
joined 6 months ago
[–] 12 points 4 hours ago

I'm so sick of these impossible beauty standards.

[–] 7 points 11 hours ago

An embarrassing photo of Spongebob from the Christmas party.

[–] 5 points 12 hours ago

I've been getting back into playing The Finals lately. Kinda similar to Splitgate, in that the mechanics are easy to understand and mastering them will yield you a lot of fun and victory. The movement is very snappy, there's a lot of variety in how you can play, and matches are relatively quick.

It's an objective-based shooter, so you won't win just by getting kills; you have to complete a specific goal before your enemies to actually win. So it's a bit like Overwatch or TF2 in that regard (kinda dated references, I know) in terms of goals and a player's abilities. And the gunplay feels very much like Battlefield, which would make sense because ex-DICE devs worked on this game, I believe. It's also got crossplay.

It's got a seasonal/live service model for cosmetics. The battle pass and any other MTX are all only for cosmetics, though; unlocking weapons/abilities can only be done through gameplay, with no skip mechanics. So no weapons, abilities, maps, game modes, etc can be bought with real money at all. Figured I'd mention, since I know that's a turnoff for a lot of people, but I've been enjoying it as a free player.

[–] 3 points 12 hours ago

Nah he's just always had no self awareness when it comes to the noises he makes. Lots of loud chewing while you're trying to eat, grunting and snorting in the middle of a conversation, full-volume "whispering" in movie theaters, etc. He's not even hard of hearing or anything (dude hears like a bat, honestly), he's just a very loud guy lmao

[–] 14 points 13 hours ago (3 children)

Thank goodness the cops were there, that lunatic could've really hurt somebody!

[–] 9 points 13 hours ago (4 children)

I miss the arcade-y feel of older racing games. Everything these days tries too hard to be a simulator, that they end up stripping the fun out of it. I want sparks to fly out of my tires when I drift even though they're rubber and wouldn't actually do that, I want wacky announcers with color commentary, I don't want to shift gears.

I want games like Ridge Racer and Need for Speed to make a comeback.

[–] 26 points 18 hours ago (2 children)

My stepdad would eat bananas with his mouth wide open as he chewed. And he'd chew each bite for a solid minute before swallowing. Even though it's a banana and you can literally just mash it agains the roof of your mouth with your tongue. He would do this as he was driving, so I think he'd just get distracted and forget that he was still chewing food. But it made every ride to school in the morning an absolute living hell.

So I'm gonna go with bananas.

[–] 45 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

I'll bet he also made up the story about not fucking a couch.

[–] 26 points 19 hours ago (3 children)

This is a really interesting situation. Even though this isn't a content update, it's still a pretty significant update for a game that has nobody left on the development team, which is almost a "ghost in the shell" scenario on its own. I'm guessing the work from this was done largely by Intel and/or AMD. And it makes sense why they'd be pushing out updates for a game that the studio has stopped working on; people still use CP77 to show off the capabilities of their high-end PCs, which is free advertising for these guys.

I just love that we got to see Cyberpunk go from "so broken that it was pulled from stores" to "THE benchmark game".

[–] 17 points 20 hours ago

I dunno who needed to hear this today, but AimLabs is free on Steam.

[–] 10 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

Outside of our very small internet bubble, yes that's an incredibly unpopular opinion. By and large, people love Twitter, as evidenced by it still being one of the most-used platforms around.

[–] 2 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

All the more reason it doesn't need to be on the internet.


This 16 year old video randomly showed up in my recommendations tonight. This is one of the coolest juggling routines I've ever seen.


Hey guys! I've just recently gotten into collecting pocket knives, and I wanna make sure I'm taking proper care of them. My last two purchases have been karambits, both with fairly steep recurved blades, whose edges I'd like to be able to maintain.

I know that normal sharpening stones aren't going to allow me enough contact with the blade to actually put an edge on it, so I've picked up a Smith's DRET sharpener and have been practicing on an old dull knife with a stiletto blade, just to try to get some basics down. I'm getting better with it, but I'm struggling to get an even, consistent edge. Even without any special optics, I can see with my own eyes that I've got wildly uneven angles.

Granted, I'm practicing with a very low-quality knife that was already in pretty rough shape. I've managed to get the edge from "literally unable to break the skin with 20 pounds of pressure and aggressive sawing motions on my forearm" to "can cut through paper with about half of the blade before bunching up", though it's come at a cost of scratching the absolute hell out of the rest of the blade (which is just me being sloppy).

I figure that once I'm able to get competent enough with sharpening a normal blade shape that I'll move on to testing with a donor karambit. I picked up a super cheap, mall-ninja-ass karambit on Amazon because the reviews were all poor and said that the knife arrived completely dull, so I figured this would be perfect to practice sharpening. Unfortunately, it arrived with a surprisingly sharp edge, so I'm gonna have to abuse this knife for a bit before I can even practice anything on it.

Just curious what sort of tools y'all recommend for dealing with recurved blades, or any techniques I could try to incorporate into my practicing. Thanks!


Hey guys! This might be a bit of a longshot since I don't think this knife is too popular, so I don't expect a lot of people to have experience with it. I recently purchased a Reate Exo-K, and I absolutely love it. It's in no way a practical or useful knife, it's dangerous to the user and its own self, and it's illegal to carry in a lot of places. But it's fun, and that's what matters to me.

I often will idly flip the knife open and closed while working, and from the beginning there was always a little amount of rattle when deploying it. After having it for about a week or so, it feels like all the pivot points have gotten a bit looser, which I think is to be expected after breaking it in a little.

But now it's beginning to feel like there's more play going side-to-side with the arm, causing more rattle than before. While held in the normal reverse grip, it tightens right back up and there's virtually no play, so I'm not worried about it falling apart on me while I'm actually trying to cut something with it, but I'm worried that the arm may come apart somehow during deployment. Since a flipping motion is required to open this, I worry that I may end up launching a razor sharp blade in a random direction at considerable speed, which... isn't good.

For what it's worth, this is how much space I'm getting between the arm and the handle when in the open position. That much space exists while the lock is engaged. I'm not sure if this is typical for the Exo-K, or if this is an excessive gap.

Compared to the trainer, there's a significantly larger gap and louder rattle. But they're made from very different materials, so I won't know how much I can reliably compare the two.

Just curious to know if anyone else has had this happen with theirs and is normal, or if I should reach out to Reate for a warranty claim.


Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment which states that an otherwise benevolent artificial superintelligence (AI) in the future would be incentivized to create a virtual reality simulation to torture anyone who knew of its potential existence but did not directly contribute to its advancement or development, in order to incentivize said advancement.It originated in a 2010 post at discussion board LessWrong, a technical forum focused on analytical rational enquiry. The thought experiment's name derives from the poster of the article (Roko) and the basilisk, a mythical creature capable of destroying enemies with its stare.

While the theory was initially dismissed as nothing but conjecture or speculation by many LessWrong users, LessWrong co-founder Eliezer Yudkowsky reported users who panicked upon reading the theory, due to its stipulation that knowing about the theory and its basilisk made one vulnerable to the basilisk itself. This led to discussion of the basilisk on the site being banned for five years. However, these reports were later dismissed as being exaggerations or inconsequential, and the theory itself was dismissed as nonsense, including by Yudkowsky himself. Even after the post's discreditation, it is still used as an example of principles such as Bayesian probability and implicit religion. It is also regarded as a simplified, derivative version of Pascal's wager.

Found out about this after stumbling upon this Kyle Hill video on the subject. It reminds me a little bit of "The Game".


Don't poke the Viper in the jungle unless you're ready for the venom.


From the upcoming album “Cellophane Memories”by Chrystabell and David Lynch out on Sacred Bones Records on August 2, 2024.

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