Dumb distractions, and nothing that has come from these hearings is saying anything we didn't know. Even the "nom-human biologics" is nothing more than a quote from one person whose opinion on the matter is nothing more than a random anecdote. It's a joke, but people love this shit
They should get better training then. Most managers and leadership actually get virtually zero genuine management training at all. This is what I teach and it blows my mind people just totally wing a job like that.
I think she was a complicated person who struggled in a lot of ways, but she did apologize for saying this...https://people.com/music/sinead-oconnor-apologizes-saying-white-people-disgusting/
I'll never understand the switch to Islam though, but then again, I'll probably never understand why anyone chooses any religion either -- Especially someone who took the kinds of positions she had taken earlier in life. People are complicated. I won't hold that against her.
Floating balloons are also a common sight and they account for the vast majority of these UFO videos. It's really not that great of a mystery that tens of thousands of balloons are let go of on a daily basis and just floating around. When looking at a fixed object while in a fast moving object you end up with some interesting illusions. UFOs are seen regularly because a lot of things out there are unidentifiable, but that doesn't mean they are aliens. Shit loads of balloons though. 🎈
"Megathread" for one of the 25 Technology magazines on this site doesn't really work. That concept might work on Reddit but it really doesn't work here with all of the tech forums being so distributed. There can't be common sizing of rules unfortunately. I'm still scrolling past dozens of the same article, or 6 other megathreads for the same topic.
Trump isn't in charge of anything at this point. He has no power, especially in a courtroom. He'll never willingly go on the stand because he knows that. Right now he's just doing the same shit he always does.
He's been doing work still (two movies this year) and I'd imagine some directors might start to bring him back in on indie stuff which is where he's usually best anyway.
The Gulf Stream will probably collapse and be reshaped eventually. We've known that for quite some time now. Fortunately, this doesn't seem to be suggesting anything new or any genuinely imminent threat.
While there are indeed a great many forest fires happening around the world, and no shortage of them across Sicily, this is an artists rendering and not an actual satellite photo. The actual fires are FAR more localized, and this kind of hyper sensationalized reporting just does a disservice to the actual severity of the situation. It's a big enough problem even without the sensationalism.
Incompetence. The fact that the vast majority of these sightings can be attributed to faulty equipment, user error, or mistaking a floating balloon as a UAP is a look the military would prefer not to externalize. There's genuinely nothing more to it than that. The military has secrets. Nothing new there. But they aren't flying secret drones over carrier groups in the gulf. They do them at closed off test sites.