There was one way back in like.. '98? '99? Where it was just an old man sitting in a lawnchdor in front of a garage while a chimpanzee danced for 25 second. Then the screen whited out and it said "Well, we just wasted six million dollars. What are you doing with your money? E*TRADE."
Since the best moment of my life was probably snuggling with my wife post-coitus while eating pie; I suppose the worst moment has a bigger impact, in that I was upset about it for most of a week.
unto battle
You do things on purpose or by accident, you don't do anything on accident.
my house, my wool poncho, my kitchen knives, my digital music library
I mean, I pay more for eggs. That's it.
Wow, fun. 3 had so many improvements over 2, but some things that were so fun about 2 got left behind in 3 as well.
My usage is a roughly even split between games, music, and all other media (including social media).
Programming and other digital projects used to be on par with music but back then games was a clear first place and social media use was a blip.
I heard about an vlogger who concentrated on videos about broth, now she's a bouillonaire.
I saw her, she saw me, we both walked rapidly in opposite directions.
Even if you do, the deletion might not federate.