[-] Bob@midwest.social 6 points 2 weeks ago

A million percent AI.

[-] Bob@midwest.social 6 points 2 weeks ago

Lemmy has lots of "both sides" bullshit, to the point where people are now making fun of that argument before it even presents itself.

submitted 3 weeks ago by Bob@midwest.social to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml
[-] Bob@midwest.social 1 points 3 weeks ago

Sure, but don't make promises if you're not gonna keep them. I'm all for nonproliferation, and I see the failure to help defend Ukraine to be a big problem in when convincing other countries they don't need nukes.

[-] Bob@midwest.social 2 points 3 weeks ago

This is what happens when you promise you'd protect a country if they gave up their nukes, and then you don't protect that country when they get invaded.

[-] Bob@midwest.social 6 points 3 weeks ago

Hells yeah! A reminder to everyone: progress takes a lot of slow and hard work. They want you to give up. Start a fight and keep it up!

[-] Bob@midwest.social 4 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

What is it about role-playing that's strictly masculine? Like, why does the group have to be gendered?

[-] Bob@midwest.social 6 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

I just fucking tried to look up cholegolasterol.

submitted 4 weeks ago by Bob@midwest.social to c/music@beehaw.org
[-] Bob@midwest.social 18 points 1 month ago

Don't pin this shit on me.

submitted 1 month ago by Bob@midwest.social to c/usa@midwest.social
[-] Bob@midwest.social 15 points 1 month ago

Whiter than... Something really white.

[-] Bob@midwest.social 3 points 1 month ago

Put some soles on these and make thieves wear them instead of throwing them in jail.

[-] Bob@midwest.social 5 points 3 months ago

You seem to have not actually said that, though.

submitted 3 months ago by Bob@midwest.social to c/2007scape@lemmy.world

submitted 3 months ago by Bob@midwest.social to c/android@lemdro.id

Yeah. They did exactly that

submitted 4 months ago by Bob@midwest.social to c/ohio@midwest.social
submitted 4 months ago by Bob@midwest.social to c/usa@lemmy.ml

If you live in New Hampshire, I suggest you call your state legislators to support this bill. Approval Voting is a very small change that goes a long way! If you don't live in New Hampshire, send this to someone who does!

A Dog and His Domain (midwest.social)
submitted 8 months ago by Bob@midwest.social to c/aww@lemmy.world
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Bob@midwest.social to c/indiana@midwest.social

Alt text: A photo of Mike Pence in a leather biker vest with a bunch of bland patches on it, like two different Indiana patches and an American flag patch. He's got both hands outward and his fingers are pointing, reminiscent of that old Steve Martin sketch where him and Dan Aykroyd are The Festrunk Brothers, "just two wild and crazy guys."

non-standard recipes (midwest.social)
submitted 10 months ago by Bob@midwest.social to c/canning@midwest.social

So I'm interested in grinding up some fruits (strawberries or whatever) and just throwing them in a jar and preserving them. Basically I want to make a jam without pectin or sugar. How terrible of an idea is this?

submitted 10 months ago by Bob@midwest.social to c/ohio@midwest.social

The state legislature is trying to make it harder for the people to have a say in their democracy. Vote "No!" Retain the right to amend the constitution, or else the bar will be set so high only the legislature will get to propose amendments!

That's it. That's the post. Drag your friends to the polls, too, while you're at it.

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