Manhunter (1986)

In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, baby.

Absolutely not. The deer have become a big problem since they have insufficient natural predators around here, so anything that people can do to reduce their survival rate is a good thing. My little guy is just doing his part.

Jellyfin and Yunohost are two projects that have simplified self-hosting and made it accessible for me. I just think more progress can be made in that direction.

and yet, here we are, on lemmy.

As far as I can tell, you are not self-hosting the Divisions by Zero Lemmy instance, so I'm not sure what your point is there. I am actually self-hosting my lemmy.crimedad.work instance with the help of Yunohost.

That bimbo is out there somewhere. He'll be fine.

He was slowly laying down as I took the photo and eventually did. However, he only had a few minutes to relax before my dog scared him off.


cross-posted from: https://pixelfed.crimedad.work/p/crimedad/702253073847662361

I think this was the little reprobate that woke me up at 1am screaming for its mama.

#deer #fawn #nature #lawn #green #wildlife


[-] CrimeDad@lemmy.crimedad.work 1 points 2 days ago

you also need to remember that this is literally a turn key product, that literally every cloud provider sells

I am unaware of server products that I can just buy, plug in, and get up and running in minutes with my own ActivityPub instances, media storage/streaming, XMPP messaging, and etc. If they really exist, please share links.

There's certainly value in doing this stuff the hard way, but the goal should be for self-hosting to be as easy as signing up with Google, Facebook, Spotify, etc. There aren't enough people with the time and curiosity to figure out the current state of self-hosting and make a dent in the three website problem.

[-] CrimeDad@lemmy.crimedad.work 2 points 3 days ago

Lol I know what you mean. Maybe I am speaking more to the ideal of the home network printer than real life. My experience with them over the last twelve years or so hasn't been as terrible as yours, but it hasn't been perfect either.

[-] CrimeDad@lemmy.crimedad.work 3 points 3 days ago

Hopefully that path is mostly precluded if an open source project like Yunohost is used as a basis.

[-] CrimeDad@lemmy.crimedad.work 4 points 3 days ago

Part of what I like about it is that it's not pretending to be something else. It looks like a an extremely secure, resilient building, which is exactly what it is, but it still looks good.

[-] CrimeDad@lemmy.crimedad.work 34 points 3 days ago

If self-hosting is going to become commonplace, then it needs to be easier than setting up a network printer. People should be able to just buy a computer (maybe a laptop for integral screen and UPS) preloaded with something like Yunohost, but with a sleek GUI. It has to have good wizards that walk you through everything including setting up a domain and email.


cross-posted from: https://pixelfed.crimedad.work/p/crimedad/701420324655555426

I was summoned for jury duty and all I got was this pretty photograph.

#architecture #NewJersey #Newark #BlueSky



cross-posted from: https://pixelfed.crimedad.work/p/crimedad/701420324655555426

I was summoned for jury duty and all I got was this pretty photograph.

#architecture #NewJersey #Newark #BlueSky


The doctor is in. [OC] (pixelfed.crimedad.work)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by CrimeDad@lemmy.crimedad.work to c/pics@lemmy.world
My scruffy little guy. [OC] (pixelfed.crimedad.work)
My scruffy little guy. (pixelfed.crimedad.work)
Sedition Draft 2024 (soundcloud.com)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.crimedad.work/post/79922

cross-posted from: https://jorts.horse/users/fathermcgruder/statuses/112382695820456151

The tardy boys making excellent points on how Biden has co-opted Trump's platform. We're basically in for a third Trump term no matter what.

Trillbilly Worker's Party: Episode 341: Sedition Draft 2024

Episode webpage: https://soundcloud.com/user-972848621-463073718/episode-341-sedition-draft-2024

Media file: https://feeds.soundcloud.com/stream/1812903990-user-972848621-463073718-episode-341-sedition-draft-2024.mp3

#politics #Trump #Biden #election2024


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