[-] blindsight@beehaw.org 2 points 3 hours ago

It's a shame FTL has such terrible touch controls on PC. I wonder about emulating the Android version of the game; I haven't looked into it at all, but that might work well if possible.

[-] blindsight@beehaw.org 2 points 4 hours ago

Same with me. 90% of my gaming time is in bed after my kiddos have gone down to sleep, so there's no substitute. I've used it almost every day since I got it in December.

I do want to set up game streaming from my desktop, but I just haven't got around to it yet, mostly since it means I need to set up my WiFi mesh which I've been procrastinating.

[-] blindsight@beehaw.org 0 points 13 hours ago

This was mine, but I'm assuming you weren't referring to the BBC radio play, which is the best version of LotR ever made. The films had major distortions on the themes of the story and completely unbelievable characterization that destroyed all suspension of disbelief.

Sure, the CG was nice eye candy... but Gandalf getting into a shouting match with Elrond? Really? We're okay with that?

Plus, skipping the correct ending of Frodo and Sam coming back to the Shire in industrialized dystopia missed key parts of their character growth and Tolkien's anti-industrial themes.

And the massive over-focus on a love story that was barely relevant in the story? And a half hour epilogue of useless wide shots showing how amazing the wedding was and how everyone is doing so great now that they won? What a waste of time. They skipped one of the best parts of the book for that shit.

I could go on if I had watched the films more than twice and could recall all the other huge problems.

The books don't hold up, either. Ain't nobody got time to read 3-page info dumps of dense descriptive writing about plot-irrelevant details, or dense blocks of ancient history that demolishes any semblance of pacing left over.

He founded a lot of tropes of fantasy, so I know why he included all those descriptive details, but it just doesn't hold up. Elf, big tree house, got it. You've got me for two paragraphs to fill in the descriptive details, but then let's move on with the plot, tyvm.

If you're a fan of LotR, give the 13-hour BBC radio play a listen. And of you've watched/listened to/read all three and disagree with me, I'd love to hear why (out of interest). Full disclosure: you probably won't convince me, but I'm still waiting to hear someone who knows the source material justifying why the movies are so adored.

[-] blindsight@beehaw.org 1 points 16 hours ago

I always capitalize words that locally mean something specific and technical. Like the Group a Record is associated with in the Student table.

Do you mean things like that? Or just capitalizing all Nouns for no Reason or Something silly?

[-] blindsight@beehaw.org 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

As a Canadian, that sounds even worse to me, lol. Elected judges? That's insanity. Judges should never be making decisions based on political expedience.

Judges should be chosen by people who are experts in the law based on their knowledge and experience.

In Canada, I suppose it's loosely political, but it's several steps removed from direct political appointment. The PM and cabinet appoint someone to be the head of the judiciary, confirmed by the Governor General, and Supreme Court judges can be held accountable by the Senate and House in cases of misconduct.

Electing judges would make it worse, not better, imho.

The best solution I've heard for the US wouldn't require a constitutional amendment, it's to make the Supreme Court position last 18 years before becoming a Justice Emeritus (or whatever) that's mostly ceremonial. That takes away the incentive to stuff the judiciary with young judges, and adds stability that each presidential term is 2 justice appointments on a slowly rolling basis.

[-] blindsight@beehaw.org 5 points 1 week ago

It's just not the same for cognitive development and engagement.

Skimming headlines, occasional (short ) articles, and reading pithy comments is vastly different from sustained reading of a single text.

The first is what my dopamine-seeking ADHD slips into multiple times daily as I procrastinate doing my work; the light "popcorn" reading I'm doing is intellectually engaging, on some level, but it's also further fueling my atrophying attention span. And I'm almost exclusively getting surface-level, easily shared ideas that lack nuance.

Actually sitting down and focusing on a text, even if it's a pulp fiction story, works the brain in different ways, requiring sustained attention and deeper comprehension on whatever topic we're reading about (or more involved stories).

So, yes. You're right. Many still are reading a lot. But not reading books is still a huge problem for our society.

And I'm glad that I do both; reading is my primary source of entertainment, professional development, and personal growth. I just hope I'm successful in raising both my kiddos to be readers. (1 of 2, so far, but the youngest is only 6...)

And I think it's time to get off Lemmy and get back to my book.

[-] blindsight@beehaw.org 6 points 1 week ago

Agreed. I saved this article. I'm going to try to find a place to put this in an online course for grade 12 students. This was my quick Sunday of the big takeaways I write for myself to remember when I try to put this into a course:

She frames the fear of male violence around masking emotions leading to anger, and desiring closeness but only knowing how to pursue closeness through using the power of masculinity in the patriarchy.

[-] blindsight@beehaw.org 3 points 1 week ago

I initially thought this was just a way of protesting the law, but looking at how it was written, I think this was literally their only legal option. I'm not sure how any library can stay open with the laws as written. I don't think schools can have basically any books, either.

[-] blindsight@beehaw.org 5 points 1 week ago

To add to what the other poster said:

I'm not an expert, but my understanding is that noise cancellation works by inverting sounds waves to deaden the sound. So, like, if you add sin(x) and –sin(x) you get 0.

This system is actively adding inverted sound waves to cancel most sounds. What makes this system unique is that it samples the voice and uses the unique "voice print" to selectively not invert the sound waves from the targeted voice.

Or that's what I'm getting from reading this, as a layman.

[-] blindsight@beehaw.org 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The top 10% own almost exactly ⅔ of all US wealth. (66.9%)

No need for hyperbole when 90% of the population controls ⅓ of the wealth and the bottom 50% only controls 2.5% of the country's wealth. (Same source as above).

[-] blindsight@beehaw.org 22 points 1 week ago

It's missing filling the start bat with a massive Copilot box and weather/news widget. Or maybe missed an opportunity to make Clippy the AI assistant.

I love-hate it.

submitted 6 months ago by blindsight@beehaw.org to c/steamdeck@sopuli.xyz

Fanatical is running a Steam Deck games bundle right now. Are any of these games worth the time?

I feel like I've heard good things about Arise, but I'm out of the loop. I don't recognize many of the others by name.

Prices are reasonable, so it's less a question about if it's worth the money, more if its worth the time. (3 for CA$6.79, 5 for CA$9.59, or 8 for CA$13.69)

Terror of Hemasaurus
Jack Move
Garden Story
Castle on the Coast
The Tarnishing of Juxtia
Arise: A Simple Story
Zombie Army Trilogy
Beyond the Long Night
ATONE: Heart of the Elder Tree
The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf
Home Sweet Home EP2
Hero's Hour
Pathologic 2

submitted 6 months ago by blindsight@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org

I'm just curious if anyone else tried to get one of the Limited Edition Steam Decks before they sold out. I tried for it (on 3 devices) but kept getting error messages until it sold out. I just ordered the 1 TB edition instead.

This will be my first portable gaming device since the DSi, so I'm really excited for it. Getting the clear LE one would have been cool, but I'm probably better off not spending the extra $40 CAD, lol.

So, what's your Steam Deck situation? Did you try for/get the LE? Do you already have one? Getting one? Don't want one?

submitted 7 months ago by blindsight@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org

All over Twitch, about half the streamers I usually watch playing turn-based strategy games are all suddenly playing the same new game. I watched a few streams, and it looked interesting. Normally, I never buy games when they just come out because I have such a backlog and can wait for a sale, but I figured if everyone (figuratively) is playing it, it must be amazing.

Turns out, they're giving the full game away for free during their "early access" phase as a "demo". But it's the full game, just with only 2 class choices.

I had a blast! And now I'm probably going to buy it on release.

The last time I remember doing this was for Minecraft. I see lots of games doing free weekends on Steam, which is very similar; doesn't work well for me since I only have a few hours for gaming each week, but I imagine that must be successful for a lot of games, too.

What do you think of that business model? And/or, what do you think of Backpack Battles, if you've played it?

submitted 8 months ago by blindsight@beehaw.org to c/parenting@beehaw.org

There's a big protest being organized across Canada to protest SOGI being taught in schools, and I'm fed up with it. There are so many vulnerable students who need to know that what they're experiencing is normal, and right-wing extremists are politicizing human rights and spreading manufactured controversy about children being shown pornography in schools.

The linked article is just one of many anti-SOGI protests happening across Canada on Wednesday.

Anyway, the reason I bring it up here is that some of these right-wing anti-SOGI [redacted; unkind] are parents of kids in our kids' classes, and a couple of them are close friends with my kids.

How do you handle that? Kids shouldn't be held accountable for their parents' beliefs. But what about playdates and birthday parties and such? Should we discuss the friendship? It feels wrong to ostracize the child. They deserve to feel safe and have friends.

Also, I'm thinking of taking time off work to counter protest, and making a sign like this one:

Not really related to parenting, but I think it's important kids feel supported and bigots are told their archaic world views are unwelcome. It'll be super awkward if a parent I know is standing on the other side of the protest.

submitted 10 months ago by blindsight@beehaw.org to c/news@beehaw.org

Saskatchewan is fairly conservative leaning, from a Canadian perspective, so perhaps this isn't surprising, but it's a shame that drug use continues to be viewed through a criminal lens instead of a healthcare and mental health crisis.

My understanding is that even suicide is generally covered by life insurance policies after a two-year vetting period; I would have thought that drug overdoses would at least get the same treatment. It doesn't say in the article how long this policy existed, but the context implies it was longer than two years and I would have thought it would have been a relevant detail to include in the article if it was a newly opened policy, so the omission of that detail further supports it being an older policy.

I have great sympathy for his family, especially because of the long legal battle that I'm sure has retraumatized them over the intervening years.

submitted 11 months ago by blindsight@beehaw.org to c/android@lemmy.world

My context / use case

I got Fire 7 tablets for my kiddos a few years ago and they're dreadfully slow and can't really run many apps at all. With my daughter needing some educational support at home, I was looking for a cheap replacement that actually had enough power to manage recent education apps, and hopefully be future proof for a while.


The cheapest tablet at Costco.ca, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite, is $500 CAD, has a weak processor, only 4GB RAM, and 64GB storage.

I'll never touch Apple products for a zillion reasons, but cost was completely prohibitive for a device my child could drop any day. Even used ones are insanely priced. And the app ecosystem for education on iOS is almost entirely paid apps, increasingly using a subscription model. (Or so it seems.)

Newer Amazon Fire "HD" tablets suck, too, but at least they're cheap. And they might be powerful enough to run some things? idk. I wasn't enthused.

Then, I thought to check AliExpress and found an 8GB tablet with 128GB storage, a processor better than the S6, and a 2K (1440p) display. After reading reviews to check if it's legit, I ordered one.

Informal Review

The great:

Price/value for the specs. I paid ~$240CAD for a bundle that includes a nice case, screen protector, charging block and cable, and a child-size Bluetooth keyboard. (It doesn't have a digitizer, so I skipped the stylus.)

The good:

The tablet is snappy. The battery lasts a long time. The screen has plenty enough resolution to render everything crisply on a 10.4" display.

It's a perfect tablet for my kids use as an educational tablet. It's great for PDF ebook reading (mostly picture books and early reader chapter books to date, lol!) and has handled all the education/edutainment apps without any slowdowns.

3.5mm jack. 18W fast charging. Build quality feels solid. Well positioned hardware buttons and 3.5mm jack make it easy to use in either orientation. The included case works as an angled stand. SD card slot for expansion. SIM compatible for phone/data.

The bad:

The viewing angle is pretty terrible. It's completely fine for solo use or for applications where colour accuracy isn't important, but it's very noticeable.

The speakers suck. I'm not a sound geek, so I don't know the correct terms, but the sound is muddy and distorted. They also have a fairly low maximum volume, and become increasingly distorted at higher volume. They work well enough, but it's not enjoyable for music. I would definitely use headphones for music/video/games.

I haven't tried the camera at all, but I've heard it's not great. Can't comment on that.

The purchase

The vendor I ordered from (ALLDOCUBE Direct Store) swapped the EU plug for a US plug at no extra cost. It arrived quickly (3 weeks?) from China.

The package arrived with the retail box crushed, so the included screen protector broke. After using it for a day, I decided to buy a second one for my other child, and asked them to include a replacement. Not only did they include a replacement, but they pre-installed the screen protector on tablet #2 so it couldn't break, without my asking them to.

I would recommend the seller, but ask them to pre-install the screen protector (if you plan to use one) so there's less risk of damage in transit.


Anyway, not sure if this is the kind of content people want here, but I thought I'd do my part to add something!

Has anyone else experimented with cheap AliExpress/Chinese Android devices?

Based on my success with these, I'm considering getting a phone for my wife there. I'm a bit more worried about data vulnerabilities and software support longevity on a daily driver phone, but it's really hard to find a small quality phone for a reasonable price. Also, it needs to have a good camera or it's a nonstarter.

Do you have any experience or thoughts on this?

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