"Käptn Meinungsfreiheit" war wieder am Werk.
Das Lustige ist, dass alle immer "Meinungsfreiheit für alle" verstanden haben, er aber nur "Meinungsfreiheit nur für Elon Musk" meint.
Dass er dafür 44 Mrd. USD ausgibt darf man schon zum Anlass nehmen, an seinem Verstand zu zweifeln.
In Germany, the far left and the far right are most definitely pro-russia, each for their own reasons. The far right loves a Führer-like figure and that "minorities" are being actively discriminated in Russia, the left still considers Russia as being "anti-imperialist" even though Russia is definititely acting imperialistic af. And they are anti NATO. Russia considers both the german far left and far right as useful anti-NATO and anti-EU idiots, which aligns with their intentions. Thus they provide funding and relevance to them.
However, left/right moderates and liberals are pro Ukraine and they are the majority.