From the bones of a couple Costco rotisserie chickens and veggie scraps saved in the freezer. Only boiled the bones for a couple hours, so didn't get as much gelatin out of them as I'd like, but it was getting late. I also thought I had more pint jars, had to put the last bit of stock into a couple quart jars in the fridge.

Is it possible to mix jar sizes when canning? Assuming you process them all using timing for the larger jar size?

[Image description: five pint jars of opaque tan broth, still slightly bubbling as they cool on a towel on a kitchen counter. In the background a stock pot and an All American 910 can be seen.]

Marmalade in the making (sh.itjust.works)

A batch of ginger & citrus marmalade I made today, plus some ginger tea as a byproduct!

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by drhugsymcfur@lemmy.world to c/canning@midwest.social

I canned a few cups of apples this fall. Now that I pull the apples out for some baking, i find that my apples are just barely more firm than applesauce.

Does anyone have any tips on keeping apples firm after canning?


Wrote 23 on three jars before realizing.

Preserving (lemmy.world)

Is there any motivation techniques. We did soooo many gherkins last year. I find myself actively leaving the gherkins out of meals. Even though I used to buy them from shops and have them everyday.

I have 5 or 6 large jars in the pantry but I just can't seem to get through them. Was it the process that put me off. Hundreds of cucumbers to wash slice and then can.


Pictured is stewed tomato, salsa, spaghet sauce, tomato juice, marinara, ketchup, pickles, cranberries, gooseberry jam and ancient peaches from years gone. All sourced from a pretty modest sized garden. Not shown is sauerkraut and frozen corn

Apple Butter time! (lemmy.world)

My last batch was from two years ago, so I need to get on it and make more! Hopefully the 20lbs for 15 dollars is still a deal at the roadside stand where I get the apples!


Candied jalapeños from last year! Great with crackers and cream cheese


Attempting to can apples for the first time and I am pretty confident that I filled the can up to the 1/2" point before the headspace starts. But after I pulled them out of the canner I have a good 1" of only liquid that the apples are floating on.

Did I do something wrong?

Is there a good way to really pack apples into the can before they go into the canner to avoid this wasted space?

Summer's bounty (sh.itjust.works)

Week by week, my dragon's hoard grows (there are another 6 quart jars of canned peaches not in the picture)


Just apples, pumpkin, peanut butter and some spices... this was a fun afternoon project, and they turned out delicious!

non-standard recipes (midwest.social)
submitted 10 months ago by Bob@midwest.social to c/canning@midwest.social

So I'm interested in grinding up some fruits (strawberries or whatever) and just throwing them in a jar and preserving them. Basically I want to make a jam without pectin or sugar. How terrible of an idea is this?

submitted 10 months ago by thrawn21@lemmy.world to c/canning@midwest.social

Been wanting an All American for ages, and keeping an eye on local ads finally paid off! Thinking of getting back some precious freezer space and starting off by canning some stock.

[Image description: a brand-new looking All American canner 910 sitting on a kitchen counter]


(Humble brag intro)

Today I was able to score used All American 921 and 910 canners for $35 picked up! The canners were sold but the niece of the original owner with no known history.

In doing my research, my understanding is that this brand is built solid! That said, does anyone have experience giving an all American canner a tune up?

My general approach:

  1. Inspect for any structural issues
  2. Take everything apart and clean it
  3. Clean and buff the body with a scouring pad (not steel wool)
  4. Replace the safety blow plug

Is there anything else you’d recommend?



My cold room. Bottom shelf is dehydrated food, the rest is pickled food and jams.

So many jams...

Too many jams...

submitted 11 months ago by Okokimup@lemmy.world to c/canning@midwest.social

Hi all, has anyone experienced this? I was just canning chicken broth in my pressure canner, and the overpressure plug blew out, releasing all the pressure. I lost a good 25% of my broth.

I had previously removed the plug to use the canner as a water bath, so maybe I didn't have it in right. Or maybe the pressure was too high. The presto manual says to not use the canner until I call them (not open until tomorrow). The plug doesn't appear damaged at all.

I was wondering if anyone's been through this? Did you have to replace the plug? Should I assume the lids are no longer suitable for sealing?

Beginners guides (midwest.social)

Hi all. Does anyone in the community have a good beginners guide? I'd like to learn how to do this and don't have a great resource.

lamb rack (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by phthalocyanin@lemmy.world to c/canning@midwest.social

alt text: in the foreground a rack of lamb ribs perches golden brown on a grate above an outdoor fire. Smoke dances in the middle ground, partially obscuring a tenant farmer's cottage seen in behind.


Definitely not recent, but I figured I could help get some content going. So here is my jam shelf from the Covid times. Jam making is a hobby of mine in the summer and I went a little wild with flavors that year since there wasn't anything else to do and I could send them to people.

Top shelf from left to right: Lemon Curd, Port Plum, Apricot, Strawberry Zinfandel, Peach Bourbon, Verry Berry, Peach, (small jar) apple butter from the year before, (large jar) Chili sauce, raspberry.

On the bottom shelf are various garnishes for cocktails that I didn't really can so much, but I thought I would list for those curious. (If you like cocktails, join us over on !cocktails@midwest.social). From left to right of what I can see: Smoked Salt, Cinnamon Sticks, Whole Nutmeg, Dried Lime Wheels, Candied Ginger, Tea Pot.

Not pictured: That years apple butter batch! I always make a massive batch of apple butter when my parents apples ripen. It often makes about 20 jars!

Howdy howdy (midwest.social)

Didn't see any other channels on canning and food preservation, so I made one.

Canning & Food Preservation

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Canning and preserving food. Includes dehydrating, freeze-drying, etc.

founded 11 months ago