It looks like Avvar armor from Dragon Age: Inquisition
It's time to unionize
I don't put smoke detector next to my head for every night.
True. Didn't think about that.
Still boggles my mind that Unity has 7700 employees. It's funny how Godot while having only 10(?) developers is considered good alternative for Unity.
ChatGPT is good in writing regex
There are more than 7k employees work in Unity. I don't understand why Unity needs so much workforce given that company is struggling to reach profitability.
I don't know about his political views, but I think Linus deserves every last penny he got from Red Hat.
Social conditioning plays big role. Of course there are people who genuinely want become parents. But majority of people think that having a child is an inevitable stage in human life. Because of social pressure most people don't realize that parenthood is a choice. That you can freely say NO to having a baby and nothing will happen. Life will go on, the God won't punish you, skies won't fall on your head.
SEO killed the search. Everything now is just autogenerated blogs with popup windows and affiliated links to amazon.
At this point mice have the best cancer healthcare in the world.