[-] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 4 points 2 weeks ago

Can take awhile, it doesn’t always seem to like being quiet

Reminds me of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfYbgdo8e-8

[-] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 28 points 2 weeks ago

Big tiddy? How are tits stealthy? She'll be flat as a board. Also, how do you think the "fuel" gets "transferred"?

[-] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 25 points 2 weeks ago

Lemmy requires you to use ^ before and ^after^ a word for ~this~ to ^work^.

[-] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 32 points 2 weeks ago

The irony is that in reality, it's reversed: Official Chinese envoys build up 'police stations' to suppress chinese immigrants.

[-] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 58 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I hope they bill Sony ten times of what they are losing out on now. They need to set a precedent that no other publisher will want to repeat what Sony did.

[-] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 15 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Du Kommunist!

In Amerika sind die Dems blau und die GOP is rot.

[-] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 31 points 3 weeks ago

This happens in Europe too. I hope the european agencies are similarly engaged in protecting dissidents. There have been numerously stories as of late about China using their embassy as a 'chinese police station'.

[-] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 2 points 3 weeks ago

If you get on a Hexbear's bad side, first they hit you with this, immediately followed by this (NSFW). That should tell you enough about what kind of people frequent hexbear.

[-] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 40 points 4 weeks ago

That line was adressed at Sony, not the players.

[-] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 4 points 4 weeks ago

Aber wenn Pressefreiheit fast ausschließlich für andere, verwerfliche Zwecke missbraucht wird, dann muss man eigentlich auch mal anfangen zu schauen, inwieweit Einschränkungen Notwendig sein können.

Das ist auch meine Meinung. "Keine Toleranz gegenüber Intoleranten" ist ein guter Leitspruch, "Keine Pressefreiheit für solche, die Freiheiten nehmen wollen" sollte genauso einer sein.

[-] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 6 points 4 weeks ago

As I understand it, 3) already happens. What causes the load is that each connected instance is also loading and caching the preview.


Whenever I try to respond to Mastodon comments with this account, I only get an endlessly spinning loading circle. From my lemmy.world backup account however I can send the response no problem. Any clue why that is?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works to c/kbinMeta@kbin.social

This question was asked already, but sadly not answered. Lemmy instances all support the path /instances, so sh.itjust.works/instances would show you all the instances my home instance is (de)federated with for example. Is there something similar for kbin?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works to c/firefox@lemmy.ml

I've installed Fennec on my Android 12 device, since it still has about:config accessible. I've been following this old guide from 2014 in order to set a custom download path, however unfortunately without luck. Is it still possible to set the download folder and if it is, what options do I need to set?

I found browser.download.useDownloadDir and have set it to false. I've tried to set browser.download.dir to /storage/C05C-A00E/Test, which is what my file explorer app tells me my sdcard is mounted under, and to /sdcard/Test, which is what the tutorial showed. Both did not work, downloads still land in the default download folder.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works to c/agora@sh.itjust.works

I'd like to ask for @TheDude to make a server-wide announcement, visible to all members of this instance, that a binding vote about defederation is currently taking place.

Without knowing what the Lemmy UI allows, I was hoping for a text similar to the one informing new users that email verification is currently enabled. Here is what I would like the announcement to entail:

"A binding vote to defederate from another instance is currently taking place in /c/TheAgora. Should the vote be accepted, no users of sh.itjust.works will be able to access the defederated instance or interact with users of that defederated instance anywhere on Lemmy. Should the vote fail, the instance to be defederated remains federated, its content may still be shown on the home feed of sh.itjust.works and the users of that instance may still participate in discussion on this instance."

I am of the very strong opinion, that no vote should be binding, unless it was announced early enough to all members of this instance! This vote will have instance-wide consequences, the fact that it is taking place needs to be broadcasted beyond this community!

Edit: fix typos (again)

submitted 11 months ago by Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works to c/lemmy@lemmy.ml

I think the way federation currently works spells doom for the fediverse, should any service of it get major traction. Currently, if you subscribe to a community on Lemmy or follow a user on Mastodon, your instance will pull the content of that instance/user and make it available for all to see and interact with. What seems like a good idea to spread content however is becomming the achilles heel of the fediverse: The admins of Lemmy/Mastodon instances are liable in many juristictions for the content their servers are distributing. This means in practice that many Lemmy/Mastodon instances block NSFW content for example, as the admins, understandably so, are either unwilling or incapable of making sure they are not running afoul of any laws.

As such, I think that the fediverse needs to offer a way for users to follow content from other instances without having that content be stored, let alone shared by their home instances.

A question I have at this point is where this criticism is best levied against. Is it the job of Lemmy/Mastodon to provide such a form of federation, or does the ActivityPub protocol needs to be ammended?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works to c/agora@sh.itjust.works

As a more casual user that has chosen ShitJustWorks as his new home instance, I don't feel inclined to participate daily in the internal politics of this instance. Yet (semi) daily, the Agora seems to vote on issues that will affect me directly, such as defederating from instances the thread-starters deem to be harmful, something I am fundamentally opposed to as long as the block functionailty is sufficient to filter content you really don't want to see.

I suspect that many more people on this instance feel the same way, not wanting to participate daily in internal politics that is, or aren't even aware of the voting power the Agora holds. After all, the fediverse explorer currently shows over 6000 users belonging to this instance, with over 2000 active monthly. Yet the most commented-on voting thread in here has merely 200 votes, so only 10% of users will change the rules for all users in this instance.

I fear a 'tyranny of the active few', to put it in hyperbolic terms, that has the potential to drive away the majority of people.

But I also recognize the usefulness of the Agora and as such, I would like to suggest some voting rules:

  • At any point in time, there will be just one voting thread open on the Agora where people get to decide on issues that will affect how the instance is run in the future, pinned at the very top.
  • In this thread, up to X number of top-level comments will represent the actual issues to vote on. I suggest 10 as the maximum number of different votes in such a voting thread.
  • Voting will run for a full month, to allow maximum participation.
  • Over the month, people can create discussion threads for issues and preliminary voting threads to include those issues in the main voting thread. The X most popular issues will be voted on in the next month's main voting thread.

By limiting the number of issues to vote on, bringing them together in one thread and giving ample time for users to participate in the voting, it will be easier for casual users to keep track on what is being voted on and foster a voting culture that is backed by the majoriry of this instance's users.

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joined 11 months ago