Seeing a very popular and powerful $5 OS next to $100 Windows cards at the store would be pretty compelling. I guess their advantage would still be that all you need is a code to install Windows on many machines while you need to boot into an external drive to install Ubuntu (and any other OS).
Ligma balls
Neoplastic polyps, even
Wouldn't happen
I'm not familiar with this situation. Is Lex affiliated with Gus Johnson? That's who I'm wondering about.
I'm still not sure what "receipts" you're talking about
Can you link it? I have no idea what you're talking about. Based on how all his friends left him, I think that's telling too. Those people ACTUALLY know the situation
Simping is not the same as lacking a reasonable alternative
Sadly, eagles don't sound nearly as cool and I originally thought. Somehow, I got the impression that the bald eagle has some loud and menacing scream, but that scream actually belongs to some type of hawk. The bald eagle sounds much wimpier.
Yeah, I feel like US trucks really should be company vehicles for the most part. That'd be a decent niche imo. And if it's company money, they'd probably go with the cheaper option anyway