No shit!
On the carpet you mean?
Good thing they're following up on it. I tried myself on the basis of this article and got conveniently ignored (and was a bit too lazy to follow up on it), but I know others who got sidelined with the same bullshit arguments that are now, finally, being questioned.
We also can't plant enough trees to mitigate climate change.
This specific 'Evras' curriculum has existed since 2012, but wasn't obligatory. I think it's more than just the biology-stuff, but also talking about sexuality that people are angry about. I mean, repression of sexuality has always worked before, hasn't it? /s
This won't do, they don't have a pun or funny reference in their URL!
I hope we won't have forgotten about this extreme summer by november, when the COP happens...
The clip of him explaining the camera images could've fitted perfectly in a Willy's & Marjetten episode. The parochiality of it all is hilarious.
Really goes for almost everything. I don't want my machines and appliances to be 'smart' and 'connected'. I just want them to do the thing I use them for, that's it.
I thought those poor fils-à-papa had their whole future careers ruined by this court case? It's as if certain classes have more (financial, cultural and social) capital to mitigate this all, who would've thought?
Are those the ones that grow and bloom in front of the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula?
He never was. It was clear from the beginning for those willing to see. Which the party itself wasn't, since he was so popular.