[-] antlion@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 7 hours ago

Brush up against one and you’re assaulted - it’s like skunk spray in the plant kingdom.

[-] antlion@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 7 hours ago

For me peanut butter is not as bad as dry roasted peanuts. For some reason before they’re pulverized, it smells like cigarette smoke to me.

[-] antlion@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 points 1 day ago

I hate when a restart fixes it. It means it will never be fixed.

[-] antlion@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Bubbul Gems

[-] antlion@lemmy.dbzer0.com 13 points 2 days ago

Somebody has to make the call. There was this dinosaur book for kids in a little free library. It didn’t even have an author or publisher, because it was AI garbage. Full of misspellings, etc. I contemplated throwing it in the trash because I don’t think it should exist. But for some reason I had trouble deciding that for others.

Digitize and delete? Scan straight to OCR and dump the books. One hard drive can store a lot of books.

[-] antlion@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 2 days ago

Try it. For me it works better than Google Maps. Another option to consider is Organic Maps.

[-] antlion@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 2 days ago

I pulled out some of my chimney from 1929. In the center it was the rounded rectangular clay pipe, stacked up. Surrounded by bricks which supported the clay pipe and had air gaps on both sides like you are showing. This was an old chimney that used to go to the boiler in the basement - not a fireplace.

[-] antlion@lemmy.dbzer0.com 0 points 2 days ago

Two hours outside per day for children.

[-] antlion@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 2 days ago

I didn’t realize gifts of weapons came with so many Terms & Conditions. I guess they could have thought more carefully about those terms when supplying weapons to Israel.

[-] antlion@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 points 3 days ago

When you get used to ripping your food apart with dull knives, serrated knives give you more control over it because of the friction.

There is no pleasure like cutting with a properly sharp kitchen knife. Slicing a potato with nothing but the weight of the knife and a gently slide.

Your opinion is wrong and uninformed. Get a proper knife and learn to use it and sharpen it.

[-] antlion@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 3 days ago

His career records are impressive, and they even acknowledge that the records are incomplete. As it says on his tombstone, “Legendary Baseball Player”.

[-] antlion@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 3 days ago

I’m not sure. I don’t believe in the supernatural. But I do want to celebrate the delicate balance of life on this planet. I think the wheel of the year and 8 Sabbats make sense to me. Many of them are already celebrated very near the date anyway (Halloween, Christmas, . I don’t believe in deities as conscious beings, but I acknowledge the ancient traditions of respecting a personified version of a natural force. Sun, water, biology, earth, air, and moon are the mains elements I would acknowledge. I don’t pray to them and hope for an answer - I respect the role that each of them play in our continued existence on this planet. We exist at the mercy of these elements. A way of expressing gratitude when otherwise they may be taken for granted. A thought exercise that is useful for my own mental health. Kind of like karma - I don’t literally believe that good and bad actions will balance out; I think life is better when you try to lift up those around you.

So, when I close my eyes and feel the warmth of the sun for a moment, it’s as close to praying as I will get. Thankful that solar flares haven’t ended us yet. When I plunge into an icy lake or ocean, it’s as close to praying as I will get. The cold water completely overwhelms the senses and for that moment, I feel I am cold water. And I love water. I will love water even during floods. When I am atop a mountain, I am praying to the earth - thankful that we have not been ended by super volcanos or earthquakes. Similar acknowledgements can be made for wind/air and life/health.

I’m content calling myself an atheist, but that doesn’t say anything, it says not something else. My reasons for wanting a religion are the legal protections that come along with it, and the recruiting power. It could be a tool to convert religious people - instead of feeling exiled from their church community, that they may feel welcomed into a larger community. I don’t mean recruitment like door to door, I mean naturally, somebody looking for guidance or meaning in life without god would find it. The truth of it is self-evident.


See also: Family Guy S02E14 Let’s Go to the Hop

submitted 3 weeks ago by antlion@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/geoengineering

Current mainstream mitigation measures may be insufficient to halt sea-level rise, implying that radical measures may be required. Geoengineering—which can be described as a mechanism to mitigate unprecedented sea-level rise—has garnered scientific interest in line with the present state of climate change. This study investigates traditional and modern geoengineering techniques through a systematic literature review. The results suggest that conventional and pioneering techniques can decrease sea-level rise, and those optimal results would be achieved through the cooperation of methods. Ultimately, findings from this review informed five strategies: tactical application of conventional geoengineering; optimisation through technique alignment; adaptation to receding coastlines; a global platform for project collaboration; and progression of research capabilities. These strategies, in turn, informed a procedural guideline for policymakers who seek to mitigate sea-level rise.

submitted 3 weeks ago by antlion@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/geoengineering

Precipitation enhancement, commonly called “cloud seeding” or “weather modification” is a scientific method to artificially stimulate clouds to produce more rainfall and snowfall than would be produced naturally. The primary mechanism is to inject substances, such as silver iodide or ice crystals (cloud seeding agents), into the clouds, enabling snowflakes and raindrops to form more easily. Various cloud seeding programs have been operational since the late 1950s. The majority of programs continue for a number of years during winter months and as conditions warrant. The following is a summary on previous cloud seeding programs in California.


When I go to iknowwhatyoudownload.com, a bunch of stuff shows up for my IP that’s definitely not being downloaded by anyone in my house (foreign language torrents). Aside from that my router (AT&T Arris BGW210) needs to be restarted about once a week, due to some kind of dhcp issue. The most recent event seemed bad - none of my devices had internet, they could all talk to each other, and my ONT activity light was flickering steadily. During this time I had no access to the router, even plugged in directly to LAN. Fixed by a restart but no idea what was going on.

The DHT torrent thing has been happening for months and the router thing could just be that AT&T sucks. I have no other evidence that something is wrong.

I could buy a firewall and put it downstream of the AT&T equipment.

I could switch internet providers, get a new IP address and router, and see if that fixes it.

Should I try to figure out what’s going on or just keep restarting the router once a week and ignore the DHT hits from my static IP?

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