it as: "It's unfortunate that we don't have more diversity yet." In no way was it meant to sound like "oh great, look at all of the white people."

But what irks me is that whole "exclusion" of cis males thing. I'm being general here, but it seems more and more it happens under the guise of "creating safe spaces for people." It spoils and demeans the entire social experience even if maybe we don't see it from that perspective. I mean, I get it, not everyone is completely comfortable around others and sometimes there's underlying issues/trauma there, understandably. People are, and can be, just gross.

On here, and this applies to everyone, it's an open, shared space for ALL -- not just "make a special space for me." That's the thing about needs to be equally divided to ensure we can have specific spaces for men, for women and for alllllllllllllllllllll of those who fit in between or don't fit at all into these categories. It just astounds me how a group can be literally screaming to be noticed and loved, and yet there is so much hate a vitriol coming from that exact same group shot back when people take notice, reach out and try to do something about it.

Beehaw from what I have seen and experienced is indeed trying to proactive and advocate for all users, not just some.

All I'm saying is you can't have it both ways -- its either inclusive for everyone, or its not. Simple as. If you want a blinders on, customized, experience where there is absolutely no interaction with anyone outside of who/what you deem acceptable... check out Facebook or Twitter. Or even find a trans-run trans-only board/community.

Edit: punctuation

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Well, to weigh in here...I don't think I saw anywhere about the admins saying it's not a topic up for discussion. I believe what they were saying is that in order to organize the communities in a way that is feasible for members (of Beehaw or other) to be able to see/find communities in a broader sense.

While I am not vegan or vegetarian...I can understand the frustration. It's like trying to combine (for lack of a better example) arts. Lets say they combined a Sci-Fi and Fantasy board. While they may be radically different at their core, they can still fall under the broader category of writing or arts. Even though they may contrast or not even be completely related... its the broader sense of organizing them into categories that can easily be digested. I know it may be a stretch, but this is how I choose to interpret these actions. It's not a snub or a malicious intent behind the restructuring, just some house cleaning.

Now, I can't speak for the mods and admins... but... with boards like this, just as categories can be combined, they can also be separated. Who is to say that this may not happen in the future as Beehaw continues to grow. It's never said that this was meant to be permanent, so far as I can see. Again, can't speak for the mods or admins but they could also make it go under one title and two separate boards under one heading. Names can easily be modified.

I'm certain that if we talk to the admins/mods, respectfully, as they have been with us, it'll make it easier to co-operate.

Just my 2 cents. :)

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Maybe this is moot since they would just do the usual Square Enix “remaster” (read: poorly upscaled and very basic QoL improvements)

I want some love for Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross. Even if they just made it 2.5 HD similar to Octopath Traveller, Diofield Chronicle, etc

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Can't complain so far :D

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I played the demo and I was so sad when it ended. Really sucked me in good!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/


As the title says this is a short story that I have been slowly working on for a few years. I've stopped and come back to it many, many times. But I think it's time for it to be shared again or else it won't (and I won't!) get any better.

So, please, I invite you to tear it apart. Any feedback would be welcome. I'm not sure how it works, since I'm still new here, but if you'd prefer to send a DM instead of leaving a comment you may do so!

Edit: Sorry for the formatting. It was too big for a single post or comment so I had to split it into 4 parts. It should all be chained together within the first comment. (Sort comments by Old)


{This is a standalone piece.}

A mysterious love letter leads a man on a road to self-discovery.

#writing #shortstory #fiction

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Sadly, I think they were a little too faithful to the originals. Don't get me wrong I love it and some of the improvements made are great. However I also totally agree about the customization and the town kind of feels dead. Unless you want some kind of reward out of a character it feels pointless to interact with any of them... like the lines are the exact same over multiple years lol.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Waiting til payday for Final Fantasy XVI. Stuffing my time with Genshin Impact, Pokémon and Final Fantasy XIV!

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

It's been beautiful out. This week is slow at work so I have time to sleep in and enjoy it.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

I'm new to these kinds of sites, but like to think I can navigate my way, haha. It's great and kind of refreshing that everything is so interconnected though and only need one sign in to view across content!

I've tried using Mastodon app and this other website called Beehaw. So, in my experience I can sub, but in order to see content from here I have to physically navigate through the communities > subscribed page.

I'm just going to be patient with it... it's propably just buggy because it's new. :P

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