I was diagnosed with autism, so I know.
"They just want to avoid a color revolution, also something something different cultures, something something taking their appropriation of anti-imperialist talking points at face value."
Not anymore for me. I notice patterns in things much earlier than others, so it's like if I seen the same joke for the 1000th time even though it's like just the 100th with this one.
Chilis peppers are also fruit, and there's smoothie of them.
Simpsons monkey fight.gif
Boomer humor, but tech.
Any more modern game suggestion for such purpose?
Or wants to shoot protesters as a bloodsport, so he can fake cry on court, then start his republican career.
It's one thing if you accidentally spilled info on personal stuff you didn't want to reveal, and it's another that you pretend you don't have the terminal horniness to try to please the haters (which you can't the moment someone leaks a private stream), and to lie to both yourself and the fans (many of which actually liked that fact about you).
Yeah, pretty much.
If you knew how big of an overlap between Zionism and Antisemitism there is...
"The answer to the Jewish question is Israel" - wrote a Hungarian far-right blog around 2008-2009. It was an unpopular opinion back then, as Jobbik was a literal Islamophile party, because killing LGBT people and death penalty to robbers, but nowadays it's a popular sentiment among fascist pretending to be "moderates" by calling themselves "conservatives". Even Jobbik isn't that radical anymore, especially compared to both Fidesz (which stole their racist and homophobic ideas, but watered them down) and Mi Hazánk (formed by ex-Jobbik members, has suspicious ties to Fidesz).