[-] ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world 17 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

Not mine. Mine so big, they got their own municipal recycling program.

[-] ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world 34 points 23 hours ago

They must have some skills if they rose to the level of Boeing executive, right? They wouldn’t put a bunch of useless MBAs who don’t care about safety in charge of a critical aerospace company.

They really should make the Boeing executives be the first astronauts on this mission.

🎼 Blinded by the light / Wrapped up like a douche / A motor homer in the night 🎶

The actual lyrics are:

Blinded by the light. Revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night

I use mine a ton. I actually prefer it (or Switch) for 90% of games. I have a PS5 and gaming PC and I actually bought the PlayStation Portal because as it turned out, I just like the format more than playing on TV. (I know about Chiaki — the Portal is seamless so I can hand it to a kid without getting them set up first and it never really disconnects.)

I think in part, it’s just a function of age. I don’t necessarily have uninterrupted time for big, cinematic games that work best on TV. Half of them have a 2h intro before you can even play the game. So, I end up playing games like Hades where I can get a few runs in and stop if I’m interrupted.

It’s a meaningless term for web developers, just as Web 2.0 was. It’s supposed to mean decentralized services and it was sort of hijacked by crypto companies for marketing purposes. Blockchain isn’t a particularly useful technology outside of its niches of cryptocurrency and gimmicks (like NFTs or whatever) and isn’t used by 99% of web projects. (There’s no Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc. blockchain, after all.)

I’ve been a web dev for decades now and to me, Web 1.0 was basically the era when people posted their own content on their own web sites. Web 2.0 was a marketing term used by social media companies to describe a new era where even non-tech savvy users could post content on MySpace, LiveJournal, Facebook, etc. There was no major tech advancement. Web 3.0 is supposed to be an era where even average users can take advantage of decentralized services. Again, nothing major tech-wise.

In terms of actual technology, there’s been significant shifts like CSS 3, HTML 5, ECMAScript 6 (JavaScript’s standard, which has evolved a lot recently) and others. Server-side web tech has also changed a lot over the years. Most web sites probably still use PHP — Wordpress is surprisingly ubiquitous — but NodeJS, Ruby, Python, and other languages have had major advancements. Those (and several others) are the ones actual web developers cared about.

TL/DR: Web 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 are just marketing terms with vague meanings to describe shifts in web culture, not web technology.

I saw one about lonely moms available in my area and clicked because I’m an orphan.

I apologize in advance for that joke and I’m about to donate $100 to a local charity that works with orphans. If you laughed, I encourage you to do the same so we can turn my horrid, inexcusable joke into something positive.

[-] ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

He’s an openly corrupt coal baron whose daughter quadrupled the price of EpiPens when she was CEO of Mylan (while the company donated the max allowed to Joe Manchin’s campaign and probably more to Super PACs).

I realize Republicans are worse but he and his whole family should at least be required to sit in the exit row of unrefurbished Boeing 737 MAX planes. The first good thing they’ll have done for humanity will be helping identify a plane that didn’t get the exit door bolted on properly.

Honestly, I’ve given every exit interview honestly. Don’t be bitter but tell them the truth if you’re a relatively normal person.

I’ve never really been laid off but when you leave companies, be honest and figure out who can give you a reference. It’s not always the HR person or your boss. Having hired people, at the reference call moment, you’re thinking, “This person seems right. Let’s make sure they’re not a sex pervert.” or whatever.

[-] ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world 9 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Don’t donate to politicians.

There’s refugee resettlement charities if you need people to help. Like, in Atlanta, New American Pathways helps families fleeing awful situations to get English classes. jobs, housing, enroll kids in school, etc. Lots of cities have similar charities. People who teach English at libraries and the like.

[-] ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world 12 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

In fairness, that was a pretty solid era. It wasn’t peak tech but I’d be ok going back.

It was probably a mistake for society to advance beyond the era when computers weren’t super portable and phones were just “smartish.” Like that BlackBerry era where you could communicate and get news if you needed it but it was enough of a hassle that you usually just waited until you were at home or the office to get caught up.


Columbia University’s student newspaper has an editorial about what transpired.


I had to test/fix something at work and I set up a Windows VM because it was a bug specific to Windows users. Once I was done, I thought, “Maybe I should keep this VM for something.” but I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t a game (which probably wouldn’t work well in a VM anyway) or some super specific enterprise software I don’t really use.

I also am more familiar with the Apple ecosystem than the Microsoft one so maybe I’m just oblivious to what’s out there. Does anyone out there dual boot or use a VM for a non-game, non-niche industry Windows exclusive program?


Lots of people were way more important than history books give them credit for. Do you have a favorite?

Mine are Ibn al-Haytham and Mansa Musa. For very different reasons. Ibn al-Haytham basically invented the scientific method. And Mansa Musa was such a baller that he caused inflation when he visited places.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I remember Funk and Wagnall’s at A&P but was that universal before we got computers?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world to c/technology@lemmy.world

I’ve never worked with major enterprise or government systems where there’s aging mainframes — the type that get parodied for running COBOL. So, I’m completely ignorant, although fascinated. Are they power hogs? Are they wildly cheap to run? Are they even run as they were back in the day?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world to c/lemmyshitpost@lemmy.world

I had Midjourney make Stalin the Tankie Engine.


I’ll be named THIEF soon enough.

The Aristocrats! (lemmy.world)

I found the least efficient way to get to the Linux CLI.


I ordered a Raspberry Pi 5 so I have a Pi 3 that’s about to be redundant. I haven’t used Pi-Hole so I was thinking it’d be good for that but I’m curious if there’s any downsides for users. Are sites blocked if you dont whitelist them? That sort of thing.

Basically, I’m not worried about me having issues but I’m worried about a maintenance headache if friends and family can’t access things.


Let the OPECs keep their gasoline.


This weekend, I watched a 13 year-old play Far Cry 5 and the game just seemed like wave after wave of enemies to shoot or blow up (or hit with a shovel). But he also has the patience of a 13 year-old and has no concept of beating a stealth mission by throwing a rock or waiting for a guard to turn around.

It made me curious: does Far Cry 5 have a hidden “GTA police level” system where violence begets violence? Or is the gameplay always basically a shoot ‘em up like Asteroids?

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