Really interesting. We need also to obliterare planes when you can accomplish the same with a train.
Peertube is the answer, a federated, FOSS, selfhostable video platform. There are instances for everyone.
That's really messed up. I hope that you can somehow fix it. Or at least reduce the number of jerks that you have to deal with.
I use Dvorak on all my devices since like 2 years ago. I prefer it.
The FCC can go and burn itself to the ground. TikTok is pure cancer, but the exact same goes for every other spyware companie that they're ignoring, aka Google, Microsoft, Apple… and a big etc.
I don't see why it can be offensive. Mostly because I'm sure that when people use that term is pretty far from the native indigenous meaning.
There was a time when you could download FLACs with Deemix… That was amazing.
It's even worse than win10. It's more resuorce hungry.
I was going to write something but this commet resumes it all. Compleatly agree.
Even more when technically speaking type-C is just better that the outdated crap that apple uses.
I just usually just grab my bike. Don't start too hard and generally you should be fine.
Also, there's some debate about if streching does somothing, but I don't know.